Is this winning?Western leaders can no longer hide the truth about Ukraine


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2008
Brooklyn, NYC
According to western satanist narrative Putin & Zelensky shall continue the war until the last Ukrainians and Russians die.
Why USA, EU, NATO, Putin, Zelensky so badly need the war?
It's a good question, there are many theories, but only completely idiots in Ukraine and Russia can believe their corrupted freemasonic satanist 'leaders'

Recently, European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen carelessly revealed the devastating cost of the Ukraine war.
“It is estimated that more than 20,000 civilians and 100,000 Ukrainian military personnel have died to date,” she said. The comment drew sharp backlash and the E.C. later deleted the comments from video recordings of the address. The censorship was left unexplained and demonstrated the confusion of the purveyors of the approved narrative.
If Von der Leyen’s estimate is true, that is nearly ten times the number of dead Ukrainian soldiers reported by the Ukrainian government. The E.C. president’s remark shows that even the strongest backers of this bloody and unnecessary war can no longer hide the truth: Ukraine is at risk of losing.
The mainstream media and the Biden administration insist ad nauseam that Ukraine is winning against Russia. But the facts on the ground do not fit the narrative and the administration and media know it. The war hawks know their cynical Ukraine policy has not succeeded in driving Russia out of Ukraine. Tragically, the Ukrainians are the ones who suffer the immense cost of this foreign policy failure. Their nation is ruined for the sake and at the instigation of the globalist American empire.
As Ukraine loses its grip on heavily defended and important crossroads around the city of Bakhmut, the Western press has commenced a campaign to downplay the importance of the loss. Defense Express reports: “UK Defense Intelligence States [t]hat Bakhmut's capture becomes primarily a symbolic, political objective for Russia.” Last week, the Financial Times published an article entitled: “Hell Just Hell: Ukraine and Russia's war of attrition over Bakhmut.” As the subtitle of the piece reads, “Soldiers say fighting in and around eastern Donetsk city is reminiscent of first world war-style trench conflict.”
The following information is an indication of the nature of the Ukrainian “victory” over the previous six months.
Ukraine has lost an estimated 20 percent of its territory. At least 22 percent of Ukrainian farmland is under Russian control. These areas are a large part of the territory identified in the Minsk II agreement that were to be governed as autonomous districts. Due to the failure of the Minsk II agreement, Russia declared its Special Military Operations to free these areas from the grip of the Ukrainian government. As of today, it appears Russia has come close to achieving some of its initial goals.
In May 2022, the United Nations Refugee Agency reported that nearly eight million Ukrainians have been internally displaced, with another six million registered as refugees. That number is likely to rise even higher this winter. As a result of the recent Russian missile attacks on the Ukrainian power grid, even more people are fleeing Ukraine. Europe expects hundreds of thousands of Ukrainian refugees this winter due to the nation’s ruined cities. Kiev Mayor Vitali Klitschko may urge an evacuation of his city due to its failures to provide basic services to its population.
CNN reported a month ago that at least 30 percent of Ukrainian power stations are destroyed. BBC reports that six million Ukrainians are without power. EuroNews recently reported that two-thirds of Kiev is without power. An estimated 80 percent of Kiev is without water. News reports declare that Kiev is getting ready to survive without power, water and heating. Ukraine has evacuated cities that have become uninhabitable without heating or power. The World Health Organization warns millions of lives are “under threat” this winter.
Forbes Magazine reports that nearly half of Ukraine is without power. Newsweek reports that Ukraine's energy giant is running out of equipment to fix power outages. How long is the Ukrainian capital going to function without power?
The Ukrainian Central Bank estimates the nation’s 2022 GDP will decline by 32 percent, inflation will hit 30 percent, and unemployment will reach 30 percent. The New York Times reported Ukraine's agriculture industry has lost an estimated $23 billion from the war. The International Monetary Fund reports the Ukraine war has led to the worst food shortage since 2008. CNN reports that Ukraine's communications are entirely dependent on Elon Musk's Starlink system. If there are troubles with the system, the country goes dark.
Brookings reports: “The war has destroyed at least $127 billion of the nation’s buildings and other infrastructure, according to the Kyiv School of Economics.” The Washington Post reports the Ukrainians are asking for $700 billion in addition to the over $100 billion we have sent.
On the ground, Ukraine has had difficulty taking any territory actively defended by Russia. The recent “victory” of Ukraine capturing Kherson has evaporated. Ukraine is evacuating Kherson due to Russian shelling. The Ukrainian military machine is unable to maintain control of a city their opponent had evacuated. All the September and October Ukrainian offensives have stalled, and the Russians appear to be solidifying their lines of defense and dramatically increasing their forces in the field while Ukraine is drafting sixty-year-old men.
Ukraine is also losing its access to the resources it needs to continue the war. The U.S. and Europe are running out of weapons to send Ukraine. In addition, CNN reports weapons supplies for Ukraine are running low. Ukraine’s military equipment, especially its artillery, is crumbling and the West can’t replace much of what is breaking down.
Foreign Policy reports that NATO officials are very worried by the shortages. Even neocon Frederick Kagan admits NATO isn’t prepared for a conflict like Ukraine. “NATO doesn’t really plan to fight wars like this, and by that I mean wars with a super intensive use of artillery systems and lots of tank and gun rounds,” Kagan told Foreign Policy. “We were never stocked for this kind of war to begin with.” According to the CEO of Raytheon, Ukraine has used thirteen years of Javelin production in ten months.
n’t have to be this way. Ukraine and Russia could have made a lasting peace deal if it weren’t for the meddling of the Globalist American Empire. In March of 2022, the two sides appeared to be close to agreeing on terms to settle the conflict. It appeared that the agreement would assure Ukraine would never join NATO. The NATO issue is the biggest in this whole affair. The United States and United Kingdom thwarted this deal and the war has continued since, killing tens of thousands of Ukrainians, Russians, and others. Their blood is on the hands of U.S. and U.K. leaders.
U.S. defense contractors, politicians, and think tanks are profiting at the expense of Ukraine and its unfortunate citizens. The rest of Europe is suffering from the “maximum sanctions” aimed at Russia while Ukrainians continue to flee their own country. None of this suffering appears to concern the people in charge of American foreign policy. They don’t care about Ukraine’s ruin–they only care about sticking it to Russia. This is the inevitable product of a D.C. worldview that sees humans as cattle.

No doubt, the cost of the war to Russia has been high as well. They have miscalculated and made errors throughout this whole tragedy. But the narrative purveyed to the American people has not been honest or accurate. What does Ukraine gain by losing tens of thousands of lives and significant portions of its infrastructure? Many Ukrainians have lost their loved ones and face a brutal winter all for the sake of people like Ursula von der Leyen, Joe Biden, and their neocon handlers. It’s time for Western leaders face the truth, and pursue negotiations to save the Ukrainians from this human tragedy.

I say disband NATO & let Ukraine & Russia make a peace they can both live with.
This is a family squabble between cousins with a long standing beef.

NWO has other plans though & peace isn't part of it.
Famine, energy scarcity & neo-fascism/feudalism can't be sold to the sheep without mass chaos first
During the past day, the Russian army destroyed eight howitzers and armored vehicles. This is reported by the UNM of the DPR, the correspondent of "Donbass Today" reports.

According to the ministry, two self-propelled Polish howitzers AS Krab and six British M-777 howitzers were destroyed. In addition, one T-64BV tank and six armored vehicles were disabled. Also, the UNM noted that during the day the AFU suffered losses among more than twenty-five Ukrainian military.

Note that these howitzers have a caliber of 155 mm. Regular shelling of Donetsk takes place from guns of this caliber.

Earlier it became known that the Ukrainian Armed Forces are firing at the capital of the DPR from the Czech MLRS "Vampire".
This is a family squabble between cousins with a long standing beef.

NO and NO,
The government inserted into Ukey Land in 2014 by the US is Nazi . Which is the same rock that the WEF rests on with the Nazi factions in the CIA and Pentagon being their most fervent "protegees".

So forget the "cousins" nonsense between old currency Ukey Land and Russia .
That has gone .

Russia has a neighbour now run by Americans , American Nazis and Ukey Nazis with NATO as willing supporters .
And that neighbour is developing nuclear missiles and supported over 30 bio labs funded and built by the US .

That is why Russia will run this SMO until it has achieved Ukey demilitarisation and denazification .

And as we will see , Russian military strength will quickly end the but only when Russia has met its objectives .

Of course you as a Jew don't see any problem here.
Your tribesmen including Putin, Zelensky and all around them hustle Russians and Ukrainians against each other until the territory of Ukraine becomes empty and became capable for starting of the project Khazaria 2.0
How many your co-believers are fighting as soldiers now?
I don't think it could be found even one.

During the past day, the Russian army destroyed eight howitzers and armored vehicles. This is reported by the UNM of the DPR, the correspondent of "Donbass Today" reports.

According to the ministry, two self-propelled Polish howitzers AS Krab and six British M-777 howitzers were destroyed. In addition, one T-64BV tank and six armored vehicles were disabled. Also, the UNM noted that during the day the AFU suffered losses among more than twenty-five Ukrainian military.

Note that these howitzers have a caliber of 155 mm. Regular shelling of Donetsk takes place from guns of this caliber.

Earlier it became known that the Ukrainian Armed Forces are firing at the capital of the DPR from the Czech MLRS "Vampire".

Unfortunately you're naive, Putin does anything possible to prolong and to loose the war
Below is the honest evaluation of situation outside of Putin's propagandists
Putin is a flunky of Schwab & NWO, does anything they command

In general, there is no change. Local battles continue on the Svatovo-Kreminna front. On the Donetsk Front, there is still meaningless (for the advancing forces) meat grinder near and on the outskirts of Bakhmut. The attackers have not yet managed to achieve significant progress. In Marinka, the enemy was slightly displaced near the center of the village. Street battles continue with heavy infantry losses on both sides.

According to open sources, the border areas on the border between the Gomel region of Belarus and the Chernihiv region of the so-called "Ukraine" are "closed" for visits and movements. This direction of a possible offensive by the Russian Armed Forces was very promising last spring, when the effect of surprise was in full force and the AFU leadership had an initial panic. Now it will almost inevitably be much harder to break through the wooded and marshy terrain in the event of a "comeback" - the enemy is also not sitting idly by and preparing for the defense.

In turn, the enemy is gathering a strong grouping in the vicinity of Kharkiv. For offensive or for defense - I, of course, do not know. (The Kharkov direction should have been a priority at the very beginning of the SSO, but the amazing people who planned the operation decided quite differently - until the brilliant "regrouping" that followed in October).

On the Zaporizhia and Dnepr fronts, there is no change. There is still a potential threat of the enemy capturing bridgeheads on the eastern bank of the Dnepr near Kakhovka and Kherson, as well as an attack by the AFU in the direction of Melitopol-Berdyansk.

I do not share the opinion that the Ukrainian armed forces are "not ready or even capable" of a new offensive (expressed yesterday on Channel One by Daniil Bezsonov). The enemy has reserves. But of course I have no data on how he is going to use them (for an offensive or to repel a hypothetical strike of the RF Armed Forces from the territory of Belarus and from the Kursk, Bryansk, and Belgorod Regions).

The prospects of a successful large-scale offensive by the RF Armed Forces in the next few weeks I assess (exactly from the point of view of success, but not from the probability of the offensive itself) as low. I will not describe the reasons for my skepticism.


NO and NO,
The government inserted into Ukey Land in 2014 by the US is Nazi .

Wasn't the Regime of Putin which supported Ukrainian Nazis exactly since 2000?
What did Putin for support of Russians in Ukraine?
Nothing, absolutely nothing except empty babbling.
He kissed any Nazi in the ass beginning from Timoshenko and Jutschenko, made business with them
Even now the traitorous faggot give millions Russians away in Kherson, Khuew and Kharkiv area

The real 'fruits' of idiotic and stupid 'policy' of Putin & Lavrov are exactly outlined in this funny song

Russian army
your "army" are sucking muslims´and Ukrainian dicks 7/24, and you are gonna do the same ivan
Does anyone else recall LBJ and his call for preserving freedom in South Vietnam?

Washington Is Prolonging Ukraine's Suffering - The American Conservative

"The real danger now is that Biden will soon appear on television to repeat LBJ’s performance in 1965, substituting the word 'Ukraine' for 'South Vietnam':

"Tonight, my fellow Americans I want to speak to you about freedom, democracy, and the struggle of the Ukrainian people for victory.

"No other question so preoccupies our people.

"No other dream so absorbs the millions who live in Ukraine and Eastern Europe… However, I am not talking about a NATO attack on Russia.

"Rather, I propose to send a U.S. led coalition of the willing, consisting of American, Polish, and Romanian armed forces into Ukraine, to establish the ground equivalent of a 'no-fly zone.'

"The mission I propose is a peaceful one, to create a safe zone in the Western most portion of Ukraine for Ukrainian Forces and refugees struggling to survive Russia’s devastating attacks…"

Modern history of Ukraine - Wikipedia

Does anyone else find it noteworthy that western Ukraine was part of Poland prior to 1939?

"During a speech given on November 29, Polish Vice-Minister of National Defense (MON) Marcin Ociepa said: 'The probability of a war in which we will be involved is very high. Too high for us to treat this scenario only hypothetically.'

"The Polish MON is allegedly planning to call up 200,000 reservists in 2023 for a few weeks’ training, but observers in Warsaw suspect this action could easily lead to a national mobilization."
Yes, Western Ukraine was part of Poland. Macgregor is correct: NATO's expansion is the tumorous metastasis of this human tragedy.
Macgregor has also suggested the war in Ukraine has an existential aspect for NATO as well as Russia:

Washington Is Prolonging Ukraine's Suffering - The American Conservative

"In an interview published in the Economist, head of Ukraine’s armed forces General Valery Zaluzhny admitted that Russian mobilization and tactics are working.

"He even hinted that Ukrainian forces might be unable to withstand the coming Russian onslaught.

"Yet, Zaluzhny rejected any notion of a negotiated settlement and instead pleaded for more equipment and support.

"He went on to insist that with 300 new tanks, 600 to 700 new infantry fighting vehicles, and 500 new Howitzers, he could still win the war with Russia.

"Truthfully, General Zaluzhny is not asking for assistance, he’s asking for a new army.

"Therein lies the greatest danger for Washington and its NATO allies."

If Russia defeats NATO/US in Ukraine, Biden and Democrats will take the blame.
Macgregor has also suggested the war in Ukraine has an existential aspect for NATO as well as Russia:

Washington Is Prolonging Ukraine's Suffering - The American Conservative

"In an interview published in the Economist, head of Ukraine’s armed forces General Valery Zaluzhny admitted that Russian mobilization and tactics are working.

"He even hinted that Ukrainian forces might be unable to withstand the coming Russian onslaught.

"Yet, Zaluzhny rejected any notion of a negotiated settlement and instead pleaded for more equipment and support.

"He went on to insist that with 300 new tanks, 600 to 700 new infantry fighting vehicles, and 500 new Howitzers, he could still win the war with Russia.

"Truthfully, General Zaluzhny is not asking for assistance, he’s asking for a new army.

"Therein lies the greatest danger for Washington and its NATO allies."

If Russia defeats NATO/US in Ukraine, Biden and Democrats will take the blame.

Obama, Biden and the Democrats are already to blame for the situation there which has been in place since 2014.
If Russia defeats NATO/US in Ukraine, Biden and Democrats will take the blame.

It's not the plan by Putin, otherwise Ukraine already had been defeated
His police troops alone have more as 5m well trained troops, additionally coming 4m of private securities & Co
According to western satanist narrative Putin & Zelensky shall continue the war until the last Ukrainians and Russians die.
Why USA, EU, NATO, Putin, Zelensky so badly need the war?
It's a good question, there are many theories, but only completely idiots in Ukraine and Russia can believe their corrupted freemasonic satanist 'leaders'

Recently, European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen carelessly revealed the devastating cost of the Ukraine war.
“It is estimated that more than 20,000 civilians and 100,000 Ukrainian military personnel have died to date,” she said. The comment drew sharp backlash and the E.C. later deleted the comments from video recordings of the address. The censorship was left unexplained and demonstrated the confusion of the purveyors of the approved narrative.
If Von der Leyen’s estimate is true, that is nearly ten times the number of dead Ukrainian soldiers reported by the Ukrainian government. The E.C. president’s remark shows that even the strongest backers of this bloody and unnecessary war can no longer hide the truth: Ukraine is at risk of losing.
The mainstream media and the Biden administration insist ad nauseam that Ukraine is winning against Russia. But the facts on the ground do not fit the narrative and the administration and media know it. The war hawks know their cynical Ukraine policy has not succeeded in driving Russia out of Ukraine. Tragically, the Ukrainians are the ones who suffer the immense cost of this foreign policy failure. Their nation is ruined for the sake and at the instigation of the globalist American empire.
As Ukraine loses its grip on heavily defended and important crossroads around the city of Bakhmut, the Western press has commenced a campaign to downplay the importance of the loss. Defense Express reports: “UK Defense Intelligence States [t]hat Bakhmut's capture becomes primarily a symbolic, political objective for Russia.” Last week, the Financial Times published an article entitled: “Hell Just Hell: Ukraine and Russia's war of attrition over Bakhmut.” As the subtitle of the piece reads, “Soldiers say fighting in and around eastern Donetsk city is reminiscent of first world war-style trench conflict.”
The following information is an indication of the nature of the Ukrainian “victory” over the previous six months.
Ukraine has lost an estimated 20 percent of its territory. At least 22 percent of Ukrainian farmland is under Russian control. These areas are a large part of the territory identified in the Minsk II agreement that were to be governed as autonomous districts. Due to the failure of the Minsk II agreement, Russia declared its Special Military Operations to free these areas from the grip of the Ukrainian government. As of today, it appears Russia has come close to achieving some of its initial goals.
In May 2022, the United Nations Refugee Agency reported that nearly eight million Ukrainians have been internally displaced, with another six million registered as refugees. That number is likely to rise even higher this winter. As a result of the recent Russian missile attacks on the Ukrainian power grid, even more people are fleeing Ukraine. Europe expects hundreds of thousands of Ukrainian refugees this winter due to the nation’s ruined cities. Kiev Mayor Vitali Klitschko may urge an evacuation of his city due to its failures to provide basic services to its population.
CNN reported a month ago that at least 30 percent of Ukrainian power stations are destroyed. BBC reports that six million Ukrainians are without power. EuroNews recently reported that two-thirds of Kiev is without power. An estimated 80 percent of Kiev is without water. News reports declare that Kiev is getting ready to survive without power, water and heating. Ukraine has evacuated cities that have become uninhabitable without heating or power. The World Health Organization warns millions of lives are “under threat” this winter.
Forbes Magazine reports that nearly half of Ukraine is without power. Newsweek reports that Ukraine's energy giant is running out of equipment to fix power outages. How long is the Ukrainian capital going to function without power?
The Ukrainian Central Bank estimates the nation’s 2022 GDP will decline by 32 percent, inflation will hit 30 percent, and unemployment will reach 30 percent. The New York Times reported Ukraine's agriculture industry has lost an estimated $23 billion from the war. The International Monetary Fund reports the Ukraine war has led to the worst food shortage since 2008. CNN reports that Ukraine's communications are entirely dependent on Elon Musk's Starlink system. If there are troubles with the system, the country goes dark.
Brookings reports: “The war has destroyed at least $127 billion of the nation’s buildings and other infrastructure, according to the Kyiv School of Economics.” The Washington Post reports the Ukrainians are asking for $700 billion in addition to the over $100 billion we have sent.
On the ground, Ukraine has had difficulty taking any territory actively defended by Russia. The recent “victory” of Ukraine capturing Kherson has evaporated. Ukraine is evacuating Kherson due to Russian shelling. The Ukrainian military machine is unable to maintain control of a city their opponent had evacuated. All the September and October Ukrainian offensives have stalled, and the Russians appear to be solidifying their lines of defense and dramatically increasing their forces in the field while Ukraine is drafting sixty-year-old men.
Ukraine is also losing its access to the resources it needs to continue the war. The U.S. and Europe are running out of weapons to send Ukraine. In addition, CNN reports weapons supplies for Ukraine are running low. Ukraine’s military equipment, especially its artillery, is crumbling and the West can’t replace much of what is breaking down.
Foreign Policy reports that NATO officials are very worried by the shortages. Even neocon Frederick Kagan admits NATO isn’t prepared for a conflict like Ukraine. “NATO doesn’t really plan to fight wars like this, and by that I mean wars with a super intensive use of artillery systems and lots of tank and gun rounds,” Kagan told Foreign Policy. “We were never stocked for this kind of war to begin with.” According to the CEO of Raytheon, Ukraine has used thirteen years of Javelin production in ten months.
n’t have to be this way. Ukraine and Russia could have made a lasting peace deal if it weren’t for the meddling of the Globalist American Empire. In March of 2022, the two sides appeared to be close to agreeing on terms to settle the conflict. It appeared that the agreement would assure Ukraine would never join NATO. The NATO issue is the biggest in this whole affair. The United States and United Kingdom thwarted this deal and the war has continued since, killing tens of thousands of Ukrainians, Russians, and others. Their blood is on the hands of U.S. and U.K. leaders.
U.S. defense contractors, politicians, and think tanks are profiting at the expense of Ukraine and its unfortunate citizens. The rest of Europe is suffering from the “maximum sanctions” aimed at Russia while Ukrainians continue to flee their own country. None of this suffering appears to concern the people in charge of American foreign policy. They don’t care about Ukraine’s ruin–they only care about sticking it to Russia. This is the inevitable product of a D.C. worldview that sees humans as cattle.

No doubt, the cost of the war to Russia has been high as well. They have miscalculated and made errors throughout this whole tragedy. But the narrative purveyed to the American people has not been honest or accurate. What does Ukraine gain by losing tens of thousands of lives and significant portions of its infrastructure? Many Ukrainians have lost their loved ones and face a brutal winter all for the sake of people like Ursula von der Leyen, Joe Biden, and their neocon handlers. It’s time for Western leaders face the truth, and pursue negotiations to save the Ukrainians from this human tragedy.

Ukraine is winning so much that they need even more money, more weapons, and much more sophisticated weapons at that... Yeah... They're really kicking some ass out there...

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