FDA settles lawsuit over Ivermectin.


Sheep Dipped Boy Scout
Gold Supporting Member
Dec 12, 2014
Plasticville U.S.A

Looks like Big Pharma was concerned not with people getting sick, but cutting into their exclusive huge global marketing initiative. FDA, CDC and the rest of the clowns jumped on the bandwagon after four phone inquiries about Ivermectin......phone inquiries, not adverse reaction reports.

After 4 years of catastrophic health agency tyranny, physicians finally score a legal victory. I think the FDA settled because their Pharma masters were terrified of discovery. Here is the backstory.​

In the wake of that campaign, pharmacies stopped filling valid, legal prescriptions and hospitals removed ivermectin from their formularies. Never had an FDA approved drug, one of the (if not the) safest prescribed medications in history ever been vilified or restricted to this extent. Just like hydroxychloroquine, ivermectin had to be stopped.

The FDA’s role in that campaign started with the posting of the below tweet on August 21, 2021, a week after the report on the below left came out, showing a massive rise in ivermectin prescriptions in the U.S during the deadly Delta wave

The rise in prescribing terrified the Covid cartel because if further knowledge of ivermectin’s efficacy were to be gained “on the ground” (i.e from the direct, lived experience of physicians and patients) it would limit the impacts of their corrupted trials and negative statements by corrupted agency heads and professional societies.

Obviously my readers know why “they” had to bury the evidence of efficacy of ivermectin at all costs: little ‘ole ivermectin threatened both the EUA for the vaccines and the global vaccine market (north of a $100 billion). It also threatened the markets for all the competing pricey, patented, pipeline pharmaceuticals like Remdesivir, Paxlovid, molnupiravir and the monoclonal antibodies (also massive global markets in the many billions).

Pharma’s greatest weapon to attack ivermectin is the FDA. Pharma (and especially Pfizer) has near complete control of the FDA (and the CDC and the NIH). But the FDA couldn’t do it all by themselves so they called in the CDC to do some dirty work: 5 days after the FDA tweet the CDC sent out a warning advisory to all the state medical boards (which was then forwarded to every licensed physician in the country)

“FDA has not admitted any violation of law or any wrongdoing, disagrees with the plaintiffs’ allegation that the agency exceeded its authority in issuing the statements challenged in the lawsuit, and stands by its authority to communicate with the public regarding the products it regulates,” the spokesperson said.

But I trust the wider public can see right through such a statement. I mean, who will believe that they can claim innocence when they were forced to settle? You only settle when you know you are going to lose in court or… you cannot risk going through the discovery process. Like I said above, my bet is that they wanted to avoid discovery at all costs.



Looks like Big Pharma was concerned not with people getting sick, but cutting into their exclusive huge global marketing initiative. FDA, CDC and the rest of the clowns jumped on the bandwagon after four phone inquiries about Ivermectin......phone inquiries, not adverse reaction reports.

After 4 years of catastrophic health agency tyranny, physicians finally score a legal victory. I think the FDA settled because their Pharma masters were terrified of discovery. Here is the backstory.​

In the wake of that campaign, pharmacies stopped filling valid, legal prescriptions and hospitals removed ivermectin from their formularies. Never had an FDA approved drug, one of the (if not the) safest prescribed medications in history ever been vilified or restricted to this extent. Just like hydroxychloroquine, ivermectin had to be stopped.

The FDA’s role in that campaign started with the posting of the below tweet on August 21, 2021, a week after the report on the below left came out, showing a massive rise in ivermectin prescriptions in the U.S during the deadly Delta wave

The rise in prescribing terrified the Covid cartel because if further knowledge of ivermectin’s efficacy were to be gained “on the ground” (i.e from the direct, lived experience of physicians and patients) it would limit the impacts of their corrupted trials and negative statements by corrupted agency heads and professional societies.

Obviously my readers know why “they” had to bury the evidence of efficacy of ivermectin at all costs: little ‘ole ivermectin threatened both the EUA for the vaccines and the global vaccine market (north of a $100 billion). It also threatened the markets for all the competing pricey, patented, pipeline pharmaceuticals like Remdesivir, Paxlovid, molnupiravir and the monoclonal antibodies (also massive global markets in the many billions).

Pharma’s greatest weapon to attack ivermectin is the FDA. Pharma (and especially Pfizer) has near complete control of the FDA (and the CDC and the NIH). But the FDA couldn’t do it all by themselves so they called in the CDC to do some dirty work: 5 days after the FDA tweet the CDC sent out a warning advisory to all the state medical boards (which was then forwarded to every licensed physician in the country)

But I trust the wider public can see right through such a statement. I mean, who will believe that they can claim innocence when they were forced to settle? You only settle when you know you are going to lose in court or… you cannot risk going through the discovery process. Like I said above, my bet is that they wanted to avoid discovery at all costs.

I normally don't quote alt-right media but in this case, it's appropriate. This is more about overstepping the bounds of telling doctors how to treat their patients and then mocking them online. :auiqs.jpg:
This settlement....doesn't achieve what you think it does. :) It says nothing about the efficacy of ivermectin, which has already been proven NOT to have any effect on COVID-19.

I normally don't quote alt-right media but in this case, it's appropriate. This is more about overstepping the bounds of telling doctors how to treat their patients and then mocking them online. :auiqs.jpg:
This settlement.... doesn't achieve what you think it does. It says nothing about the efficacy of ivermectin, which has already been proven NOT to have any effect on COVID-19.:)
You are a Denier with maximum Cognitive Rigidity .
Chapter one in the Text Book of mental health problems .

Looks like Big Pharma was concerned not with people getting sick, but cutting into their exclusive huge global marketing initiative. FDA, CDC and the rest of the clowns jumped on the bandwagon after four phone inquiries about Ivermectin......phone inquiries, not adverse reaction reports.

After 4 years of catastrophic health agency tyranny, physicians finally score a legal victory. I think the FDA settled because their Pharma masters were terrified of discovery. Here is the backstory.​

In the wake of that campaign, pharmacies stopped filling valid, legal prescriptions and hospitals removed ivermectin from their formularies. Never had an FDA approved drug, one of the (if not the) safest prescribed medications in history ever been vilified or restricted to this extent. Just like hydroxychloroquine, ivermectin had to be stopped.

The FDA’s role in that campaign started with the posting of the below tweet on August 21, 2021, a week after the report on the below left came out, showing a massive rise in ivermectin prescriptions in the U.S during the deadly Delta wave

The rise in prescribing terrified the Covid cartel because if further knowledge of ivermectin’s efficacy were to be gained “on the ground” (i.e from the direct, lived experience of physicians and patients) it would limit the impacts of their corrupted trials and negative statements by corrupted agency heads and professional societies.

Obviously my readers know why “they” had to bury the evidence of efficacy of ivermectin at all costs: little ‘ole ivermectin threatened both the EUA for the vaccines and the global vaccine market (north of a $100 billion). It also threatened the markets for all the competing pricey, patented, pipeline pharmaceuticals like Remdesivir, Paxlovid, molnupiravir and the monoclonal antibodies (also massive global markets in the many billions).

Pharma’s greatest weapon to attack ivermectin is the FDA. Pharma (and especially Pfizer) has near complete control of the FDA (and the CDC and the NIH). But the FDA couldn’t do it all by themselves so they called in the CDC to do some dirty work: 5 days after the FDA tweet the CDC sent out a warning advisory to all the state medical boards (which was then forwarded to every licensed physician in the country)

But I trust the wider public can see right through such a statement. I mean, who will believe that they can claim innocence when they were forced to settle? You only settle when you know you are going to lose in court or… you cannot risk going through the discovery process. Like I said above, my bet is that they wanted to avoid discovery at all costs.

Go enjoy your livestock suppositories.

Looks like Big Pharma was concerned not with people getting sick, but cutting into their exclusive huge global marketing initiative. FDA, CDC and the rest of the clowns jumped on the bandwagon after four phone inquiries about Ivermectin......phone inquiries, not adverse reaction reports.

After 4 years of catastrophic health agency tyranny, physicians finally score a legal victory. I think the FDA settled because their Pharma masters were terrified of discovery. Here is the backstory.​

In the wake of that campaign, pharmacies stopped filling valid, legal prescriptions and hospitals removed ivermectin from their formularies. Never had an FDA approved drug, one of the (if not the) safest prescribed medications in history ever been vilified or restricted to this extent. Just like hydroxychloroquine, ivermectin had to be stopped.

The FDA’s role in that campaign started with the posting of the below tweet on August 21, 2021, a week after the report on the below left came out, showing a massive rise in ivermectin prescriptions in the U.S during the deadly Delta wave

The rise in prescribing terrified the Covid cartel because if further knowledge of ivermectin’s efficacy were to be gained “on the ground” (i.e from the direct, lived experience of physicians and patients) it would limit the impacts of their corrupted trials and negative statements by corrupted agency heads and professional societies.

Obviously my readers know why “they” had to bury the evidence of efficacy of ivermectin at all costs: little ‘ole ivermectin threatened both the EUA for the vaccines and the global vaccine market (north of a $100 billion). It also threatened the markets for all the competing pricey, patented, pipeline pharmaceuticals like Remdesivir, Paxlovid, molnupiravir and the monoclonal antibodies (also massive global markets in the many billions).

Pharma’s greatest weapon to attack ivermectin is the FDA. Pharma (and especially Pfizer) has near complete control of the FDA (and the CDC and the NIH). But the FDA couldn’t do it all by themselves so they called in the CDC to do some dirty work: 5 days after the FDA tweet the CDC sent out a warning advisory to all the state medical boards (which was then forwarded to every licensed physician in the country)

But I trust the wider public can see right through such a statement. I mean, who will believe that they can claim innocence when they were forced to settle? You only settle when you know you are going to lose in court or… you cannot risk going through the discovery process. Like I said above, my bet is that they wanted to avoid discovery at all costs.

Thank you. Very informative. So, while it's nice to see our corrupt FDA, CDC etc. lose this case, it's also very frustrating that nothing will happen to them. Their actions, like Fauci's, were responsible for deaths. They knew that ivermectin was safe and effective, but they were controlled by Pfizer, whose only concern was profit. In my opinion, all those involved are guilty of murder as well as depriving Americans of their freedom of choice. At this point, having nothing is better than having the CDC, FDA, NIH, WHO and the rest of those murderous bastards that currently contaminate our government. MAGA
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Looks like Big Pharma was concerned not with people getting sick, but cutting into their exclusive huge global marketing initiative. FDA, CDC and the rest of the clowns jumped on the bandwagon after four phone inquiries about Ivermectin......phone inquiries, not adverse reaction reports.

After 4 years of catastrophic health agency tyranny, physicians finally score a legal victory. I think the FDA settled because their Pharma masters were terrified of discovery. Here is the backstory.​

In the wake of that campaign, pharmacies stopped filling valid, legal prescriptions and hospitals removed ivermectin from their formularies. Never had an FDA approved drug, one of the (if not the) safest prescribed medications in history ever been vilified or restricted to this extent. Just like hydroxychloroquine, ivermectin had to be stopped.

The FDA’s role in that campaign started with the posting of the below tweet on August 21, 2021, a week after the report on the below left came out, showing a massive rise in ivermectin prescriptions in the U.S during the deadly Delta wave

The rise in prescribing terrified the Covid cartel because if further knowledge of ivermectin’s efficacy were to be gained “on the ground” (i.e from the direct, lived experience of physicians and patients) it would limit the impacts of their corrupted trials and negative statements by corrupted agency heads and professional societies.

Obviously my readers know why “they” had to bury the evidence of efficacy of ivermectin at all costs: little ‘ole ivermectin threatened both the EUA for the vaccines and the global vaccine market (north of a $100 billion). It also threatened the markets for all the competing pricey, patented, pipeline pharmaceuticals like Remdesivir, Paxlovid, molnupiravir and the monoclonal antibodies (also massive global markets in the many billions).

Pharma’s greatest weapon to attack ivermectin is the FDA. Pharma (and especially Pfizer) has near complete control of the FDA (and the CDC and the NIH). But the FDA couldn’t do it all by themselves so they called in the CDC to do some dirty work: 5 days after the FDA tweet the CDC sent out a warning advisory to all the state medical boards (which was then forwarded to every licensed physician in the country)

But I trust the wider public can see right through such a statement. I mean, who will believe that they can claim innocence when they were forced to settle? You only settle when you know you are going to lose in court or… you cannot risk going through the discovery process. Like I said above, my bet is that they wanted to avoid discovery at all costs.

An admission of guilt that proves the Big Pharma-FDA alliance. Heads should roll at the FDA.
You are a Denier with maximum Cognitive Rigidity .
Chapter one in the Text Book of mental health problems .
Second response of the day by you drowning in conspiracy theories.
Ivermectin has been shown not to have any effect on the treatment of COVID-19
The FDA settled not because they were afraid the drug is effective, but because they mocked the doctors and interfered with their practice.
I don't see anywhere in the settlement where it says the FDA admits to ivermectin's usefulness.

Nor, curiously, do I see a settlement beyond pulling their language that they used to mock the doctors from their website. :0

But really, mundane explanations make life not worth living. It must be a conspiracy. They're lying to us. :auiqs.jpg:
I just know they are.

Talk about mental problems. :)

Looks like Big Pharma was concerned not with people getting sick, but cutting into their exclusive huge global marketing initiative. FDA, CDC and the rest of the clowns jumped on the bandwagon after four phone inquiries about Ivermectin......phone inquiries, not adverse reaction reports.

After 4 years of catastrophic health agency tyranny, physicians finally score a legal victory. I think the FDA settled because their Pharma masters were terrified of discovery. Here is the backstory.​

In the wake of that campaign, pharmacies stopped filling valid, legal prescriptions and hospitals removed ivermectin from their formularies. Never had an FDA approved drug, one of the (if not the) safest prescribed medications in history ever been vilified or restricted to this extent. Just like hydroxychloroquine, ivermectin had to be stopped.

The FDA’s role in that campaign started with the posting of the below tweet on August 21, 2021, a week after the report on the below left came out, showing a massive rise in ivermectin prescriptions in the U.S during the deadly Delta wave

The rise in prescribing terrified the Covid cartel because if further knowledge of ivermectin’s efficacy were to be gained “on the ground” (i.e from the direct, lived experience of physicians and patients) it would limit the impacts of their corrupted trials and negative statements by corrupted agency heads and professional societies.

Obviously my readers know why “they” had to bury the evidence of efficacy of ivermectin at all costs: little ‘ole ivermectin threatened both the EUA for the vaccines and the global vaccine market (north of a $100 billion). It also threatened the markets for all the competing pricey, patented, pipeline pharmaceuticals like Remdesivir, Paxlovid, molnupiravir and the monoclonal antibodies (also massive global markets in the many billions).

Pharma’s greatest weapon to attack ivermectin is the FDA. Pharma (and especially Pfizer) has near complete control of the FDA (and the CDC and the NIH). But the FDA couldn’t do it all by themselves so they called in the CDC to do some dirty work: 5 days after the FDA tweet the CDC sent out a warning advisory to all the state medical boards (which was then forwarded to every licensed physician in the country)

But I trust the wider public can see right through such a statement. I mean, who will believe that they can claim innocence when they were forced to settle? You only settle when you know you are going to lose in court or… you cannot risk going through the discovery process. Like I said above, my bet is that they wanted to avoid discovery at all costs.

Because ivermectin had zero effectiveness for covid. The peope who needed it experienced shortages, because of the idiot Trump and his lies.
Most of us can just catch the fool bug and fight it off ourselves ... without any medical intervention ... half of us won't notice we're sick ... sure would like to know why you think cattle de-wormer is effective against a virus ... it is safe for humans as an anti-parasite ...

If you think the flu would kill you, you should probably gets the vaccine ... if you think SARS will kill you, then get the vaccine ... most of us don't need either ... both kinds of vaccines are available, the new mRNA type and the old-style full-virus-genome type ...
Because ivermectin had zero effectiveness for covid. The peope who needed it experienced shortages, because of the idiot Trump and his lies.
Shortages because there was no vax developed until late December 21?
OBTW- all the white European countries across the globe didn't have any issue obtaining the vax, once created.
Most of us can just catch the fool bug and fight it off ourselves ... without any medical intervention ... half of us won't notice we're sick ... sure would like to know why you think cattle de-wormer is effective against a virus ... it is safe for humans as an anti-parasite ...

If you think the flu would kill you, you should probably gets the vaccine ... if you think SARS will kill you, then get the vaccine ... most of us don't need either ... both kinds of vaccines are available, the new mRNA type and the old-style full-virus-genome type ...

Cattle de-wormer is good for livestock. The ivermectin pill for humans is effective. There is a difference but lib media latched on to the term de-wormer as derogatory. Three people I knew were prescribed it for covid and were over it three days later.
Why did they take down all their advice against using Ivermectin then?
You need to update your position on Ivermectin.
Sorry, there have been enough studies refuting its effect on treating COVID-19. Those studies show it isn't effective.
They took down the info that was deemed as mocking the doctors and inhibiting their practice.

But feel free to deworm yourself. No one is stopping you. :auiqs.jpg:
Cattle de-wormer is good for livestock. The ivermectin pill for humans is effective. There is a difference but lib media latched on to the term de-wormer as derogatory. Three people I knew were prescribed it for covid and were over it three days later.

Yes ... ivermectin is effective for intestinal worms in humans ... we know that ... it disrupts the nervous systems in roundworms and insects ... but not humans, at doses used to treat roundworm infestation ...

Can you explain (or post a link) how disrupting the communication systems in multicellular life is effective against simple viruses ... or is this just magically effective against the Covid virus, and none other ...

If Ivermectin is effective against viruses, why haven't we been using it for viral infections ... do you honestly think Big Pharm said they have enough profits? ...
Yes ... ivermectin is effective for intestinal worms in humans ... we know that ... it disrupts the nervous systems in roundworms and insects ... but not humans, at doses used to treat roundworm infestation ...

Can you explain (or post a link) how disrupting the communication systems in multicellular life is effective against simple viruses ... or is this just magically effective against the Covid virus, and none other ...

If Ivermectin is effective against viruses, why haven't we been using it for viral infections ... do you honestly think Big Pharm said they have enough profits? ...
Ivermectin: a systematic review from antiviral effects to COVID-19 complementary regimen - The Journal of Antibiotics

It's easy to find the evidence for the anti-viral properties of Ivermectin. So why didn't you look?
Ivermectin: a systematic review from antiviral effects to COVID-19 complementary regimen - The Journal of Antibiotics

It's easy to find the evidence for the anti-viral properties of Ivermectin. So why didn't you look?
It's easy for you to find links to articles you will never read and which you don't understand.

Not quite as easy for you to read and understand them.

The article mentions in vitro effects. Guess what else is effective against viruses in vitro? Bleach. So that doesn't tell us anything about its effectiveness, in vivo.

The clinical trials held later showed absolutely no effectiveness against the covid virus whatsoever.

A quack French doctor lied about ivermectin. Giuliani picked up on this lie and fed it to the orange slob. Then the orange slob regurgitated it.

And that's it. That's how the myth was born.
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