DOJ to arrest Trump before midterms, spark Civil War

Except on Jan 6.
I always thought you were smarter than to actually buy the propaganda.

NO, not even on Jan. 6th.

No on on Jan. 6th thought what they were protesting for, was worth killing for, they didn't bring guns or explosives. I know that you have a tendency to believe a lot of the lies propagated by the corporate and government media, but they have no proof of their lies, none.

Nobody was going to kill anyone. No one was willing to die, as they all knew, the military was very close by, waiting to completely annihilate them if they started any shit.

Get serious. Stop with the hyperbole already.
You may be right, or it may start at a local school Board, or a confrontation at the border. My sense is that the kindling is stacked so high at this point you can't tell what spark will ignite it.

Moreover, the WEF through their Biden Administration is redoubling their efforts to stack it higher. It doesn't feel like they're resting because they've "won", it feels like they really, really want real Civil unrest
But that is all it will be, a spark, which will not have any oxygen to burn any further.

In order for a true conflict to continue, for a real civil war to continue to occur, it would have to have an issue, with two armed camps, in a location, willing to fight and die, over a life and death issue, that has real meaning to folks ability to survive.

Like a fight over food, water, freedom to speak, or move like they want, or their ability to keep and bear arms. It would not be over something as silly as the elites rigging the system of our symbolic leadership.

A good example is when they changed the rules of the grazing rights, and all those ranchers came out with their arms, and dared the feds to enforce taking away the grazing rights.

If these unelected EPA bureaucrats should happen to go along with the globalist plans to restrict nitrogen fertilizer from farmers, like they have in Canada, Europe, and other places in Asia. . . I could see such an armed confrontation come down the pike. . . Or if that causes a shortage of DEF among the truckers?

Apparently, this nitrogen, is also critical for treating the diesel exhaust, which is necessary to get all our products to market. The whole economic system, could come to a grinding halt? Snopes is, like always, "debunking," this.

It is economic issues like this, which will cause folks to take up arms, to throw off, unreasonable, and dumb regulations, which are causing folks to freeze, and/or starve.

If the bureaucrats attempt to have the military and/or police enforce their technocratic dicktates? Yeah, then, folks that are younger, that haven't even been paying attention to national and global politics? Will get violent very quickly. Those of us who have been paying attention, saw those protests in the Netherlands, Sri Lanka and Canada. If they come here, THEY WILL BE ARMED, and they won't go away until it is solved. It could end in armed conflict.

It's obvious that the Progressive Fascists are doing everything in their power to start a real live shooting Civil War: they've attempted murder Republican Congressmen, a SCOTUS judge, a Gubernatorial Candidate in NY, sent their Gestapo after parents daring to speak out for their children at local school Boards, conducted a Reichstag Fire event on January 6th and have been on a 6 year Jihad against Donald J Trump.

They drummed up the lamest of "impeachments" against him and now, even after he's left office then continue their Banana Republic tactics; civility died at the Mar a Lago Raid on August 8th.

Therefore, I predict that Reich Marshall Garland will order the arrest of Donald J Trump either toward the end of September or early October. They hope to declare Martial Law and cancel the midterms, because they know they are headed for a landslide defeat dwarfing even the Obama Shellacking.
You're one of those fuckers who think Trump is above the law? Well, this ain't Weimar Germany, asshole!
I always thought you were smarter than to actually buy the propaganda.

NO, not even on Jan. 6th.

No on on Jan. 6th thought what they were protesting for, was worth killing for, they didn't bring guns or explosives. I know that you have a tendency to believe a lot of the lies propagated by the corporate and government media, but they have no proof of their lies, none.

Nobody was going to kill anyone. No one was willing to die, as they all knew, the military was very close by, waiting to completely annihilate them if they started any shit.

Get serious. Stop with the hyperbole already.
Trump's lie was worth killing for? That's why trump is a threat to America.
Trump's lie was worth killing for? That's why trump is a threat to America.
No one believes anyone went to DC on the 6th to kill anyone though.

You are either parroting a lie on purpose, or being dumb. I know you are smarter than that, I don't believe you believe folks went to DC to kill anyone.
No one believes anyone went to DC on the 6th to kill anyone though.

You are either parroting a lie on purpose, or being dumb. I know you are smarter than that, I don't believe you believe folks went to DC to kill anyone.
That gallows and chants of "HANG MIKE PENCE!!" might tend to make a person disagree with you.
That gallows and chants of "HANG MIKE PENCE!!" might tend to make a person disagree with you.
I don't know how many times I have gone over this with people, hell, I would not be surprised if I had even gone over it with you.

I have read some of the documents used to indict the low IQ, highly emotional folks that were lured there that day. I am also suspect of the entire narrative and proceedings that have been laid out, and why so much of the video has not been released.

See, when you read the transcripts, about two of every three people in that crowd, are, "unindicted co-conspirator," or "person 1," or "person 2," the FBI and DoJ don't even tell us who they are, so you can't even tell me, WHO was shouting, "hang MIKE PENCE." You can't make the claim that it is a Trump supporter, a paid agent provocateur by one of Soros' groups, or one of the States' agencies.

. . . and as far as that, "gallows," I have repeatedly debunked that garbage on this site. It is no more functional than when folks burn a straw-man in effigy.

LOOK AT IT CLOSELY. The rope isn't a rope, it is appears to be electrical cord or watercraft twine, it isn't even set-up correctly as a noose. And the entire set-up, isn't large enough to hang anything taller than an elementary school child or a midget.


BUT? You go on and bleev what you want to bleev, even if it contradicts empirical facts of reality.
It's obvious that the Progressive Fascists are doing everything in their power to start a real live shooting Civil War: they've attempted murder Republican Congressmen, a SCOTUS judge, a Gubernatorial Candidate in NY, sent their Gestapo after parents daring to speak out for their children at local school Boards, conducted a Reichstag Fire event on January 6th and have been on a 6 year Jihad against Donald J Trump.

They drummed up the lamest of "impeachments" against him and now, even after he's left office then continue their Banana Republic tactics; civility died at the Mar a Lago Raid on August 8th.

Therefore, I predict that Reich Marshall Garland will order the arrest of Donald J Trump either toward the end of September or early October. They hope to declare Martial Law and cancel the midterms, because they know they are headed for a landslide defeat dwarfing even the Obama Shellacking.

I agree with this, except for the martial law part. There's no need for it, Biden will just use an executive order to "postpone" the election, and his cult will enforce it in the streets.
I can type up a list too....
  • Cookies
  • Milk
  • Corn Flakes
  • Chicken
  • Steak
  • Spaghetti
  • Broccoli
  • Air Freshener
  • Toilet paper
See? Doesn't mean a damn thing.

What happened w/the dossier, the piss tapes?

What was fake about the "raid?"

Get specific.

So you're going to claim those things didnt happen?
Holy Shit you are that stupid!!

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