Is Joe Biden finished - poll

Translation. Trump is a liar. I guess I can assume every attack Trump makes against Biden is a lie...err I mean using pejoratives. Lol

He lies in order to win.

Glad you admit that.
Trump is the king of hyperbole. I admit that. And? Still better than the current corpse in the WH. Yet you said Desantis was a groomer so you believe Trump, corrext?

Donald Trump Fantasized About Having Sex With Ivanka, New Book Says​

An ex-Trump staffer details the lewd comments Trump regularly made about his daughter’s body.​

Miles Taylor details in his upcoming book, Blowback: A Warning to Save Democracy From the Next Trump

“Aides said he talked about Ivanka Trump’s breasts, her backside, and what it might be like to have sex with her, remarks that once led [former Chief of Staff] John Kelly to remind the president that Ivanka was his daughter,”

Imagine that. Trump going on and on about how much he'd like to F his own daughter and John Kelly says "sir that's your god damn daughter"

Trump laughs and whispers under his breath to his aide, "I'd still fuck the shit out of her"
Untrue. People post this shit to make money. Russia Russia Russia
Trump is the king of hyperbole. I admit that. And? Still better than the current corpse in the WH. Yet you said Desantis was a groomer so you believe Trump, corrext?
Saying DeSantis is a groomer is not hyperbole; it's either a lie or it isn't.

Well Trump was said by his supporters to always tell the truth and tell it like it is...but now I see that isn't necessarily true.
Saying DeSantis is a groomer is not hyperbole; it's either a lie or it isn't.

Well Trump was said by his supporters to always tell the truth and tell it like it is...but now I see that isn't necessarily true.
You didn’t answer my question. Typical pussy.
Saying DeSantis is a groomer is not hyperbole; it's either a lie or it isn't.

Well Trump was said by his supporters to always tell the truth and tell it like it is...but now I see that isn't necessarily true.

Is Biden a groomer?

This is stupid, you loons trying to seize on what the left is
Trump is the king of hyperbole. I admit that. And? Still better than the current corpse in the WH. Yet you said Desantis was a groomer so you believe Trump, corrext?
hyperbole? But what he says is meant to be taken literally.

trump's the king of liars not hyperbole
Untrue. People post this shit to make money. Russia Russia Russia
Reminds me of that lie going around that Joe showered with his daughter. Only no one would write that lie in a book because they'd be sued for making that up.

Instead they leak a rumor.

I doubt all these people writing all these books are making shit up about Trump. In fact we don't even think you care if Trump is a complete scumbag. So are you.
hyperbole? But what he says is meant to be taken literally.

trump's the king of liars not hyperbole
No he is the king of hyperbole.

To me whether it’s Trump, Ron or Nikki they have my vote. Anyone but Biden/Harris.

Pile of Rocks, please acknowledge this statement so that we may move on. Thank you.
Reminds me of that lie going around that Joe showered with his daughter. Only no one would write that lie in a book because they'd be sued for making that up.

Instead they leak a rumor.

I doubt all these people writing all these books are making shit up about Trump. In fact we don't even think you care if Trump is a complete scumbag. So are you.
It was in her diary. Jeeezuz pile of rocks, nice conflation. Why are you attacking me personally? We both know you’re scared of me.
Is Biden a groomer?

This is stupid, you loons trying to seize on what the left is
Not that I have seen.

Between cross dressing Santos, groomer DeSantis and sexual assaulter Trump; the Republican party has an entire menagerie of disgusting characters they seem to choose.
Do you believe Desantis is a groomer? Yes or no? Stop dancing.
I thought he was but now you are saying that Trump lies...I mean uses hyperbole lol.

I suppose since he has not been convicted of being a groomer I'll have to say I don't believe it.
Not that I have seen.

Between cross dressing Santos, groomer DeSantis and sexual assaulter Trump; the Republican party has an entire menagerie of disgusting characters they seem to choose.

You're ridiculous. Just ridiculous

Your Tater showered with his daughter... only in left loon land is that ever acceptable
I do not think it will be just Democrats. I think the bureaucrats will be in his sites. Non elected officials with power they do not deserve and have constantly abused.

Trump is only going to be the president. Not a dictator.
This is one of Trumps problems in his first term. He knows how to give orders. But he's in a place where no one has to take his orders.
To get things done, there are levers that have to pulled, procedures and rules that must be followed.

Remember W's statement about how easy things would be if he was the dictator?

This is one reason why DeSantis would do a much better job at fixing much of this. He's a military attorney. He's been in congress. He's been in an executive leadership position. And he understands how things run, and the things he can and cannot do without following procedures first.
Trumps just a bull in a China shop.

Remember Trumps "I like taking the guns first and doing due process later." Put that frame of mind into him trying to get things done. It's Trump way of doing things. He can like it all he wants to. But doing it is going to give his opposition a reason to start the witch hunts all over again, and stifle anything he wants to get done.

If, in fact Trump wants to do things like end the deep state and drain the swamp. But IMO, he just wants to be king toad of the swamp. Otherwise he wouldn't have endorsed someone as lame as McCarthy.
Does my profile look like I am new to this? Your TDS is hilarious.
Then you are a slow learner.

Your TDS is transparent. You make up words to defend Trump because you can't allow yourself to say he is a liar.

Your devotion to Trump is embarrassing.

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