King Trump forever

If Trump wins -- and that's not unlikely -- it will be interesting to see if the masks come all the way off and they openly advocate for a dictatorship.

I see similarities.

Hitler witnessed World War I as a soldier of the Bavarian Infantry Regiment and found his nation lost and humiliated. He was convinced Germany had not lost the war on the battlefield but due to betrayal from within and the blame was on socialists, communists and particularly the Jews.

After the war, Hitler joined a new extreme rightwing party, the National Socialist German Workers’ Party (NSDAP), quickly becoming its strongman because he could inspire people with his speeches. He noticed that propaganda against Jews and Bolsheviks struck a chord with audiences and voters. He concluded that Jews were not only responsible for the unfair German defeat but were also blocking Germany’s recovery.
I see similarities.

Hitler witnessed World War I as a soldier of the Bavarian Infantry Regiment and found his nation lost and humiliated. He was convinced Germany had not lost the war on the battlefield but due to betrayal from within and the blame was on socialists, communists and particularly the Jews.

After the war, Hitler joined a new extreme rightwing party, the National Socialist German Workers’ Party (NSDAP), quickly becoming its strongman because he could inspire people with his speeches. He noticed that propaganda against Jews and Bolsheviks struck a chord with audiences and voters. He concluded that Jews were not only responsible for the unfair German defeat but were also blocking Germany’s recovery.
And remember the economic conditions at the time, struggling to escape the Depression, their currency was shit, and they were easy prey for a strongman to come along to "save" them from all that.

The difference here is that they only THINK the economy is comparable. We can thank their media for that.
If Mr. Trump can crush all violent crime and make the thugs wish that they had never been born, then YES, we need His Majesty.

Given that Trump didn't do any of this the first time he was in office, what makes you believe he'll do any of it after, since his entire focus will be in ridding the USA of Democrats, stifling all resistance to his election, and bringing in the troops to keep "order", in violation of the Constitution, and the rights of all citizens.

His whole agenda sounds like 1970's South America, where they rounded up all of the leftist leaders and murdered them. The USA has been on track to become a 2nd tier nation since Reagan was elected and started cutting taxes for the wealthy.

As for "King Donald", the Founders didn't declare their Independence from a British King, only to turn around and declare someone an American King.
And remember the economic conditions at the time, struggling to escape the Depression, their currency was shit, and they were easy prey for a strongman to come along to "save" them from all that.

The difference here is that they only THINK the economy is comparable. We can thank their media for that.

Actually it was Hitler blaming the Jews for the Reparations that the German people were forced to pay to the Allies after WWI, which drove hyper-inflation, and destroyed the German economy. And it occurred BEFORE the Depression.

"The inflation reached its peak by November 1923 but ended when a new currency (the Rentenmark) was introduced. In order to make way for the new currency, banks "turned the marks over to junk dealers by the ton"[4] to be recycled as paper."

The Depression only made things worse for the German people. But Hitler blamed Jewish bankers for "selling out" the German people.
Enjoy four more years of Trump. :laughing0301:

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odds are donny will be either in jail rotting away from syphilitic brain syndrome just like alfonzo capone , or stroked out from a big mac shoved down his gullet ...

either way - it won't be with his 3rd wife/baby mama/porn model by his side.

where's melania? :blowpop:
Trump has four years and then his VP will take over....
Any thoughts on who that will be?....
So we should tolerate stolen elections?


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