Israel Threatening Iran

THEIR homeland just like the ARYANS thought about Germany, eh dude? Like I said, you can go ahead and make an excuse for THAT ethnicity if you need to but you are no better than those validating the LAST master race and a state sponsored premium on a specific ethnicity. JEWS ARE NOT THE ONLY PEOPLE WITH A HISTORY ON THAT LAND. I realize that may come as a shock to you but, hey, this is what evidence is all about.

And, just so you know, JEWS /= ZIONINSTS. ZIONISTS /= JEWS. Again, your ignorance goes a long way in facilitating your racist opinion and absolute disinterest in the FACT of what was and what wasn't said. Feel free to read the fucking speech. It's not his fault that you are too stupid to see the difference between being a zionist and being jewish.

And, Iran isn't the only gay hating nation in this world, dude. I suggest you wake the fuck up and look around you right before you vote against gay rights in THIS country.

Dude, what the hell are you talking about? Go back and read what I wrote! My point was the prez of Iran hates gays. Way to fuck that up! Also I must have a very racist mind saying it isn't right for Iran to hate on Israel and I understand why Israel doesn't want Iran having a nuclear capability.

but you can continue to post like a fucking moron all day if you want

Hey man dont worry about this crazy bastard. He has been screaming all kinds of crazy crap for the last few days. He was screaming to me how great Iran was and then i brought up the gay issue in Iran and he called me the racist, lol! The guy has no clue what people are even saying before he posts.
Hey man dont worry about this crazy bastard. He has been screaming all kinds of crazy crap for the last few days. He was screaming to me how great Iran was and then i brought up the gay issue in Iran and he called me the racist, lol! The guy has no clue what people are even saying before he posts.
lol i just laugh at morons like this
its just too funny to take serious
It's the height of irony that much of the negative attention that falls on the malaria infested swamp that is the Iranian regime is due to their anti gay stance.

It's not the child executions, it's not the barbaric methods of doing it (stoning and slow hanging), it's not the appalling human rights abuses, and it's not their call to destroy Israel (in whatever form you imagine it to be, that's an incredible statement from a president of any country)... and certainly it's not their export of terrorism worldwide.

It's because they suppress gays.

Irony indeed.
Dude, what the hell are you talking about? Go back and read what I wrote! My point was the prez of Iran hates gays. Way to fuck that up! Also I must have a very racist mind saying it isn't right for Iran to hate on Israel and I understand why Israel doesn't want Iran having a nuclear capability.

Of course you do.. of COURSE you do. I mean, you and the average fundie who wants nukes in iran have NOTHING IN COMMON!


Hell, let's talk about the king of fucking ironies here and pretend that North American politics is like a fucking bastion of gay equality and consideration while we talk shit about Iran.. Hell, that's almost as ironic as accusing Iran of terrorism.. despite the west actually invading a nation over phantom WMDs. Truly, ironies abound.
Hey man dont worry about this crazy bastard. He has been screaming all kinds of crazy crap for the last few days. He was screaming to me how great Iran was and then i brought up the gay issue in Iran and he called me the racist, lol! The guy has no clue what people are even saying before he posts.

por que? post the thread, pussy. I'll stand by my posts and you won't find a sinlge "iran is great" in any of them. Hey, I bet it takes a few more net butt buddies to rally enough courage for another one of your mind boggling retorts, eh?
It's the height of irony that much of the negative attention that falls on the malaria infested swamp that is the Iranian regime is due to their anti gay stance.

It's not the child executions, it's not the barbaric methods of doing it (stoning and slow hanging), it's not the appalling human rights abuses, and it's not their call to destroy Israel (in whatever form you imagine it to be, that's an incredible statement from a president of any country)... and certainly it's not their export of terrorism worldwide.

It's because they suppress gays.

Irony indeed.

YouTube - WOW- Slide show of images in Iran MEDIA WILL NOT SHOW YOU
YouTube - WOW- Slide show of images in Iran MEDIA WILL NOT SHOW YOU

If you read my post again you'll see I said "...that is the Iranian regime", not Iran.

I respect the ancient Iranian people, and feel sorry for them for living under the revolutionary regime. I wish them luck in overthrowing it.
The people of Iran love their country and their President.

It's just the Western media that makes up lies about Iran

Ahmedinejad was "elected" with less than 20% voter turnout. Of those 20%, if he was elected with 70% of the vote (that's pretty much a landslide), that means only %14 of Iran's eligible voters wanted him. That was BEFORE he made a shitty economy even worse, and embarrassed Iran internationally, and managed to isolate it with his nuclear weapons ambitions.

How many of those 14% do you think still support him?
Ahmedinejad was "elected" with less than 20% voter turnout. Of those 20%, if he was elected with 70% of the vote (that's pretty much a landslide), that means only %14 of Iran's eligible voters wanted him. That was BEFORE he made a shitty economy even worse, and embarrassed Iran internationally, and managed to isolate it with his nuclear weapons ambitions.

How many of those 14% do you think still support him?

Given Israel's manhandling of the last Palistinian election do you REALLY want to point fingers are trumped up election, dude? Really? Nuclear Weapons ambitions? Taking your news strait from jpost, I see..
All of them, plus the millions that didn't vote support him.

Even the conservatives within the regime don't like him. Not his economic policies, nor the way he continues to embarrass Iran on the international stage.

Really? Nuclear Weapons ambitions? Taking your news strait from jpost, I see..
You belong to a very small group of people on earth who still does not believe that Iran is after the bomb. Or maybe (and that's what I think about you) you do believe Iran's after the bomb, and you'd really like the mullah regime to get their hands on it.
Even the conservatives within the regime don't like him. Not his economic policies, nor the way he continues to embarrass Iran on the international stage.

You belong to a very small group of people on earth who still does not believe that Iran is after the bomb. Or maybe (and that's what I think about you) you do believe Iran's after the bomb, and you'd really like the mullah regime to get their hands on it.
He doesn't embarrass Iran by telling the truth.

That's what the Iranian people admire about him.

Iran is a soverign nation and has every right to produce a nuclear bomb to protect their country.
He doesn't embarrass Iran by telling the truth.

That's what the Iranian people admire about him.
No, that is what backwards Basijis and brainwashed reactionaries like about him.

Iran is a soverign nation and has every right to produce a nuclear bomb to protect their country.
Excuse me, a "right"?

Then the west has a right to stop the gang of scum that controls the Iranian nation by any means necessary.

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