‘Hush money’ is not a crime, and Bragg has no case against Trump

Why would anyone want to vote for a president who pays Hush Money though? So what if it isn't a crime, doesn't it indicate how incredibly unethical and immoral Trump is? If he was ethical and moral he wouldn't need to pay hush money. I mean doesn't this say that he is very corrupt and immoral? You want a person with that kind of character as a US President? I certainly don't! Really Republicans are losing their marbles for still wanting Trump as president.


To try Trump, or ANYONE for that matter, on 34 FELONY counts of “falsifying business records” simply because payments to his own attorney - some of which went towards a futile attempt to keep an extramarital affair secret - were entered as “legal services,” defies any pretense of credulity. For anyone other than blatant political targets, such a “crime,” if prosecutors even bothered, would be a misdemeanor paperwork violation. For Trump, however, apparently it’s a felony for which he should be removed from free society. I don’t mean to be crass here, but what the hell?
It's obvious you put a lot of thought into your OP, but unless you personally have the authority to overrule our court system, the question of whether the charges trump is facing are real crimes has already been answered. You can whine all you want and say those things aren't crimes, but it just makes you look more childish.

Yeah yeah yeah....

And none of you ever bitched or moaned about Dobbs.

Tell it to the judge.

As you know, the judge does not have the authority to "clarify" the jury's decision.

"The jury answered "No" to the question "Did Ms. Carroll Prove, by a preponderance of evidence, that Mr. Trump raped Ms. Carroll," but answered "Yes" to that same question asked regarding the claims that "Mr. Trump sexually abused Ms. Carroll" and that he "forcibly touched" Carroll."

As you know, the judge does not have the authority to "clarify" the jury's decision.

"The jury answered "No" to the question "Did Ms. Carroll Prove, by a preponderance of evidence, that Mr. Trump raped Ms. Carroll," but answered "Yes" to that same question asked regarding the claims that "Mr. Trump sexually abused Ms. Carroll" and that he "forcibly touched" Carroll."

Yes, terrible behavior that disqualifies him morally and ethically from being a President.
Yes, terrible behavior that disqualifies him morally and ethically from being a President.

I did not vote for President Trump to lead my prayer group. I voted for him to get things done for the betterment of our country which he did even beyond most expectations. That's why I'll vote for him again. You, on the other hand, demand more of what has gotten us into this disaster.





You miss the point. His immorality he demonstrates on a daily basis disqualifies Trump as our leader, or, horribly, we have so become graded as a people, that then he is representative of American standards.

I hope not.
As you know, the judge does not have the authority to "clarify" the jury's decision.

"The jury answered "No" to the question "Did Ms. Carroll Prove, by a preponderance of evidence, that Mr. Trump raped Ms. Carroll," but answered "Yes" to that same question asked regarding the claims that "Mr. Trump sexually abused Ms. Carroll" and that he "forcibly touched" Carroll."

He has the authority to clarify the terms of the case.

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