Zone1 Why Do White Americans, Have a Problem Learning About Black History? Michael Steele from IPPH


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Mar 11, 2015
Recently there has been a trend on college campuses to create courses that discuss the concept of whiteness. Once that began, the usual suspects started complaining about racism against whites. Never mind that black studies departments exist. Hence the current movement to cleanse our history books of everything they believe makes European descendants look bad.

Black conservatives such as Michael Steele are part of the great tradition established by great black Republicans of the past. Other current black Republicans disrespect the memory and honor of those same great black Republicans. The black Republican tradition was pro-black advancement in the quest for absolute equality, not the garbage you see, read or hear from the black Rrepublicans today who whine about being called sellouts or Uncle Toms. Michael Steele is a black Republican who is not an Uncle Tom.
Michael Steele is a black Republican who is not an Uncle Tom.
Wasn't he a black Republican of the neoconservative Bush era? What was the GOP doing for black America during the Bush terms, and what was Steele trying to convivnce his fellow white Republicans to do about black America? That was when it mattered, not now.

You need to have a satisfactory answer to that question first.
Wasn't he a black Republican of the neoconservative Bush era? What was the GOP doing for black America during the Bush terms, and what was Steele trying to convivnce his fellow white Republicans to do about black America? That was when it mattered, not now.

You need to have a satisfactory answer to that question first.
Steele was RNC Chair, he wanted to expand the Republican Party into the black community. The Republican party fired him after he helped them get a record victory. Steele was doing then what he is now. I disagree wth him on policy but he is not and never has been, running around black talking about how racism doesn't exist or how white supremaxcy is fake like black republicans we see now.
Recently there has been a trend on college campuses to create courses that discuss the concept of whiteness. Once that began, the usual suspects started complaining about racism against whites. Never mind that black studies departments exist. Hence the current movement to cleanse our history books of everything they believe makes European descendants look bad.

Black conservatives such as Michael Steele are part of the great tradition established by great black Republicans of the past. Other current black Republicans disrespect the memory and honor of those same great black Republicans. The black Republican tradition was pro-black advancement in the quest for absolute equality, not the garbage you see, read or hear from the black Rrepublicans today who whine about being called sellouts or Uncle Toms. Michael Steele is a black Republican who is not an Uncle Tom.

No problem learning about black history. Just not skewed by racist blacks, bub. For instance, I would not want to be in a class taught by IM2. I would want to be in a class that speaks the truth and not hateful, prejudicial propaganda. And that is pretty hard to do, since most blacks suffer from slave mentality.

Beverly Hillbillies movies.jpg
No problem learning about black history. Just not skewed by racist blacks, bub. For instance, I would not want to be in a class taught by IM2. I would want to be in a class that speaks the truth and not hateful, prejudicial propaganda. And that is pretty hard to do, since most blacks suffer from slave mentality.

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You can't face the truth. To you the truth is hateful prejudicial propaganda.
Who the F doesn’t know about black history? Dey wuz Kangz, invented twerking. Lots of them are transgender people.

Why do black people have a problem learning about black Trans history? Black trans people built the black community.
We already learn about slavery and Jim Crowe in school.

And news flash: delving into more detail and taking up limited classroom time when the majority of our kids can’t pass Engkish or math is just going to make America slip further behind competitively.

Every kid in the Baltimore system graduates feeling like a victim of whites’ oppression, but not a damn one can write a simple sentence or do basic math.
Recently there has been a trend on college campuses to create courses that discuss the concept of whiteness. Once that began, the usual suspects started complaining about racism against whites. Never mind that black studies departments exist. Hence the current movement to cleanse our history books of everything they believe makes European descendants look bad.

Black conservatives such as Michael Steele are part of the great tradition established by great black Republicans of the past. Other current black Republicans disrespect the memory and honor of those same great black Republicans. The black Republican tradition was pro-black advancement in the quest for absolute equality, not the garbage you see, read or hear from the black Rrepublicans today who whine about being called sellouts or Uncle Toms. Michael Steele is a black Republican who is not an Uncle Tom.

The great Black leaders rejected both approaches and leaned on Jesus to bring this about

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