arabism is racism

  1. Sayaras

    It's called gratitude: racist Arab workers spray swastika in Etzion

    I mean how dare you give us employment... HakolHayehudi @hakolhayehudi First publication in HakolHayehudi: Arab workers sprayed a swastika in the Neve Nof construction project in the settlement of Neve Daniel in Gush Etzion. The incident was discovered about two weeks ago and after several...
  2. Sayaras

    Arab students draw swastika at progressive David Yelling college

    DEI at Haaretz(ism) type environment... fruits! Once again displays of hatred and anti-Semitism at the David Yellin College in Jerusalem A swastika was discovered on one of the walls in the college, and "7.10 - only Palestine" was engraved on one of the tables. At the beginning of the...
  3. Sayaras

    Hamas racist "palestine" calls to massacre non-zionist pious Jews who refuse to serve in IDF [genocide]

    Just as in cartoons, the Arab "palestinians" choose images of haredi pious Jews who refuse to serve in Israeli army. The Mossad: Satirical, Yet Awesome @TheMossadIL: A photo published by Hamas calling for revenge for Rafah. They're hunting Jews and they're not shy about expressing it. The...
  4. Sayaras

    Reminder: swastika-palestine arose right after genocidal-Arab "palestinian" Oct/7 atrocities

    The following are just from Oct 2023. Fury as Palestinian protester waves a SWASTIKA at anti-Israel rally in New York City's Times Square as thousands of demonstrators take to the streets across the US - while rockets and gunfire flies in the Middle East. 18:14 BST 08 Oct 2023, updated 04:13...
  5. Sayaras

    Bay Ridge: Mob by infamous Nazi-inspired Arab "palestine" Nerdeen Kiswani - Holocaust ceremonies interrupter WOL linked to racist attacks : ARRESTED

    This section inside Bay Ridge, Brooklyn, is called "little palestine"... no less New York: Anti-Israel protesters arrested in Brooklyn. At least a dozen arrested after Pro-Palestinian Arab demonstrators march in Bay Ridge and clash with officers. Israel National News, May 19, 2024...
  6. Sayaras

    Islamist "palestinian" occupation coming near you...

    An example of a coffee place in SD, CA "this is Palestinian place." - harassed the "palestinian" Arab immigrants. (And as they say, today, the Saturday people, tomorrow the Sunday people). This was already in Oct 2023, before pro-genocide Hamas Jihad regime succeeded in causing many...
  7. Sayaras

    These swastika-palestine racist Arab immigrants in Denmark - "not antisemitic"...

    Because defacing Holocauat monument with GENOCIDAL Hamas - on yomHashoah is about "freedom from occupation". Don't you get it?. Adam Ma’anit @adammaanit: The monument to the rescue of Danish Jews in Copenhagen this morning on Yom HaShoah. Disgraceful. H/t @vika_lisek May 6, 2024 Hen...
  8. Sayaras

    Racist Arab-Islamic man threatens Jewish man online, shows off his Nazi flag… [swastika palestine]

    Oh wait. Put in context... right? Where are the "learned" universities presidents when you [DON'T] need them... Arab man threatens Jewish man online, shows off his Nazi flag… An Arab man threatened a Jewish man while in an online video discussion and showed off his Nazi flag. The racist...
  9. Sayaras

    UK: Swastika scrawled by a pupil in a classroom - brainwashed ? into RACISM by pro-"palestinian" propaganda [Swastika palestine]

    They atill call it "pro palestine" as if these protesters are FOR anyone besides being ANTI one people... Police investigate school after swastika is found scrawled on back of pupil's chair as parents fear children are being brainwashed into anti-Semitism by pro-Palestinian activists By Sue...
  10. Sayaras

    Swastikas inside the giant tunnel uncovered by the IDF in Gaza (swastika palestine)

    These guys want another Arab separate state... Swastikas inside the giant tunnel uncovered by the IDF in Gaza. (Journalist) Yoni Ben Menachem @yonibmen
  11. Sayaras

    Swastika and "palestinian" stuff at London's non-Zionist religious-Jewish-area [Swastika palestine #8]

    Non-Zionist Jews have always been a target. Whether in Israel by Arab "palestinians" or Arabs with Israeli ID, or in Europe/US/Canada - mostly by racist-Arab-Muslim immigrants "activists". Lea Bridge Station: Swastika graffiti found on Holocaust Day. 8th May The graffiti was found at this bus...
  12. Sayaras

    Rise of racism / fascism: So why is Biden considering bringing more Arab "palestinians"?

    Since the base of "protests" --is Arab immigrants' SJP / CAIR Islamist-lobby-- used to race baiting reminiscent of the 1930s, why bring in more? At Holocaust event, Biden, Johnson, Jeffries condemn antisemitic protests in US. “We told the world that Israel and the Jewish people are not alone,”...
  13. Sayaras

    Swastika-palestine: Arab "Palestinian" leader of encampment on SU campus: " 'Anti-Semite' who praised Hitler, called for 'Death to Jews' "

    Aziza Zahran is typical, as in praising Hitler and asking why he didn't finish the job - at the same time the SJP racist palestine Arab has been comparing Nazi Germany to Israel... just like that infamous outcast troll here who wont be able to withhold her spamming childish, yet racist, boring...
  14. Sayaras

    Swastika-palestine Mob led by SJP's Muslim Brotherhood in (court doc.) plan to Islamize America (Not about the "Palestinians")

    * "Protest" and support for Hamas on October 7. * The Islamic "terrorists in suits" who ignite the hatred - financed by terrorist elements. * SJP's Muslim Brotherhood 100 year vision to Islamize America. * The propaganda machine of Hamas and Iran has been working for years. * They don't...
  15. Sayaras

    The Islamist MONEY at swastika-palestine "protests" mobs

    Asides from al jihadzeera boss QATAR money and Samidoun/PFLP links, PalestiNazis, Muslim Brotherhood HITLER obsession, note also how infamous racist Arab "palestinian" Hatem Bazian founder of SJP (and its ofshoot WOL by Nerdeen Kiswani infamous for disrupting Holocaust memorial ceremonies) uses...
  16. Sayaras

    Toronto: Swastikas drawn on baby hostage [Swastika-palestine]

    But it's just about "land" I mean (overwhingly racist) Arab-palestine just wants a "state" and nothing else. Right? Related on most "Arab palestinians are racists", from 2014 poll: _____ Swastika drawn on...
  17. Sayaras

    Amid Swastika-palestine virus: Biden to deliver keynote address at US Holocaust Memorial Museum after Yom HaShoah

    But he never acted against the duo islamofascists: Ilhan Omar / Rashida Tlaib and Hamas-linked CAIR lobby. __ Biden to deliver keynote address at US Holocaust Memorial Museum after Yom HaShoah. By Hannah Sarisohn. 05/01/2024 08:58 PM
  18. Sayaras

    On campus: Who are the "outsiders agitators?" CAIR Islamic-bigotry lobby? SJP?

    This is from the NYPost yesterday: ...“professional outside agitators” not affiliated with Columbia or the pro-Palestinian cause... Who are these??? And why do these cowards hide their ugly faces?? Hundreds of NYPD cops storm Columbia campus to clear out anti-Israel mob. Dorian Geiger and...
  19. Sayaras

    Suing racist Arab-supremacist Pallywood lying Maram Susli aka Syrian Girl/Partisan Girl

    The question is why did an Australian channel even believe her at first, after months of promoting FAKE NEWS pallywood? Mimi al-Laham, Maram Susli aka Syrian Girl/Partisan Girl. Oli London @OliLondonTV: Australia’s biggest antisemite Maram Susli aka Syrian Girl/Partisan Girl set to be sued for...
  20. TroglocratsRdumb

    Dearborn hate rally At an International Al-Quds Day rally in Dearborn, Michigan, held on April 5, 2024 and streamed live on on Facebook, protesters chanted: “Death to America!” and “Death to Israel!” “We live...
  21. Sayaras

    "palestinan" Arab butcher of 5-year-old girl hiding under bed - caught hiding in Shifa maternity ward

    Note the symbolic - sending him to allah as he was hiding in the maternity ward where mothers are supposed to bring life, children. And it was Purim season: when which commemorates the day when Haman had plotted to kill the Jews, “from the young to the old, little children and women”...
  22. Sayaras

    Fake historian racist Gilbert Achcar belittled Holocaust, compared Oct/7 "Palestinian" Arab atrocities on civilians to Ghetto Uprising

    On Hamas’s October Counter(sic)-Offensive" 10/8/2023. Gilbert Achcar "..Gaza’s latest counter-offensive brings indeed to mind the 1943 Warsaw Ghetto Uprising." Agenda-driven Gilbert Achcar: hiding, distorting the awful true Goliath Arab nazism.
  23. Sayaras

    Fake news / Hamas' mouthpiece al jazeera - out! (Qatar: JihadZeera, TheNewArab, Middle East Eye)

    Comment: Better late than never. Knesset passes bill to close Al Jazeera in Israel. Minister Karhi, who submitted the bill, says, "There will be no freedom of speech for Hamas mouthpieces in Israel. Al Jazeera will be closed in the coming days." Israel National News Apr 1, 2024...
  24. FDR_Reagan

    1938: Nazi Arab Club for Palestine in Berlin promoted pan Arab map

    Der ,,Arabischer Klub“ / Ständigen "Verteidigungskomitees für Palästina in Europa" – Hauptsitz in Berlin. Nazi Arab Club for Palestine in Berlin -- under Darwish al-Miqdadi-- promoted pan Arab map The Indian Express, Oct 30, 1938, p. 5. A Pan-Arab State Promoted From Berlin! Elaborate...
  25. Sayaras

    Shift in Oct-7-war op. No more hand tied for terrible "palestinian" human shields use

    Note. It is why it took so long until now... × × × ...the paradigm for IDF action in Gaza has shifted, and it is now ready to act anywhere and anytime, regardless of the human shields Hamas hides behind.
  26. Sayaras

    Arab racism - Islamic fascism UK / Ramadan

    Can someone recall cases that Jews ever attacked Arabs outside the M.E. as a result of M.E. conflict? UK hospital probing antisemitic abuse of child patient. Royal Manchester Children’s Hospital says investigating allegations that a nine year old ultra-Orthodox boy was mistreated by a nurse...
  27. Sayaras

    The REAL genocide: Arab anti-Jewish genocide campaign since 1920 (VS PallyWeid]

    Facts VS fiction. The problem is also the parroting Gaza-Death-ministry's manufactured "numbers" and always failing to add the ratio of about 1 terrorist neutralized to each civilian who are used by the jihad fascist regime to cause as more deaths as they can. Yes. The real genocide of "adbakh...
  28. Sayaras

    Diablocal Gaza Arab doctors, nurses "health ministry": racism and cruelty

    POINT IS. THESE ARE WHAT THE MSM TAKES AS SOURCE. EITHER IN NUMBERS OR "STORIES" Former hostage, Judith Raanan, a Chicago-area resident who was kidnapped together with her daughter, Natalie, by Hamas during its October 7 attack on Israel, said her captors were greeted as heroes when she and...
  29. FDR_Reagan

    The lesson from torture/kidnapping by racist Arabs: Laura Allam, Mohammad Sharab

    Connect the dots: Pushing garbage conspiracy theories, such as "denying" that the Al Qaeda Islamic Arabs massacred the 3,000 on 911. Or "denying" mass rape by jihad-palestine Oct-7. & Racist based violence "Australia: Shocking details emerge of assault by pro-Palestinian activists."...
  30. FDR_Reagan

    Islamofascism: Arab immigrant in FL: "All Jews must die"

    So limiting immigration and increasing vetting is "racist"?? ___ Florida Police Arrest Jordanian man for multiple attacks against Jews. Mar 10, 2024. The attacker took a dagger-like object from his pocket and chased them yelling… ‘All Jews are the (he said) devil’ and ‘All Jews must die.’...

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