Latest Biden whopper: “I’m a lifetime member of the NAACP”.

I have not mentioned Trump in this thread, moron.

Take your terminal TDS and troll somewhere else.
Hey Nostra why aren't you defending your LIE?
Or you could man up and admit you LIED, twice...Post #1 and Post #93.

His unique obsession to lie and pander to whomever he is in front of is amazing. How does he think such blatant lies won’t get called out?

The good thing is, thinking blacks are sick of his BS and are flocking to Trump.

Record support among the black community for Trump proves you are out of touch with the black community, Simp.
Another white republican who really doesn't know of Biden is a lifetime member or not. Given that he served with Obama, I'm inclined to say he is a lifetime member. And since the NAACP has not said he isn't, what a bunch of lame brained white republican racists have to say about this is meaningless.

I'm unable to debate you- U don't even know what lifetime means.
What do you think being a lifetime member means
It literally means from the day he was born. Biden lying about his "retaliations" must be knew to you. Pay attention, he's made a career of it. Lifetime is subjective, even Biden knows it could mean 2,10,20,30,40 years+, or not at all. Funny you ask us to PROVE IT. You guys can't prove it either. It's not a conservative's problem leftists have difficulty connecting dots.
Biden told black students at a black college that Republicans don't see blacks in their future and that blacks have to be 10 times better just to have a fair shot. This race baiting lying POS needs to shut his lie spewing pie hole!
It literally means from the day he was born. Biden lying about his "retaliations" must be knew to you. Pay attention, he's made a career of it. Lifetime is subjective, even Biden knows it could mean 2,10,20,30,40 years+, or not at all. Funny you ask us to PROVE IT. You guys can't prove it either. It's not a conservative's problem leftists have difficulty connecting dots.
Are Conservatives really this stupid?
Do you ever think before you post?

When you sign up for membership you are given a choice. Do you want an Annual Membership or Lifetime Membership?
Biden selected Lifetime Membership which means for the rest of his life.
Means he is now a Lifetime Member
Joe is a lifetime member of the NAACP and at the same time lynched African Americans. He is equal opportunity.
Are Conservatives really this stupid?
Do you ever think before you post?

When you sign up for membership you are given a choice. Do you want an Annual Membership or Lifetime Membership?
Biden selected Lifetime Membership which means for the rest of his life.
Means he is now a Lifetime Member
Link to his membership?
I accept your admission you are full of shit.


Boy….you really Shit the Bed with this thread.

:eek: Biden claims to be a Lifetime Member of the NAACP, who believes he joined NAACP as a baby? Does he think we are STOOPID?

Lifetime Member means for the rest of your life
Lifelong Member means your whole life

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Biden's star turn at NAACP

View attachment 948521
The Washington Post › gJQAHRjefW_blog
Jul 12, 2012 — Biden's rapport with the NAACP crowd was evident from the outset Thursday. He began things by noting that he was a lifetime member of the group, ...

He instantly becomes a member of whatever group he is talking to.
It is a strategy to ingratiate himself.
He lies every time, but that is who he is and virtually no one calls him out.

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