Protesters Have No Clue Why They Are There

Most people despise trump. Why do you think he believes that manipulated interview scam?

I've no interest in your back pedaling because you're an emotional left loon and can't pay attention.

Maybe you can enlighten us what these protests are all about? The ones doing don't seem to know
The protestors are familiar with the Jessy Waters tactic of recording lots of remarks until they can finally find one person to make a remark that can be taken out of context and discredit the entire group. Protestors are under no obligation to supply footage for fox.
Except many have openly admitted they have no clue as to why they are there.
Could be, but could just as easily be people briefed by organizers, who would be wanting to control the narrative message. It is unusual to get that many, directing toward the organizers for comment. Whether they do or not, most American kids of higher grade point average would think themselves qualified to give an intelligent response. That appeared coaxed to make sure the organizers were to be the messengers. The rest there, either supporting each other, having no message at all, there for the communal party atmosphere, or on the payroll.
I don’t know, I think it is too easy to pass young people off as “uninformed” when the opposite might be true - they are over informed and under experienced and passionate. Many are also viewing this in the context of a larger global struggle. That shouldn’t be discounted as ignorant.
I've no interest in your back pedaling because you're an emotional left loon and can't pay attention.

Maybe you can enlighten us what these protests are all about? The ones doing don't seem to know
Why should I bother explaining anything to a MAGA like you? Your mind is made up. Facts would only make you more confused.
Or... they all agreed that they would designate media relations to their most well-spoken members.

I am wondering how many fairly lucid responses this guy got that he didn't share with us.

Cops were vilified because they were murdering unarmed black people.
Jews are being vilified because they are killing innocent women and children.

Cops were murdering unarmed black people?

Really, dude. Stay away from the Joy Reid Clown Show.

Charges of murder are rare for police because murder has specific thresholds. Pass that on to Joy Reid.
Sorry bout that,

1. Two who are for stolen elections.
2. Recorded.

Only republicans are for stolen elections.
The arrest, indictment, and conviction record speaks for itself.

"recorded," sure then all context edited away.
The protestors are familiar with the Jessy Waters tactic of recording lots of remarks until they can finally find one person to make a remark that can be taken out of context and discredit the entire group. Protestors are under no obligation to supply footage for fox.
They know that if they are honest about why they're there, they expose their communist agenda.
So they know they are protesting and rioting for terrorists?
You don't see the difference between the evil Hamas that should be wiped off the face of the earth, and all those innocent children who are being starved and murdered. What part did those children take in the horrendous attack on Israel?
You don't see the difference between the evil Hamas that should be wiped off the face of the earth, and all those innocent children who are being starved and murdered. What part did those children take in the horrendous attack on Israel?

What part did your Hamas heroes play in using civilians as human shields?

“An active part” is the answer to “are Hamas groupies clueless”?


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