How many children under age 18 have died specifically from COVID, i.e. no comorbidity symptoms... ZERO! So why the mask mandates?

No no no no no no no. Keep this what you call "God" in you. I don't like to have to do anything with such an entity.
Your ongoing & sincere efforts to express yourself in a non-native language have a genuinely endearing quality. :)
This stupidity has to to stop. Having a co-morbidity doesn't mean these kids didn't die of covid. Even the that don't die could face life changing illness, and they can carry it home to family and friends. Masks don't harm anyone, and the do help mitigate the spread.

Stop with the misinformation and lies. You are hurting people.
The virus, atleast the original, did very very little to would have been better that they be exposed to the original that does almost nothing if anything to them so they could build up immunity.

Last week, children made up 22.4% of the reported cases. That’s higher than the overall total average of child cases during the pandemic, which is 14.8% of total cumulative cases.
Dr. Rochelle Walensky, director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, said Thursday that new studies to be released Friday show hospitalizations in kids were four times higher in states with low vaccination rates in the month of August.
So what? It’s not the government job.
Your ongoing & sincere efforts to express yourself in a non-native language have a genuinely endearing quality. :)

Satana, you will never understand anything in whatever language. Nevertheless I will get you out of hell and close it one day. Today or in some billion years. We will see. But in the nearer future many people will land in an hell on planet Earth, who refuse to make a vaccination although they are able to be vaccinated. I hate all this self made sufferings, because this shows there's really a very long way to Tipperary.

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Satana, you will never understand anything in whatever language. Nevertheless I will get you out of hell and close it one day. Today or in some billion years. We will see. But in the nearer future many people will land in an hell on planet Earth, who refuse to make a vaccination although they are able to be vaccinated. I hate all this self made sufferings, because this shows there's really a very long way to Tipperary.

Even the bizarre, hostile & fallacious projections you've expressed above can't destroy the endearing qualities of your efforts. :)

But as with our 21st century Nazi Democrats, you should take care, especially given your country's history, with random scapegoating of those who, solely in your fallacious projections, are seen as less than.
Has anyone noticed that the Trumpers are getting crazier by the minute?
The fact is that the Delta variant of COVID has proved to be much more contagious among children.
I can’t imagine ant parent encouraging their child to catch COVID just because they will probably survive.

Vaccinate your children and encourage them to wear masks in school
Kids were catching the original Covid as well with the virus generally doing less to them than the Delta strain other than likely giving them immunity. If the kids were exposed to Covid 1, Covid 2 wouldn't be an issue. Soon there will be a covid 3 which is likely more deadly to a parent, whose kids (2 or 3) have had covid, I am happy as hell that they have had the virus already. I worry about my two new grandbabies...with the stupidity of not having already developed herd immunity by exposure by now which allows for mutations--I really worry about what happens when they are exposed to the new strains that are coming. I don't think they will make the next 12 years without being exposed, but atleast their parents have some immunity so they are less likely to bring it into the house.
Since COVID landed on our shores, 95% of dead the U.S. have been 50 or older. Nearly 80% of the dead were 65 or older — and not only are they heavily vaccinated, but they make up only 16% of the population. The 64.5% of the population under age 50 — in its entirety — has a 5% chance of dying from COVID.

Combine the minimal risk of death to young people -– less than the flu during a normal flu season — with what we now know about the strong immunity from prior COVID infection, and, throughout 2020, we should have been putting little kids into giant, Japanese-size classrooms and encouraging young people to blow beer foam in one another’s faces, get drunk and make out with strangers. Our entire under-30 population would be immune.

Remember the college kid on spring break when COVID first hit the news in February 2020, who had his life destroyed for nonchalantly telling a TV interviewer, “If I get corona, I get corona”? If only we’d listened to him instead of Fauci!

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My research team at Johns Hopkins worked with the nonprofit FAIR Health to analyze approximately
48,000 children under 18 diagnosed with Covid in health-insurance data from April to August 2020.
Our report found a mortality rate of zero among children without a pre-existing medical condition such as leukemia. If that trend holds, it has significant implications for healthy kids and whether they need two vaccine doses. The National Education Associationhas been debatingwhether to urge schools to require vaccination before returning to school in person. How can they or anyone debate the issue without the right data?

And these children have had enough! If they want to wear a mask...let them... but don't force them especially when not one kid has died directly from COVID!

What would be the reason for you wanting them to not protect themselves?
Because you hate the government again?
You're pathetic.

I find myself wondering: How much of this is actual, sincere concern, and how much of it is nothing more than politically-driven "disagree with da libz no matter wut".

At times, methinks they doth protest too much, y'know?
I don’t know. They seem to be getting nuttier by the minute.

Is it desperation? Fear of losing.

It’s nuts
Well if the teachers can stay behind plexiglass so they don't get sick then it's a good correct?
I have NO problem with plexiglass, masks for teachers, social distancing and vaccinations by choice... if they keep the
schools open. It is a simple matter of numbers. Again how many suicides by kids who are getting socially damaged all because 271 COVID deaths and almost NONE directly from COVID but from comorbidity symptoms, Obesity, etc.
I find myself wondering: How much of this is actual, sincere concern, and how much of it is nothing more than politically-driven "disagree with da libz no matter wut".
Couldnt you say the same about libs who impose draconian mask mandates and social distancing that they violate themselves?

You could, but being a partisan lib you never would
My research team at Johns Hopkins worked with the nonprofit FAIR Health to analyze approximately
48,000 children under 18 diagnosed with Covid in health-insurance data from April to August 2020.
Our report found a mortality rate of zero among children without a pre-existing medical condition such as leukemia. If that trend holds, it has significant implications for healthy kids and whether they need two vaccine doses. The National Education Associationhas been debatingwhether to urge schools to require vaccination before returning to school in person. How can they or anyone debate the issue without the right data?

And these children have had enough! If they want to wear a mask...let them... but don't force them especially when not one kid has died directly from COVID!
Well, to be fair, those results are older results, from before the Delta variant. Those stats are no longer true.
You do know that it is not the CDC that determined the child's primary cause of death, don't you? If the child has comorbidities that are connected to the covid death, then they are also listed as a secondary contributor. If one of these comorbidities is the primary cause of the child's death, then it is listed as such, and covid is listed as a secondary cause.

The child's doctor treating him or her, then the hospital medical examiner, determines the cause of death. The hospital then forwards on their own statistics, to the CDC, (sometimes the state passes it to the CDC).... Like with all covid statistics, it comes from the hospitals and doctors, themselves.
it was the doctor who received thousands of dollars for the report. We know, it's a money maker for doctors to write down Wuhan

I find myself wondering: How much of this is actual, sincere concern, and how much of it is nothing more than politically-driven "disagree with da libz no matter wut".

At times, methinks they doth protest too much, y'know?
it's merely child abuse to make a child limit their oxygen intake.
So you set the threshold of your children catching COVID as death?

Anything they survive is acceptable
The issue is the MSM blew Covid way out of proportion by downplaying comorbidity which for someone as dumb as you means: "the simultaneous presence of two or more diseases or medical conditions in a patient."age and comorbidity may be risk factors for poor outcome"
that under 18 Covid patients dying was according to the daily statistics I've copied every day since 3/31/20 as of today... 1,810 under 18 or 0.00245% of the 75 million under 18. AND the biased MSM has never pointed this out. It was politically driven i.e. getting Biden elected!
See attached articles as to how much the MSM donated to Biden's election!

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