Full steam ahead on Biden lightbulb ban


Diamond Member
Nov 6, 2021
This is a very good idea. We can greatly reduce overall electricity consumption by using LED or other more efficient bulbs.

These bulbs save consumers money as well because they use less power and last longer.

Win for everyone, great job Biden.
It is all I use.
This is a very good idea. We can greatly reduce overall electricity consumption by using LED or other more efficient bulbs.

These bulbs save consumers money as well because they use less power and last longer.

Win for everyone, great job Biden.
This ban also affects heat lamps. Think that's a good idea? Price of headlights will be going up, think that's a good idea?

I'm glad there isn't more pressing issues facing Americans today than banning light bulbs. Gas stoves are next. After that? Eat ze bugs

The Waldorf Salad In Chief can kiss my ass.

I have about a five year supply of -- GASP -- INCANDESCENT BULBS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

By the time I run out, he'll be booted the fuck out of anything resembling a powerful position -- hopefully dead -- and common sense will have taken back control of this nation.



The Waldorf Salad In Chief can kiss my ass.

I have about a five year supply of -- GASP -- INCANDESCENT BULBS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

By the time I run out, he'll be booted the fuck out of anything resembling a powerful position -- hopefully dead -- and common sense will have taken back control of this nation.


That won't take long as fast as they die out.
This is a very good idea. We can greatly reduce overall electricity consumption by using LED or other more efficient bulbs.

These bulbs save consumers money as well because they use less power and last longer.

Win for everyone, great job Biden.

Worry about saving your own money, idiot.

Thanks for your thought provoking post.


I'm glad there isn't more pressing issues facing Americans today than banning light bulbs. Gas stoves are next. After that? Eat ze bugs
Democrats in CA did that five years ago. I believe Canada has had a ban in place since 2014. Here's a link on state by state bans as well. Go on Amazon and buy up what you can now.

I'm glad there isn't more pressing issues facing Americans today than banning light bulbs. Gas stoves are next. After that? Eat ze bugs
Stolen elections have consequences.

We let the bastards get away with stealing the election and now we are paying the price. Massive inflation, reduced family income, millions of Illegals, banks failing, higher taxes, increased cost of energy, woke policies, out of control Justice Dept oppressing Americans and a disastrous embarrassing foreign policy. Add to that Environmental Wacko polices that do nothing more than diminish American Liberty.

I am quite capable of deciding what light bulb I want for my home. It is absolutely bat shit crazy for the Libtard wackos to reduce my choices. These wackos really don't know jackshit about the things they oppressively regulate.

Maybe they know there will be a tremendous disruption to the power grid with these idiotic L-I battery vehicles so they are putting a band aid on the grid by this stupid anti Liberty rule.
Stolen elections have consequences.

We let the bastards get away with stealing the election and now we are paying the price. Massive inflation, reduced family income, millions of Illegals, banks failing, higher taxes, increased cost of energy, woke policies, out of control Justice Dept oppressing Americans and a disastrous embarrassing foreign policy. Add to that Environmental Wacko polices that do nothing more than diminish American Liberty.

I am quite capable of deciding what light bulb I want for my home. It is absolutely bat shit crazy for the Libtard wackos to reduce my choices. These wackos really don't know jackshit about the things they oppressively regulate.

Maybe they know there will be a tremendous disruption to the power grid with these idiotic L-I battery vehicles so they are putting a band aid on the grid by this stupid anti Liberty rule.
Why are you pissed off at Reagan?
This is a very good idea.
You are confused Moon Bat. You always get things wrong. Always. You are an idiot. I don't think you ever have had an intelligent post since you joined this forum.

You can take your fucking Environmental Wacko Ideas and cram it up your Moon Bat ass. I am capable of deciding what light bulb I need. I don't need a fucking piece of shit bureaucrat, whose boss was made filthy rich by the Chinese, telling me how to live my life.

How come you Moon Bats hate Liberty so much? We know you Marxist shitheads hate individual Liberty because you love Collectivism more than life itself but telling me what light bulb I have to buy is as idiotic as it comes.
This is a very good idea. We can greatly reduce overall electricity consumption by using LED or other more efficient bulbs.

These bulbs save consumers money as well because they use less power and last longer.

Win for everyone, great job Biden.
Stone cold fucking dead, above cretin, stone cold fucking dead by 2025, good fucking riddance...... :banana:
This is a very good idea. We can greatly reduce overall electricity consumption by using LED or other more efficient bulbs.

These bulbs save consumers money as well because they use less power and last longer.

Win for everyone, great job Biden.
It's so awesome, government has to FORCE people to comply. Oh wait :eusa_think:

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