'The dictionary definition of fascism': Conservative columnist condemns Donald Trump's MAGA 'cult'

“As Donald Trump continues collecting both GOP support and criminal indictments, the modern Republican Party seems to be sliding further into fascism. An unwavering loyalty to Trump—combined with an equally zealous dedication to undemocratic policies—makes it clear that Republicans are less concerned with the rule of law than in grabbing and holding on to power. Without a full understanding of the authoritarian threat posed by Republicans, many people will continue to mistake the GOP for a run-of-the-mill political party. And if that misconception holds in 2024, it may signal the end of the democratic experiment.”

“As Donald Trump continues collecting both GOP support and criminal indictments, the modern Republican Party seems to be sliding further into fascism. An unwavering loyalty to Trump—combined with an equally zealous dedication to undemocratic policies—makes it clear that Republicans are less concerned with the rule of law than in grabbing and holding on to power. Without a full understanding of the authoritarian threat posed by Republicans, many people will continue to mistake the GOP for a run-of-the-mill political party. And if that misconception holds in 2024, it may signal the end of the democratic experiment.”

/——/ We don’t buy your witch hunt.
Trump, his supporters, and much of the GOP are fundamentally fascist – illiberal, authoritarian, anti-democratic, exhibiting contempt for the rule of law.

Trump committed treasonous, historic crimes: attempting to overturn a presidential election, disenfranchise millions of Americans, and disrupt the peaceful transfer of power – all classic manifestations of fascism.
That is what you think and has not been proven! You took part in the biggest lie in history!
Trump, his supporters, and much of the GOP are fundamentally fascist – illiberal, authoritarian, anti-democratic, exhibiting contempt for the rule of law.

Trump committed treasonous, historic crimes: attempting to overturn a presidential election, disenfranchise millions of Americans, and disrupt the peaceful transfer of power – all classic manifestations of fascism.
As ALWAYS, the demented avenger subverted demoralized Stalinist Marxist Leninist zombie brainwashed ASSHOLES offer nothing but PROJECTION AND GASLIGHT THEATRE BULLSHIT.
Mrs.Jones is no exception.
‘William Saletan, a writer for the conservative website The Bulwark, defends President Joe Biden’s anti-MAGA use of the term “semi-fascism” in an article published on September 1.

“Republicans are furious over President Biden’s recent remarks linking Donald Trump and his supporters to ‘semi-fascism,’” Saletan writes. “For days, they’ve been all over TV and social media, denouncing Biden’s use of the F-word. But Biden was right. Many of the ideas and tactics deployed by Trump and his apologists, including those who decry Biden’s comparison, fit the dictionary definition of fascism.”
That has only become more apparent as time goes by. The plans by Trump lackeys for a second term would put the US squarely on the road to authoritarian governance.
Trump's conservatism puts America first. The middle class and the American worker is paramount. Neocons and Democrats spend their time kissing rich, establishment asses, hoping to get a campaign contribution. MAGA
Which is evident as Biden supposedly was going to show those rich corporations, of course he was lying as he knows they pay for his campaigns! The democrats hate successful people!
/---/ Which can't happen in our republic. How would Trump enforce a dictatorship? How?

They don't know. They are imagining. Just wait long enough and they'll find an answer for you, like all those pro-Palestine "protesters" -- they'll figure out who actually does have all your answers.

‘William Saletan, a writer for the conservative website The Bulwark, defends President Joe Biden’s anti-MAGA use of the term “semi-fascism” in an article published on September 1.

“Republicans are furious over President Biden’s recent remarks linking Donald Trump and his supporters to ‘semi-fascism,’” Saletan writes. “For days, they’ve been all over TV and social media, denouncing Biden’s use of the F-word. But Biden was right. Many of the ideas and tactics deployed by Trump and his apologists, including those who decry Biden’s comparison, fit the dictionary definition of fascism.”

Saletan stresses that refusing to accept democratic election results, which is what Trump and his followers did after the 2020 election, is an “authoritarian” act.

“A stickler might say that an attempt to overturn an election isn’t really fascist unless it involves the use of state power or mob violence, but Trump and his allies tried to use both,” Saletan explains. “Rudy Giuliani, Trump’s right-hand man in several abuses of power, says it’s Biden, not Trump, who runs America like ‘a damned dictatorship.’ But in December 2020, after the Electoral College had certified Biden’s election, Giuliani — at Trump’s direction — phoned the acting deputy secretary at the Department of Homeland Security to ask whether DHS could seize voting machines from states. Then, at Trump’s January 6th rally on the Ellipse, Giuliani exhorted the crowd: ‘Let’s have trial by combat!’”

Saletan adds, “Giuliani didn’t just help to incite the attack on the Capitol. To this day, he continues to whitewash it and excuse the perpetrators.”’

More at the link.
/---/ This is gonna trigger even more hysteria on the Left. SNICKER.
Former President Donald Trump has vowed to take extreme actions to secure the U.S.-Mexico border if he wins November’s presidential election.

And that promise is supported by a key voting bloc — Latinos.
The most recent Axios-Ipsos Latino Poll shows that the percentage of Latinos who support erecting a border wall and deporting all undocumented immigrants has increased by at least 10 points since 2021.

According to the research, even among those who might have connections to immigration, Trump’s calls for increased border security and possibly his anti-immigrant rhetoric are having an impact.

The results also illuminate Republicans’ recent gains among Latinos and reflect the frustration that has elevated illegal immigration to the top issue for many Americans during election season.


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