New study shows steep decrease in renewable energy costs with no signs of slowing

Solar is kicking ass and calling names! Coal, natural gas, hydro and nuclear can never compete and are completely and utterly fucked.

Until the next hail or ice storm, fucktard.

Then it's all damaged beyond repair and has to be disposed of and replaced.

Roll on Solar Cycle 25 and the concern that the Sun "disappears" during the Solar Minimum .

And that is supported by so much Science that NASA and Air Force spend all their time fiddling the Sun Spot data to hide the truth from the Gullibles .

Trouble is , if you are goiing to Fake the truth , you need to Fake the original data / photos before it is archived .

Solar is kicking ass and calling names! Coal, natural gas, hydro and nuclear can never compete and are completely and utterly fucked.

Great news for places like Texas, which leads the nation in renewable energy. Bad news for California, where coal and oil are still king because the rich DemoKKKrat NIMBY's won't allow any windmills or solar panel arrays in their neighborhoods.

Solar is kicking ass and calling names! Coal, natural gas, hydro and nuclear can never compete and are completely and utterly fucked

Coal, natural gas, hydro and nuclear can never compete and are completely and utterly fucked.

If so then why do libs want to ban conventional energy?

Your lips are moving but the bold talk does not match your action

Solar is kicking ass and calling names! Coal, natural gas, hydro and nuclear can never compete and are completely and utterly fucked.

Studies are almost everywhere showing the opposite !!!!!!!!!!!!!

First the economic study

The Global Price Tag for 100 Percent Renewable Energy: $73 Trillion​

Second the extra pollution costs, YES EXTRA

Electric cars release MORE toxic emissions than gas-powered vehicles and are worse for the environment, resurfaced study warns​

Finalloy wind farms and solar farms are collapsing worldwide

Environmental Disaster: Wind Turbines Continually Catch Fire, Throw Blades & Collapse​


The Environmental Disaster of Solar Energy​

Solar energy is terrible for the environment in a number of ways, including the fact that large land areas must be devoted to it. At Forbes, Michael Shellenberger highlights another problem with solar energy: it produces vast quantities of hazardous waste, which are not being adequately dealt with.

The last few years have seen growing concern over what happens to solar panels at the end of their life. Consider the following statements:
  • The problem of solar panel disposal “will explode with full force in two or three decades and wreck the environment” because it “is a huge amount of waste and they are not easy to recycle.”
  • “The reality is that there is a problem now, and it’s only going to get larger, expanding as rapidly as the PV industry expanded 10 years ago.”
  • “Contrary to previous assumptions, pollutants such as lead or carcinogenic cadmium can be almost completely washed out of the fragments of solar modules over a period of several months, for example by rainwater.”

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