Stolen Elections

Truth always comes can't stop it.

Not sure how they will cheat the election this time, when most of America hates Pedo Pete. Additionally, there is very little support for him, minus his globalist cohorts and the Goebbles media. It will be very difficult to fool the populace this time around, as many who did not believe it was stolen in 2020, are now changing their tune.

Biden mocked for apparent small showing of supporters in Dem city: ‘Nobody cared’:

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Critics on social media dragged President Biden over video footage showing what appeared to be a small showing of supporters greeting the president’s motorcade in the deep blue city of Atlanta, where he held a fundraising event and delivered Morehouse College’s commencement speech.

“Crooked Joe Biden – dazed and confused, as usual – shuffles down the short stairs in Atlanta ahead of his day of pandering. He ignores questions,” RNC research posted Saturday as Biden landed in the city.

“If a presidential motorcade passes through town but absolutely nobody cares – did it really pass through town?” RNC Research asked in a follow-up question, accompanied by video footage showing largely empty streets dotted with some people filming the motorcade.

More: Biden mocked for apparent small showing of supporters in Dem city: ‘Nobody cared’
I'm starting to rethink my disgust for Democrats. I mean, they're a bunch crooked corporatists, with no real principles. But damn, they must be smart. To have pulled of the crime of the century, right under our noses, and totally get away with it!

Pretty impressive when you think about it.
(Discern Media)—What are the wages of rigged elections? Invasion, inflation, taxation, and war. But for a 2020 jiggering of state election procedures that allowed Democrats to flood battleground states with fraudulent mail-in ballots and other illegally cast votes, Americans would not today be suffering from unprecedented foreign invasion, out-of-control inflation, higher taxes, crippling regulations, or the specter of global war. The Deep State that permanently controls the day-to-day maneuverings of the U.S. government wanted open borders, unconstrained money-printing, income confiscation at home, and empire-building abroad. All it had to do was steal the 2020 election.
(Discern Media)—What are the wages of rigged elections? Invasion, inflation, taxation, and war. But for a 2020 jiggering of state election procedures that allowed Democrats to flood battleground states with fraudulent mail-in ballots and other illegally cast votes, Americans would not today be suffering from unprecedented foreign invasion, out-of-control inflation, higher taxes, crippling regulations, or the specter of global war. The Deep State that permanently controls the day-to-day maneuverings of the U.S. government wanted open borders, unconstrained money-printing, income confiscation at home, and empire-building abroad. All it had to do was steal the 2020 election.

So here you are, apparently stuck in the Mossad "no election fraud misinfo" Dept???
Put me in the "Nominate a better candidate" dept. If you whiners don't like losing, pick a different nominee. Someone who doesn't automatically alienate half the country. Biden is a disaster, so you don't even really need to budge on policy. Just nominate someone who isn't a douchebag and you'll win easily.
While you're posting from a padded cell in the psych ward.

Actually your Mossad sponsored Co2 FRAUD is now BUSTED over the issue of SURFACE AIR PRESSURE....

Check the Environment section, if your Mossad boss allows it...

Not really hard to understand.

What are the variables regarding surface air pressure....???

1. hydrocarbons = we take them out of the ground and burn them, adding C to O2 to get Co2, an increase in the mass of the atmosphere

2. temperature = increased temperature increases pressure

3. ice melt = releases compressed gas trapped in ice which increases surface air pressure

so why is surface air pressure DROPPING slightly....


Paid voters?? Soros? dem party? They get their 25.00 or a mcdonald's meal, bottle of liquor or cigarettes/drugs, keep their cushy do nothing gov't job and they're ready to sell the country out cause what does it matter to them.


Congrats! You people are the biggest sore losers in the history of sore losing. :clap:
Faun. you are so blind. I pray that your eyes would be open but i doubt it at this point. This is not something that is just going to affect Trump as you hope. It is not going to go well for you or this country. And you don't seem to get that. You can't seem to get past anything other than TDS and you don't even have valid or legitimate reasons for hating this man except for what the media tells you. You are stupid. And you're manipulated....and probably my saying that to you will only make you dig your silly heels in deeper but someone needs to say it to you. you are on the side of evil. YOuare on the side of people who are out to destroy this country and they don't care if you die in the process..matter of fact...that is the plan.
Faun. you are so blind. I pray that your eyes would be open but i doubt it at this point. This is not something that is just going to affect Trump as you hope. It is not going to go well for you or this country. And you don't seem to get that. You can't seem to get past anything other than TDS and you don't even have valid or legitimate reasons for hating this man except for what the media tells you. You are stupid. And you're manipulated....and probably my saying that to you will only make you dig your silly heels in deeper but someone needs to say it to you. you are on the side of evil. YOuare on the side of people who are out to destroy this country and they don't care if you die in the process..matter of fact...that is the plan.

"you are on the side of evil. YOuare on the side of people who are out to destroy this country and they don't care if you die in the process..matter of fact...that is the plan."

Don't break your pearl neckless as you fall back onto your fainting couch. :icon_rolleyes:
"you are on the side of evil. YOuare on the side of people who are out to destroy this country and they don't care if you die in the process..matter of fact...that is the plan."

Don't break your pearl neckless as you fall back onto your fainting couch. :icon_rolleyes:
no problem, dimbulb.

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