Nursing homes: Vax all employees or lose federal funding!

Blackmail my arse.
It's the right thing to do and protect them.
If you don't want to get the jab, stay home and starve. Fuck you disease spreading vermin.

It's actually just bullshit. Vaxxed workers are just as contagious.

It's already been established.
I listen to real science & real virologists & immunologists. Sorry, eye doctors like Rand Paul aren’t good enough.

No, you listen to evidence that you've already decided you believe and ignore any you've already decided you don't. That's not "real science." That's dogma.
Full FDA approval will arrive by end of this month. They surely do grow ‘em stupid in Texas!
you seem to be the dumbfuck here. You just admitted this vax is NOT approved. You can’t force people to get an experimental treatment. If ONE person has ANY issue after taking a shot he was forced to get there will be lawsuits the government will lose.
Uncle Joe may have f’d up the withdrawal but on target here! :D

We'll see about that

NO NURSES for the vaxxed now sick with covid
What a shame
you seem to be the dumbfuck here. You just admitted this vax is NOT approved. You can’t force people to get an experimental treatment. If ONE person has ANY issue after taking a shot he was forced to get there will be lawsuits the government will lose.
The hilarious part is that now they want even vaccinated people to wear masks because they're still contagious.

If that's the case how are the elderly any safer with vaccinated workers?
you seem to be the dumbfuck here. You just admitted this vax is NOT approved. You can’t force people to get an experimental treatment. If ONE person has ANY issue after taking a shot he was forced to get there will be lawsuits the government will lose.
Mandates are doing just fine in court thus far. SCOTUS has already weighed in on a college in Virginia.

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