Renewables account for 74% of new US capacity


Diamond Member
Oct 4, 2021

Renewables account for 74% of new US capacity​

Renewables account for 74% of new US capacity
Utility-scale solar added in 2022 reached 9924MW and wind 8512MW, says FERC data analysis by SUN DAY

9 February 2023
Renewable energy provided nearly three quarters (74%) of new utility-scale generating capacity in the US in 2022.

Based upon a review by the SUN DAY Campaign of data newly released by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC), new utility-scale solar capacity was 9924MW, or 39.6% of the total, while new wind capacity provided 8512MW, or 33.9% of the total.

Solar and wind each “comfortably surpassed” the 6469MW of new natural gas capacity (25.8%).

Including geothermal (90MW), biomass (31MW), and hydropower (24MW), capacity additions by the mix of renewable energy sources accounted for 18,581MW of the 25,085MW in new generating capacity by all sources in 2022.

Oil added 18MW and nuclear increased by 17MW; there were no new additions reported for coal.

By the end of 2022, renewable energy sources collectively provided 27.3% of the total available installed generating capacity in the US with wind's share - 143,280-MW accounting for 11.4% and solar accounting for 80,400MW, expanding to 6.4%.

Renewables' share of US generating capacity was 24.1% in December 2020 and 17.8% in December 2015.

The recent growth in new solar and wind generating capacity “significantly surpasses” that which had been forecast by FERC just three years earlier.

It will become the majority within the next couple of decades.

You cannot run a grid off wind and solar. Period.

Meaning you need other sources to make electricity like NG, coal, and nuclear power plants that can operate ON DEMAND, unlike wind and solar.

Meaning rate-payers are being forced to pay higher and higher rates to support a dual and with batteries a triple tier system.
74% of new capacity, but the total capacity renewables are generating right now is still only 13.1% :laughing0301:

Of course they're not building that many coal, gas, and nuclear power plants, we have plenty of them already. But keep building those plants that run on renewables, you might eventually get up to 20% or even 25%. :04:
Well, prepare for the grid to crash, because there's not enough continuous 24/7 baseload energy capacity being added.

25% ain't going to charge up all the sparky cars that you enviroloons are demanding.

But at least those Chinese companies that make all the "renewable" energy equipment will be getting richer.

President Joe might even get his 10% kickback bumped up to 15% :laughing0301:
There is no way the U.S is 74% renewable

It a numbers-manipulation game. 74% of new capacity. Out of all the new power plants built in 2022, 74% of them were renewable. But renewable energy sources only account for about 13% of the country's total power generation.

It's worded like Goebbels, Stalin, or Big Brother would word it. Suppose in one year they built one coal-fired plant and ten renewable plants, and then said "Renewable energy plants make ten times as much energy as coal fired plants."

It a numbers-manipulation game. 74% of new capacity. Out of all the new power plants built in 2022, 74% of them were renewable. But renewable energy sources only account for about 13% of the country's total power generation.

It's worded like Goebbels, Stalin, or Big Brother would word it. Suppose in one year they built one coal-fired plant and ten renewable plants, and then said "Renewable energy plants make ten times as much energy as coal fired plants."

Yeah Norway leads the way due to water and they have I think 40 something percent renewable
It a numbers-manipulation game. 74% of new capacity. Out of all the new power plants built in 2022, 74% of them were renewable. But renewable energy sources only account for about 13% of the country's total power generation.

It's worded like Goebbels, Stalin, or Big Brother would word it. Suppose in one year they built one coal-fired plant and ten renewable plants, and then said "Renewable energy plants make ten times as much energy as coal fired plants."


And of that 13% what percentage is hydro?

Renewables account for 74% of new US capacity​

Renewables account for 74% of new US capacity
Utility-scale solar added in 2022 reached 9924MW and wind 8512MW, says FERC data analysis by SUN DAY

9 February 2023

It will become the majority within the next couple of decades.
Notice the word play "Renewables account for 74% of new US capacity". Why is that? Because dick head Joe Biteme is shutting down fossil fuel energy, thus the US will end up like the EU. Cutting down trees to keep warm during the winter.

My wife was driving from El Paso to San Antonio Texas and along the way is a ridge of Wind Turbines. There was no wind that day, no turbine moving, dead use of space. The biggest scam is the Marxists and green evergy.......

You cannot run a grid off wind and solar. Period.
And if you are Texas, you can't run it off of NG and Coal either. But Tesla is beginning installing Battery Farms and many communities are installing solar and wind power farms as well.

Meaning you need other sources to make electricity like NG, coal, and nuclear power plants that can operate ON DEMAND, unlike wind and solar.
Wrong. You need to store the juice that you make during the day and wind and use it in the off peak times.

Meaning rate-payers are being forced to pay higher and higher rates to support a dual and with batteries a triple tier system.

The Tax payers aren't paying for the big commercial power plants, the people are paying for it. And that includes many non taxed businesses as well.

Renewables account for 74% of new US capacity​

Renewables account for 74% of new US capacity
Utility-scale solar added in 2022 reached 9924MW and wind 8512MW, says FERC data analysis by SUN DAY

9 February 2023

It will become the majority within the next couple of decades.
So the objective is to eliminate fossil fuel emissions... right?
Federal Government calculates to replace the 3,400 fossil fuel plants that generate 61% of the 4.615 Trillion kWh.
So the cost of replacing 3,400 fossil fuel plants to generate 2,815,150,000,000 kWh of 61% of the CURRENT... with Wind Turbines (WT)
...i.e. renewables will be
The facts are the cost to build 1 WT of about $1,300,000 USD per megawatt.
Let's assume all the new plants are Wind Turbines(WTs) $1,300,000 mWh or $1.30 kWh Wind Turbine Cost: Worth The Million-Dollar Price In 2022?.
So just to replace all the generators to create electricity generated by fossil fuels with WT at a cost of $1.30 kWh.
Multiple 2,815,150,000,000 kWh (again just what is done by fossil fuels).. $3,659,695,000,000 ...again to replace current power plants.
Then assuming 80% of all cars are EVs the ADDITIONAL kWh needed will be another 650,963,320,000 kWh or at $1.30/kWh to build a power plant,
a total of $846,252,316,000 to build the additional power plants.
Nearly $4.505 Trillion just to replace and new power plants. And that is JUST construction costs.
Here are more accurate figures.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) - U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA)

78.4% being generated by fossil fuels and nuclear.
Dig Deeper, Or Your Future Will Be Shallow

For all practical purposes, fossil fuels are renewable, too. We've barely scratched the surface of the Earth's millennia worth of natural resources. The myth of Peak Oil is a continuation of the original idea that there was no oil except where it had seeped to the surface.

Another inconvenient truth is that hydrocarbons are a fossil fuel. They've discovered methane on one of Saturn's moons. So petroleum can be produced by inorganic processes.

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