The Betrayal of Israel by the US Administration Is Almost Complete.

Not nonsense. Common sense tells me Israel has long had it in for UNRWA. But that doesn’t matter. What matters is many of the claims against them could not be substantiated and Israel did not provide evidence. Given the seriousness of the allegations and the effect they could have on relief efforts, it really is incumbent on Israel to provide some sound evidence would’t you think?,Report%20says%20Israel%20didn't%20provide%20evidence%20of%20UNRWA%20staff,Hamas%2Dled%20attack%20on%20Israel.
Of course Israel has it in for the UN because the UN is in bed with Hamas, and the only thing the UN "investigated" was the number of UNRWA employees Israel said were members of Hamas. It did not investigate why Hamas had free access to UN facilities and vehicles, or why Hamas weapons were stored in UN schools or why jihad against Israel was taught in UN schools.

In any case, UNRWA will have to go. It is already banned from operating in northern Gaza, and when the war in over, it will be banned from all of Gaza.

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