Zone1 Nonmonetary / indirect reparations

There will be no reparations because the majority of whites, who are the majority of revenue contributors to the government, are opposed.

This is what will happen if flat out cash is given:

Antonio Brown files for bankruptcy despite a reported $80 million in NFL career earnings​

There is absolutely no guarantee that money solves personal or societal problems. You can't give someone who is financially irresponsible cash, and then expect them to magically be responsible, and then on top of that, somehow forgive the apparent systemic racism that has held the entire black population down.

You could give IM2 $1 million dollars today, and then tomorrow he would be posting the same racist BS, and then in 6 months, probably flat ass broke because he spent it on Cadillacs, weed, gold chains and hoes.
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This is what will happen if flat out cash is given:

Antonio Brown files for bankruptcy despite a reported $80 million in NFL career earnings​

There is absolutely no guarantee that money solves personal or societal problems. You can't give someone who is financially irresponsible cash, and then expect them to magically be responsible, and then on top of that, somehow forgive the apparent systemic racism that has held the entire black population down.

You could give IM2 $1 million dollars today, and then tomorrow he would be posting the same racist BS, and then in 6 months, probably flat ass broke because he spent it on Cadillacs, weed, gold chains and hoes.
I doubt that. I once held securities, life, health and annuites licenses. Besides whites have recieved much more, and stilll ask for more. Antonie Bown doesn't represent the majority of black NFL football players much less black people so your post is a display of your racist ignorance.

And there are broke white atlhletes.

Whites have been given trillions by the government and that money created the white middle class. So...
I doubt that. I once held securities, life, health and annuites licenses. Besides whites have recieved much more, and stilll ask for more. Antonie Bown doesn't represent the majority of black NFL football players much less black people so your post is a display of your racist ignorance.

And there are broke white atlhletes.

Whites have been given trillions by the government and that money created the white middle class. So...
Gee, is there anything you haven’t done? Community organizer, successful businessman, now a securities trader.

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