The left has embraced fascism in its purest form

he wasn't voted in by any Reagan Democrats... he didn't win the popular vote ...he lost that by 2 million plus ... if the republicans hadn't played their games over emails which turned out to be nothing she would have won ... regan democrats ... now thats funny ...
Glad you were amused... however, the accuracy of the observation stands.

For decades now, Republicans don't win the White House without a big crossover of Independents and Fair-Weather Democrats.

It's what happened in 2016... your refusal to see it clearly is not my cross to bear in life.
Glad you were amused... however, the accuracy of the observation stands.

For decades now, Republicans don't win the White House without a big crossover of Independents and Fair-Weather Democrats.

It's what happened in 2016... your refusal to see it clearly is not my cross to bear in life.
Hate to burst your bubble but trump was by electoral votes … that was cast by independents voters not democrats voters … he lost the 2020 election by the same reason … same electoral votes elected Biden due to independent voters …

right now as we speak Biden has started leading in the polls … it’s looking like he will take those same states to win the electoral votes he needs … all by independents not democrats …… can’t help you don’t have a clue in what you are talking about …

the term Reagan democrats was a right wing phrase not a phrase that democrats ever used … it made you republicans feel all warm a fuzzy … no such thing as Reagan democrats … there was a bunch of Reagan republicans who started voting for democrats … but they were never Democratic … your party started calling them Reagan democrats … but they were never democrats … that’s a name you republicans raged them with.. of course you have no idea what I’m saying here cause you don’t do research
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Look out here comes a nuke in your valley … hope that guy in the sky can save you … pray your ass off … cause you keep getting your ass kicked here …

I spent over 20 years helping to prevent a Nuke War and, obviously, I was successful. And there are thousands today that are doing the same thing. And it helps to believe in a God, Gods or even worship a rock like you do for it to continue.

And I'll say a prayer for you.
The left has embraced fascism in its purest form. Their entire mindset is: either bow to our ideology, or we will do everything in our power to destroy you. No tolerance for any thoughts or views other than the progressive thoughts and views.

View attachment 569706
The Fascists are MAGA.
Is she the idiot or does she read the words of idiots?
The trouble is that for the American audience it's normal, no one there will think about it and can't think. They said - Americans and Ukrainians fought together, shoulder to shoulder, against Hitler and the vile Stalin - so it was so ....

In 1933 Hitler purged the German government of Socialists, Communists, Jews and Democrats.
In 1983, Saddam Hussein purged the Ba’ath Party of Ba’athists.

Did Saddam “part” from the Ba’ath Party? Why do you refuse to address that fact?

That’s rhetorical. We all know why. Because it proves you’re lying through your teeth.
first of all, there is no god ...
First of all, it’s an absolutely indisputable fact that God exists. Only the dumbest of the absolute dumb blindly put FAITH that the entire universe wasn’t in fact a master design, but rather, a big dumb accident 🤣🤣🤣

The Fascists are MAGA.
That’s the exact response of a fascist. Blame the other side for your own crimes.

“MAGA” didn’t take anyone off of ballots. “MAGA” didn’t push Russian disinformation like the laughable Trump Dossier or the even more laughable the Hunter Biden Laptop from Hell is fake, disinformation campaign. “MAGA” didn’t spend 6 years violently assaulting anyone who wouldn’t bow to their ideology. And “MAGA” didn’t instruct social media platforms to take down any content that didn’t advance the leftist agenda.

You want to act like a fascist? Stop being a little bitch and own that shit. Don’t like the proper designation? Then stop acting like a fascist douche who supports fascism.
So in other words, you have no source, you have no facts, you have no evidence - you just made shit up.

Quintessential liberalism right there 😂
evidence really ??? Do you need evidence that Biden had 7 million more votes than Trump you are that stupid??? What's wrong with you repub-lie-tards ???? pick a news outlet ... FOX, NEWSMAX WORLD NET DAILY MSNBC, CBS, NBC, ABC, ANY ONE OF THEM ...THE NUMBERS THE ELECTION GAVE OUT your head that far up your ass ??? really ??? are you this ignorant to not know that Bidem had 7 million votes more than Trump... you probably did know that Hillary had 2.9 million more votes than Trump... or Al Gore had 540,000 more votes than Bush .... where is your head ??? no it's not made up ... its common knowledge of the average thinking person you idiot ...
Glad you were amused... however, the accuracy of the observation stands.

For decades now, Republicans don't win the White House without a big crossover of Independents and Fair-Weather Democrats.

It's what happened in 2016... your refusal to see it clearly is not my cross to bear in life.
In the 2016 election, Hillary had 2.9 million more votes than Trump... trump won because of the electoral college count of the east coast ... it had nothing to do with Reagan Democrats... you need to pull your head out ... where do you idiots come up with this shit ... Hillary lost Wisconsin. Pennsylvania, Georgia, Ohio,, Virginia, and Florida, and North Carolina, Virginia, is the reason Trump won just those states alone are 191 electoral votes ... in those states alone not one Democrat voted for Trump... not one
In the 2016 election, Hillary had 2.9 million more votes than Trump... trump won because of the electoral college count of the east coast ... it had nothing to do with Reagan Democrats... you need to pull your head out ... where do you idiots come up with this shit ... Hillary lost Wisconsin. Pennsylvania, Georgia, Ohio,, Virginia, and Florida, and North Carolina, Virginia, is the reason Trump won just those states alone are 191 electoral votes ... in those states alone not one Democrat voted for Trump... not one
Sorry. No sale.

You confuse popular vote with electoral college numbers.

Hillary lost those States you enumerate (above) BECAUSE of considerable cross-over of Independents and "Reagan" Democrats.

You appear to be as blind to that as was Hillary herself.



History repeating itself?
Sorry. No sale.

You confuse popular vote with electoral college numbers.

Hillary lost those States you enumerate (above) BECAUSE of considerable cross-over of Independents and "Reagan" Democrats.

You appear to be as blind to that as was Hillary herself.



History repeating itself?
I'm in no way confused it is you who has his head in his ass claimed the Reagan democrats are the reason your idiot got more votes ... I pointed out it was the voters in the states that have the most electoral votes got him elected .... I pointed out that Hillary got 2.9 million more votes than Trump but it was the electoral votes that got Trump elected not the votes cast by the voter you mornm ... what a joke you are... History repeating itself BS... its always been known by people running for the presidency if you get the votes from the East Coast you have 200 electoral votes which means you as a candidate only need 70 electoral votes to win... that's how Trump got elected that's how Bush got elected not by the Reagan democrats ...... which you, by the way, claimed that's how they got elected I very well know what's going on ... it's you who has no clue ... it's not the person with the most peoples votes that wins, its the person who get the most electoral votes that win you, moron ...
just to point out the recent polling for you republicans ...
Biden 47
and here's the killer that will make you mad
Trump 39
I'm in no way confused it is you who has his head in his ass claimed the Reagan democrats are the reason your idiot got more votes ...
I claimed that a combination of Independents AND "Reagan" (crossover) Democrats lost the election for Tubby in 2020...

Just as a combination of independents AND "Reagan" (crossover) Democrats won the election for Tubby in 2016...

I serve-up Wisconsin, Ohio, Pennsylvania and Michigan in 2016 as irrefutable evidence of the correctness of that observation...

As to him being "my idiot"... that is going to come as a surprise to the various MAGAtts that haunt this backwater...

As to your personal insults during the course of this exchange... your misdirected angst isn't my cross to bear in life...'s not the person with the most peoples votes that wins, its the person who get the most electoral votes that win you, moron ...
It's not the person with the most popular votes who wins? Really? Golly-gosh gee-whiz, Batman... :auiqs.jpg:

No $hit, Sherlock... but we're lucky that we have you here to point out these things to us re-tards, eh, Captain Obvious?

One does not secure an Electoral College majority without dominating enough States to rack-up a winning nationwide score.

Republicans do not dominate States like Wisconsin, Ohio, Pennsylvania and Michigan easily...

They need large numbers of Independents, combined with Reagan (crossover) Democrats in order to win such States.

Just ask Shrillary.

The matter is closed.
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Honestly I think Trump won in 2016 because Clinton voters just didn't turn up. They thought they had it won especially in the battleground states...
Clinton won the popular vote, so it’s hard to say dembots didn’t show up.

It’s just that the United States doesn’t reflect dembot values.
I claimed that a combination of Independents AND "Reagan" (crossover) Democrats lost the election for Tubby in 2020...
Clinton won the popular vote, so it’s hard to say dembots didn’t show up.

It’s just that the United States doesn’t reflect dembot values.

Just as a combination of independents AND "Reagan" (crossover) Democrats won the election for Tubby in 2016...

I serve-up Wisconsin, Ohio, Pennsylvania and Michigan in 2016 as irrefutable evidence of the correctness of that observation...

As to him being "my idiot"... that is going to come as a surprise to the various MAGAtts that haunt this backwater...

As to your personal insults during the course of this exchange... your misdirected angst isn't my cross to bear in life...

It's not the person with the most popular votes who wins? Really? Golly-gosh gee-whiz, Batman... :auiqs.jpg:

No $hit, Sherlock... but we're lucky that we have you here to point out these things to us re-tards, eh, Captain Obvious?
what you tried to claim about why Trump got elected ... it had nothing to do with any not one Reagan democrat ... he got elected by states that had the most electoral votes ... which takes about 10 states that will get him or her 200 electoral votes ... in none of these states had one Reagan democrats thats what you don't get, you're stupid ...
One does not secure an Electoral College majority without dominating enough States to rack-up a winning nationwide score.
are you this stupid that's what I said in my post and in this post ... trump won all the states with the most electoral votes, not by Reagan democrats ... pay attention if you're capable ...
Republicans do not dominate States like Wisconsin, Ohio, Pennsylvania and Michigan easily...

They need large numbers of Independents, combined with Reagan (crossover) Democrats in order to win such States.

Just ask Shrillary.

The matter is closed.

I claimed that a combination of Independents AND "Reagan" (crossover) Democrats lost the election for Tubby in 2020...

Just as a combination of independents AND "Reagan" (crossover) Democrats won the election for Tubby in 2016...

I serve-up Wisconsin, Ohio, Pennsylvania and Michigan in 2016 as irrefutable evidence of the correctness of that observation...

As to him being "my idiot"... that is going to come as a surprise to the various MAGAtts that haunt this backwater...

As to your personal insults during the course of this exchange... your misdirected angst isn't my cross to bear in life...

It's not the person with the most popular votes who wins? Really? Golly-gosh gee-whiz, Batman... :auiqs.jpg:

No $hit, Sherlock... but we're lucky that we have you here to point out these things to us re-tards, eh, Captain Obvious?

One does not secure an Electoral College majority without dominating enough States to rack-up a winning nationwide score.

Republicans do not dominate States like Wisconsin, Ohio, Pennsylvania and Michigan easily...

They need large numbers of Independents, combined with Reagan (crossover) Democrats in order to win such States.

Just ask Shrillary.

The matter is closed.
it's hard to deal with stupid people like you ... you have no idea what you are talking about can't seem to comprehend what you read, but thats typical of repub-lie-tards

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