NFL New Overtime Rule

I can see you, in your garage, listening to rush reruns, wearing your Bernie kozar jersey that barely fits anymore, tossing a baseball in the air mumbling about how you’re not going to watch the greatest game because you’re a white racist republican. Get over yourself.

Root for Aaron Rogers and Tom Brady. White men who voted for trump. And root for the Dallas owner. No doubt a trump fan.
Actually I do watch a lot of great NFL games from the 1950’s, ‘60’s, and later

as for jerry jones he’s not popular with fans left or right for his mismanagement of the Cowboys
The proposed plan would allow the Raiders to pick up where they left off when the game ended.

If they had the ball at the opponents one, they would probably kick a field goal before the end of regulation

But say they had the ball at their own one when the game ended and it was fourth down. They would start the extended period at fourth down at their own one
I like it!
I don’t like it. I can imagine Aaron Rogers has the ball on the 1 yard line with ten seconds to go. He needs to go 99 yards. You want to give him unlimited time?
Is the score tied?

If so, what would happen today is that the packers would likely take a knee anyway. That would probably be the case regardless of their field position on their own end of the field--the chances of taking the knee would diminish the closer they are to the 50 of course. But you don't want to turn the ball over or fumble it on your own 10 yard line. So, under today's rules, they would willingly go into the overtime period. If they win the coin flip and score a touchdown, the other team doesn't get the ball at all. I don't like that. So, what I'm saying and what I think rightwinger is saying is that they should just keep playing a fifth quarter. Run the offense you always run with the same risk/reward structure (meaning no sudden death) that has existed for the previous 60 minutes.

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