The left has embraced fascism in its purest form

Remember when the polls said Hillary Clinton would “win in a landslide” and take “South Carolina”?? 😂 😂 😂
hillary started losing in the polls the last two months of the election ... could that be where you republican took a nonissue like her emails and turned it into something it wasn't ... just like they are trying to do with Biden impeachment charges??? that's going nowhere... but you repub-lie -tards will push it up to the election ... where he wins the election because the voters have finally caught on to how immoral you repub-lie-tards are ...
Glad you were amused... however, the accuracy of the observation stands.

For decades now, Republicans don't win the White House without a big crossover of Independents and Fair-Weather Democrats.

It's what happened in 2016... your refusal to see it clearly is not my cross to bear in life.
you are stupid that's all I can say
I claimed that a combination of Independents AND "Reagan" (crossover) Democrats lost the election for Tubby in 2020...

Just as a combination of independents AND "Reagan" (crossover) Democrats won the election for Tubby in 2016...

I serve-up Wisconsin, Ohio, Pennsylvania and Michigan in 2016 as irrefutable evidence of the correctness of that observation...

As to him being "my idiot"... that is going to come as a surprise to the various MAGAtts that haunt this backwater...

As to your personal insults during the course of this exchange... your misdirected angst isn't my cross to bear in life...

It's not the person with the most popular votes who wins? Really? Golly-gosh gee-whiz, Batman... :auiqs.jpg:

No $hit, Sherlock... but we're lucky that we have you here to point out these things to us re-tards, eh, Captain Obvious?

One does not secure an Electoral College majority without dominating enough States to rack-up a winning nationwide score.

Republicans do not dominate States like Wisconsin, Ohio, Pennsylvania and Michigan easily...

They need large numbers of Independents, combined with Reagan (crossover) Democrats in order to win such States.

Just ask Shrillary.

The matter is closed.
ya just can't fix stupid
You have correctly diagnosed Rumpian MAGA cultists.


You would be a perfect fit to join those Brown Shirts.

Now... go away... shoo, fly...
See what I told you all !!! Dirt stupid … tells us Biden is doing a bad job … and yet the market went over 40,000 and this repub-lie clown wants to call
Us brown shirts … what a clown…
now explain this
Ex-Trump lawyer Rudy Giuliani was served notice late Friday of his Arizona indictment in the alleged scheme to overturn 2020 presidential election results in former President Trump's favor, per the state's attorney general.

Why it matters: Giuliani, who was served the same day as his 80th birthday party in Palm Beach, Florida, is the last defendant indicted in the case. It made Arizona the fourth state to charge electors with falsely casting votes for Trump in states President Biden picked up. so explain to us all kondor3 why are they finally going after the last one ... could it be everybody else is in jail could that be it kondor3 trump is next
In 1983, Saddam Hussein purged the Ba’ath Party of Ba’athists.

Did Saddam “part” from the Ba’ath Party? Why do you refuse to address that fact?

That’s rhetorical. We all know why. Because it proves you’re lying through your teeth.

Baathism is very vague.. even in Syria. You're a waste of time.
evidence really ??? Do you need evidence that Biden had 7 million more votes than Trump you are that stupid???
7 million more votes isn’t “evidence” that the U.S. is vastly liberal, you ignorant tool.

Do you think 100% of people from both parties vote in every election? Furthermore, the election was an indictment on Trump, not “evidence” of the U.S. being ultra liberal 🤦‍♂️

You’re so damn desperate, it’s just sad. You were challenged for evidence and couldn’t produce any.
Baathism is very vague.. even in Syria. You're a waste of time.
You’re failing so hard 😂

The Ba’ath Party isn’t “vague” snowflake. It’s an actual party. And Saddam Hussein killed dozens and dozens of members. Not because he “broke with the party”, but because that’s what viscous dictators do. They kill anyone they view as a potential threat to their power.
How embarrassing for you surada and billyerock123. I’ve filled this thread with mountains and mountains of indisputable evidence that you’re both devoted fascists supporting the fascist party in the U.S. And here is more:

You’re failing so hard 😂

The Ba’ath Party isn’t “vague” snowflake. It’s an actual party. And Saddam Hussein killed dozens and dozens of members. Not because he “broke with the party”, but because that’s what viscous dictators do. They kill anyone they view as a potential threat to their power.

Lolol. Saddam Hussein was no threat to the US or his neighbors. Iraq was crippled by 2 decades of war and sanctions.
Glad you were amused... however, the accuracy of the observation stands.

For decades now, Republicans don't win the White House without a big crossover of Independents and Fair-Weather Democrats.

It's what happened in 2016... your refusal to see it clearly is not my cross to bear in life.
Lying appears to be your cross … from day one it has been the independent voter that has got any politition elected… no democrat ever voted for a Republican … what they did do is vote for a independent or a liberal running for office … the cross you will bear is you being responsible for the down fall of the United States of America…. If Donald trump gets elected… he is trying to Turn this country into a fascist state … you can deny it all you please,!but These are the facts…
How embarrassing for you surada and billyerock123. I’ve filled this thread with mountains and mountains of indisputable evidence that you’re both devoted fascists supporting the fascist party in the U.S. And here is more:

Your post are from conspiracy theorist … Your post are baselist can’t really taken you serious … you are sooooooo brain washed it’s really a waste of my time proving you wrong … I got better post to deal with … democrats were never or would never accept a fascist state … believe what your want … it hard to deal with someone who can’t reason … when I tell my democrat friends about your defense they look they just laugh at you … I say look at this person are they a joke or what … they just laugh at you and shake their heads
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Lolol. Saddam Hussein was no threat to the US or his neighbors. Iraq was crippled by 2 decades of war and sanctions.
“LOLOL” - nobody was taking about “the U.S.” or “his neighbors”. I’ve seen toddlers with more intellect and better ability to follow a conversation than you.

Also, Saddam Hussien invaded Iran in the 1980’s and Kuwait in the 1990’s, you uninformed clown. So yes, he absolutely was a “threat to his neighbors”
Your post are from conspiracy theorist …
Wait. Wait. Wait. Left-wing is a “conspiracy theorist” in your mind? Really? 😂

Could you be any more desperate right now? You’re completely incapable of coming up with even the most rudimentary defense.
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