People!!! You have to question the MSM's numbers!!!


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
Just listened to talking heads spouting out about the crying need for "pre-existing conditions" protections!
Nasty GOP want to dismantle ACA's "pre-existing conditions" coverage...blah.blah.blah...

Woe are these poor people NOT covered by health insurance due to "pre-existing conditions"!
Now I'm 100% confident some of you will respond with sob stories about yourself or people you know or some other SUBJECTIVE NOT OBJECTIVE anecdotes.

MY point on this though is an example of how YOU the masses should QUESTION what you hear/see from the MSM!
Today the general population's polling about
Poll: Majority want to keep ObamaCare protections for pre-existing conditions
Poll: Majority want to keep ObamaCare protections for pre-existing conditions

Now these truly ignorant people are believing the MSM's hype and gross disinformation about the issue!

FACTS folks FACTS!!!
A) How many people have health insurance in America??? This is as of 2016.
Health Insurance Coverage of the Total Population
Employer insured 157,381,500
non-group insured 31,884,400
Medicaid 62,303,400
Medicare 44,550,200
Other public 6,192,200
Uninsured: 28,051,900
Total 320,372,000

Now two reasons to doubt the above numbers:
1) As of Aug 2018 there are nearly 5 million more people employed and most now have group health
insurance which BEFORE ACA covered Pre-existing conditions... Now not sure on that because of the
stupidity of the ACA and "pre-existing conditions" issue.
2) NOTE the UNINSURED figure 28,051,900....
A) at least 10 million or more are illegals not eligible for health care!
B) At least 14 million of supposedly UN-INSURE WERE ELIGIBLE BEFORE ACA for Medicaid they didn't know !
C) At least 18 million of "uninsured" make over $50,000 are under 34 and didn't want health insurance.
But the myth of "46 million uninsured' is what sold this farce known as "ACA" Obamacare!

Now truly how many of the "uninsured" are because they have "pre-existing conditions"???

Well again... PROOF from ACA...

So before ACA...
The Obama administration even put out a report titled “At Risk: Pre-Existing Conditions Could Affect 1 in 2 Americans: 129 Million Could Be Denied Affordable Coverage Without Health Reform."
You’ve heard it a million times: Obamacare prohibits insurers from denying coverage to those with pre-existing conditions. The reason you’ve heard it so often is that it’s one of the few aspects of Obamacare that consistently polls well. “What I’m not willing to do,” said President Obama in his 2011 State of the Union address, “is go back to the days when insurance companies could deny someone coverage because of a pre-existing condition.”

Obama and other Democrats made it sound like there were tens of millions of Americans going uninsured because cruel insurers were refusing to cover them. The Obama administration even put out a report titled “At Risk: Pre-Existing Conditions Could Affect 1 in 2 Americans: 129 Million Could Be Denied Affordable Coverage Without Health Reform."

It was ludicrously dishonest. Here’s why. SCARY RIGHT????
84% of All Americans have some type of insurance that where "pre-existing condition" is not an issue!
A) A total of LESS THEN 1.5 million Americans who were denied health insurance or paid higher premiums
due to pre-existing conditions.
Obama's Pre-existing Conditions Whopper

B) Finally even with the ACA supposedly eliminated the "pre-existing conditions"???
Now under Obamacare HOW many people of those millions with Pre-existing conditions were covered?
Pre-existing Condition Insurance Program (PCIP) was operational in all 50 states by the fall of 2010.
By late 2012, just over 100,000 individuals were enrolled and program expenses had consumed nearly half of the $5 billion appropriation.
High-Risk Pools For Uninsurable Individuals

Suffice it to say that 129 million people didn’t sign up for the PCIP program. Indeed,
not even 129 thousand people signed up for the program. Enrollment in PCIP
peaked in February 2013 at 114,959.

So folks PLEASE PLEASE do a little research before you fall once again for the FALSE information disseminated by the extremely UNINFORMED MSM!
AGAIN folks... this is NOT a health care topic. Not a MSM topic. BUT A POLITIC topic in that political decisions are being made based on these stupid polling of people that in fact are grossly uninformed. Again not these uninformed peoples part though but the politicians who rather than do some of their OWN research depend on POLLS to tell them what to think and then to do!

As a result I'm going to shout to get your attention!

If we as more informed people don't help the lesser informed politicians to comprehend their decisions are COSTING EACH OF US MONEY DIRECTLY OUT OF OUR POCKETS for policies that are based on FALSE INFORMATION we have only ourselves to blame!

Please correct my facts and figures folks and if you can than do something about protecting your valuable money from being used stupidly like ACA,etc.
the numbers clearly indicate fewer media sources lick Trumps ass and believe his bullshit.
I think republicans should definitely make taking health insurance away from people with pre-existing conditions a priority of their campaigns.
the numbers clearly indicate fewer media sources lick Trumps ass and believe his bullshit.

This is not bullshit! Has Nothing to do with Trump but with how idiots like you make up your mind WITH NO FACTS!!!
I guess this is you!

Most people I know don't trust lefty stats. I remember when Obama used to cook the economic numbers. Jack Welch pointed out that the stats were complete bull. I love stats, you can use them to prove chickens are fish.

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