Jan. 6th, The Law, and Nancy Pelosi's Dereliction of Duty


Platinum Member
Dec 1, 2013
Jewitt City, Connecticut
Jan. 6th, 2021. The day Congress counted the Electoral College votes to determine who was president. Much happened, a rally and speech by President Trump, a march to the Capitol Building grounds, peaceful protests, a riot, assault and battery, vandalism, breaking and entering, trespass.

One of the many questions that arise from the events of this day is who was in charge of security of the Capitol building and grounds.

The Legislative Branch of Government which is Congress, is a separate and equal branch of government, which has sole jurisdiction over where they meet and conduct their constitutional duties.

This thread is not an argument, it is an archive of information.

§1970. Assistance by Executive departments and agencies

...Executive departments and Executive agencies may assist the United States Capitol Police in the performance of its duties by providing services (including personnel), equipment, and facilities on a temporary and reimbursable basis when requested by the Capitol Police Board or in accordance with paragraph (4)
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There it is, the National Guard must be requested by Nancy Pelosi. Yes, people can argue this states Capitol Police, and I can cite the precedents and codes that the Capitol Police are governed by showing that during emergencies the Capitol Police are in direct communication with the Speaker of the House

To continue from my OP link, the request must be written, even in an emergency
(4) Provision of assistance
(A) consistent with the authority of the Capitol Police under sections 1961 and 1966 of this title;
(B) upon the written request of—
(i) the Capitol Police Board; or
(ii) in an emergency—
Which resulted in a stolen election.

And all the promises of using the guns to stop government's criminal behaviour turned out to be just blowing smoke up a dead dog's ass.

Maybe next time? At least now Trump will know that he needn't worry about any repercussions against his actions, coming from the law and the Constitution.

Can a president order that the Speaker be executed for committing 'said' crimes against the state?
Jan. 6th, 2021. The day Congress counted the Electoral College votes to determine who was president. Much happened, a rally and speech by President Trump, a march to the Capitol Building grounds, peaceful protests, a riot, assault and battery, vandalism, breaking and entering, trespass.

One of the many questions that arise from the events of this day is who was in charge of security of the Capitol building and grounds.

The Legislative Branch of Government which is Congress, is a separate and equal branch of government, which has sole jurisdiction over where they meet and conduct their constitutional duties.

This has been debunked about a million times.

Stop posting lies.
Which resulted in a stolen election.
And all the promises of using the guns to stop government's criminal behaviour turned out to be just blowing smoke up a dead dog's ass.

Maybe next time? At least now Trump will know that he needn't worry about any repercussions against his actions, coming from the law and the Constitution.
I just exposed the biggest lie being told, that Nancy Pelose was not involved
I just exposed the biggest lie being told, that Nancy Pelose was not involved
The important point to make is that the president can decide on who was involved.

Until some inconvenient facts are decided upon, we're all just making careless assumptions on what can be demanded by a president to be the law!

What's to stop any president from acting against political opponents with finality?

The Scotus sort of becomes redundant, wouldn't you agree?
If Biden gets his way, he will have Trump either locked up for life or executed for treason against his country.

If Trump becomes president and gets his way ....................................??

Even the most obvious attempts to spam the forum, can have a much more serious tone!

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