Mic Drop Momemt

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Apparently it's satire.
His website describes his work as, "satire but true'
Figured as much, no way Joy and DeNiro could keep their big fool mouths closed after that tongue lashing. Wish it was true.
This man probably won't be invited back to the View 😂

Now that was funny, silencing the whole crew with the facts. I just love how the left used to complain that Trump would get us into multiple wars and couldn't be trusted with the nuclear codes and ever since Biden has been president we have been involved in numerous wars and are closer to a nuclear war than in a long time, not to mention the border invasion and 20% inflation. What's not to love about Biden? How could 70% of Americans say the country is going in the wrong direction? DeNiro and the View regulars are as blind as bats.
The other day. . . b/c the algorithms had me watching shit having to do with Seinfeld, mostly b/c I had watched his sit down with Bill Maher on Club Random, and a podcast with Dana Carvey and David Spade's podcast Fly on the Wall, and his commencement speech for his daughter at Duke. . . . I was recommended the Townhall coverage of that.

I didn't even know Townhall even HAD a video channel. :lol:

I'm not usually a fan of that site, I find it a bit on the far right extreme side, but it was informative and interesting news podcast from the editor over there. . . .

And buried in that, was coverage of CNN's Zakaria admitting that the establishment IS using lawfare on Trump. I wholley recommend any really avid political fans go on over to CNN's YouTube channel and watch that whole thing. . . he admits, Biden is losing, and BAD.

ANY WAY. . . the reaction of Whoopi on THE VIEW to this news!? GOLD! Pure GOLD!

(I time stamped that part, just hit play)

Seinfeld vs WOKE Students, Pelosi REKT by a BRIT, Stormy Daniels Caught LYING?! | Larry​

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Biden Campaign Missing The Mark? | The View​

132,180 views May 13, 2024

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