Goliath Arab Lobby in US: terror financier Qatar's money flooding US universities


Platinum Member
Nov 13, 2023
Qatar, Asides from hosting Hamas jihadiFascists, has also major media propaganda:

- Al [Jihad] ja Zeera.

- TheNewArab.

And more...

Hamas Patron Qatar Has Spent $6 Billion Lobbying the U.S. Government and Funding Universities,” by Adam Kredo, Washington Free Beacon, February 9, 2024:

Qatar, the oil-rich Middle Eastern nation that provides shelter and cash to the Hamas terror group’s top leaders, has spent nearly $6 billion since 2007 lobbying the American government and funneling cash to the United States’ top universities, funding that is generating scrutiny in Congress.
With Qatar emerging as a central mediator in the United States’ attempts to reach a hostage deal between Israel and Hamas, Doha’s decades-long influence peddling operation in America is raising concerns about the country’s ties to the Iran-backed terror group.
Qatar has given or contracted more than $5.6 billion to 61 American schools since 2007, including Ivy Leagues such as Harvard University, Yale University, Cornell University, and Stanford University, according to funding records reviewed by the Washington Free Beacon. The country has also doled out more than $243 million on lobbying efforts in the United States since 2015, with more than $16 million spent in 2023 alone.
The money, experts and lawmakers say, has enabled Qatar to have outsized influence in American politics and academia, efforts they say have mainstreamed anti-Israel propaganda and silenced criticism about Doha’s longstanding ties to Hamas, the Iranian regime, and other terror groups. Hamas’s “three top leaders alone are worth a staggering total of $11 billion and enjoy a life of luxury in the sanctuary of the emirate of Qatar,” according to the New York Post.
The vast funding operation has generated congressional interest in the past and is fueling calls for an investigation by members of the Republican Study Committee (RSC), Congress’s largest GOP caucus, according to lawmakers and senior GOP aides who spoke to the Free Beacon. The RSC, one senior staffer said, is currently pressuring the relevant House oversight committees to investigate Qatar’s lobbying efforts and funding to schools….
From November 2007 to October 2023, Qatar made 1,116 donations to American universities totaling $5,673,091,815, records show. This has led to accusations that Doha is using its influence with the country’s top schools to mainstream propaganda that portrays Israel in a negative light.
Through the Qatar Foundation, a state-controlled entity tasked with promoting the country’s interests, the nation has prioritized educational initiatives that employ anti-Israel materials, according to watchdog groups…
Qatar, Asides from hosting Hamas jihadiFascists, has also major media propaganda:

- Al [Jihad] ja Zeera.

- TheNewArab.

And more...

Hamas Patron Qatar Has Spent $6 Billion Lobbying the U.S. Government and Funding Universities,” by Adam Kredo, Washington Free Beacon, February 9, 2024:

Netanyahu has been giving Hamas money through Qatar.
Nazi Israeli IDF Pansies taking a beating .
God has forsaken the Ethnic Cleansers yet again .

Stop crying you Hasbara Outcasts .
Try and behave like brave boys

Israel IDF losing war as battlefield cruelty exposes weaknesses .
Wow .
Another sign of support for the Hammers from on high .
Qatar, Asides from hosting Hamas jihadiFascists, has also major media propaganda:

- Al [Jihad] ja Zeera.

- TheNewArab.

And more...

Hamas Patron Qatar Has Spent $6 Billion Lobbying the U.S. Government and Funding Universities,” by Adam Kredo, Washington Free Beacon, February 9, 2024:
There is a lot of money being spent in America on mosques that I suspect is coming from overseas
The Goliath

israel-and-arab-world (1).gif

racist Luiza


The outcast said something about "sbara" as if it's a code.

At least one other user also adopted this reply when losing an argument.
So Quatar sends it's kids to US Unis for educations and US Jews send their kids on Ayala
There is a lot of money being spent in America on mosques that I suspect is coming from overseas
The mosque here is a lot safer place than a lot of gas stations, and I've experienced both. LOL

It amazes me that people are "concerned" when US unis are seen as the place to be.
So Quatar sends it's kids to US Unis for educations and US Jews send their kids on Ayala

The mosque here is a lot safer place than a lot of gas stations, and I've experienced both. LOL

It amazes me that people are "concerned" when US unis are seen as the place to be.
Its odd that people all over the world want to be here when we are allegedly so bad
Look it up. I've posted a dozen articles.
I "Look(ed) it up" and found only that israel "allowed" Qatar
to hand money to Gaza which, unfortunately actually means
HAMAS just as "allowing" food and supply trucks into Gaza
means FEEDING HAMAS. ------which also means that Israel
BUILT THE TERROR TUNNELS. I really enjoy islamo-nazi logic.
NOW Biden is building a seaport in Gaza for the islamo-nazi
cause and the GLORY OF ALLAH as demonstrated October 7, 2003.
By the same "logic" The 18th amendment instituting PROHIBITION
1920 was added to the Constitution in order to provide a GOOD LIVING
for AL CAPONE (the jooos must have done that one too)
Its odd that people all over the world want to be here when we are allegedly so bad

Most of them are broke, poor, dumb people and criminals that want to come to America to either suck at its tit or hurt it. Which is evidenced by what happens when we have an open border. They chose America over being dirt poor or being in a prison. If enough come here eventually America will be no different than the places they came from

The idea that America is a shining example of freedom that people from allover the world want to come here to make a life for themselves, to be an asset to America, be a citizen in a country where they can work hard and live a good life is rapidly going away.

racist Luiza


The outcast said something about "sbara" as if it's a code.

At least one other user also adopted this reply when losing an argument.
SBARRO is the name of a pizza shop in Brooklyn
Qatar, Asides from hosting Hamas jihadiFascists, has also major media propaganda:

- Al [Jihad] ja Zeera.

- TheNewArab.

And more...

Hamas Patron Qatar Has Spent $6 Billion Lobbying the U.S. Government and Funding Universities,” by Adam Kredo, Washington Free Beacon, February 9, 2024:

For the purpose of...? Moving to a new neighborhood? going out of business? funeral expenses? having their middle fingers sewn back on?
welcome to the fairy tale world of islamo-ipisco-propaganda.
long ago---long ago---HAMAS represented itself a loving
social HELP organization---funded by the glories of islamic
ZAKAT----zakat means islamic charity. Israeli leaders were
delighted because the organization presented itself as SOCIAL
HELP for "palestinian refugees"---like education, medical help,
etc-----so naturally da JOOOOS supported the idea as opposed the PLO KILL DA JOOOOS KILL DA JOOOS which so
delighted the episcopalians. Well---actually HAMAS is a
dream child of the filth of anglicanism----it is even more
KILL DA JOOOOOS than was the PLO

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