Let's do away with all high school and college sports programs.

What are you saying? Anyone who’s a coach is “living vicariously” through the athletes they train?

Teams need coaches….
Excusing anything athletes do. Insulting anyone who does not bow down and worship the jocks.
Upon what do you base that stupid comment, Poindexter? Did you feel as if you were bullied in school?
No, though I'm sure you wish that were true.

Is Poindexter you word of the day?
Me? Allowing the desecration of Marriage was bad news. Makes it a mockery. One of the filthiest books ever written was "Heather Has Two Mommies".
Agreed, but it made a mockery of the legal concept that discrimination is based on similarly situated individuals. The concept originally meant that you could not discriminate based on the physical characteristics of one over another because the individual had no control over how they were born and what physical characteristics came by birth.

Now, for some reason, we decided to add psychological differences and boom. Now even two straight heterosexual same sex individuals can Marry because they are similarly situated to two homosexual same sex individuals that marry.

Simply bizarre 💩
Me? Allowing the desecration of Marriage was bad news. Makes it a mockery. One of the filthiest books ever written was "Heather Has Two Mommies".
I never heard of that story before now so I looked it up on YouTube. There it is. I watched it. So, now I have to tell you about something that is difficult for me to talk about.

Some years ago when my son was in day care all of the children were invited to a "going away party" being held by the parents of one of the girls. The hype by the teachers was repeated time and time again: "Oh how lucky you are to have two mommies!" The girl's mother was in a relationship with another woman and they were all going to move to the capital city to live. The girl's father was never mentioned so I don't know if there was a divorce involved or not. Anyway, I didn't really know the girl other than I'd seen her amongst the other children in my boy's class. I'd never even spoken to her. So, here we were, me, my son, and my wife at what was meant to be a happy little "Goodbye" and "Good luck" party. During the party, I happened to be slightly isolated with the girl for the first and only time. I put on a happy smile but when she looked into my eyes they were pleading, "Please save me!" I could only gulp and cry inwardly. When we got back home I told my wife about it and we just looked at one another and held back our tears. It's been quite a few years since then and I don't know what became of the girl with "two mothers" but whenever I think about her ... I cry.
Based on the devastating effects of wokeness and trans-athleticism on our society, female sports have been trashed to degree that makes them irrelevant. Wouldn't it make sense just to do away with sports progams altogether? Look at the money that could be saved. It is obvious, considering the currnet presidential administration, that nothing is going to be done to remedy this issue. You can't have just male sports so all sports should go. At least until the country comes to its senses. Which is probably never.
I still agree. Let third party entities have club sports, and students can head there after school, and the families can pay for them.
I still agree. Let third party entities have club sports, and students can head there after school, and the families can pay for them.
What about kids whose families couldn’t afford it?

For many kids from such families, school sports offers them the best alternative to a life that would lead them to prison
No matter how often the 98lbs weaklings cry about this, school sports are NOT going away. Physical education has been an essential aspect of comprehensive education since the ancient Greeks. If clumsy weaklings can't compete, at least they can maintain their health. Americans love sport. We always have and we always will. Anyone who is too insecure to handle that can go find somewhere else to live and learn. Many, many thousands are very eager to take their place.
No matter how often the 98lbs weaklings cry about this, school sports are NOT going away. Physical education has been an essential aspect of comprehensive education since the ancient Greeks. If clumsy weaklings can't compete, at least they can maintain their health. Americans love sport. We always have and we always will. Anyone who is too insecure to handle that can go find somewhere else to live and learn. Many, many thousands are very eager to take their place.
There really is no need to act like a 9 year old girl who just had her hair pulled.

Yes, I would pick you and anyone else in this thread up with one hand each and dunk you both. It's not about not being good or bad at sports.

For me, I just wish as much emphasis was put on academics. I think high school sports end up stunting a lot of kids' development.

Just IMAGINE if half the effort the "I was all conference in 11th grade!" Coaches in these kids' lives put into helping them play sporty ball was put into pushing them to learn.
There really is no need to act like a 9 year old girl who just had her hair pulled.

Yes, I would pick you and anyone else in this thread up with one hand each and dunk you both. It's not about not being good or bad at sports.

For me, I just wish as much emphasis was put on academics. I think high school sports end up stunting a lot of kids' development.

Just IMAGINE if half the effort the "I was all conference in 11th grade!" Coaches in these kids' lives put into helping them play sporty ball was put into pushing them to learn.
The emphasis already IS on academics. Even us jocks had to spend most of the day in the classroom.

And of course most people (students and family and community in general) are going to get more psyched and pumped over the big football game than they are about the debate meet or some play. That’s just human nature
The emphasis already IS on academics. Even us jocks had to spend most of the day in the classroom.

And of course most people (students and family and community in general) are going to get more psyched and pumped over the big football game than they are about the debate meet or some play. That’s just human nature
There should be a course on controlling human nature. Oh wait, that's what church is for.
The emphasis already IS on academics.
No it isn't. Not for a lot of those kids, it definitely is not. The effort put into pushing them in academics outside of formal class time are nonexistent, compared to the enormous time and effort spent on training them for sportyball.

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