DOJ to arrest Trump before midterms, spark Civil War

sure and like clinton selling military secrets to the chinese or mrs clinton deleting 3000 classified emails is NOT damning? yet you pat the clintons on the back all the time.,grow up.
It never fails. everytime a certain troll cannot refute facts she try’s to laugh them off knowing she can’t refutethem,how many others here notice thst.
In all fairness, when you ask "who is John Galt" most people won't know you're an illiterate retard.

So there is that.... :thup:
Have not actually read Atlas Shrugged, but have done some reading of Leonard Peikoff on Objectivist Philosophy and the nature of reality, had to listen to the Fordham Forum tapes, etc. Maybe you should take up Objectivist philosophy. After all, reality is real, whether you like it or not.
99% of what the Nazis claim about Trump is fiction.

The only thing Orwell got wrong is that for those like White 6 , it's a "24/7 hate" rather than a "2 minute hate."

Trump is their greatest fear, an incorruptible man. Too rich to be bought, but not one of them.

This is why they try to make him a criminal. You can't control an honest man, and they desperately need to control Donald Trump - throw him in prison or kill him.

A Joe Biden or Mitch McConnell lives to be bought, but this TRUMP, he believes this shit, he's the rogue variable that could, and has already started, expose everything.

The Captains and the Kings rule from the shadows because if the greater part of humanity saw what they are doing, they would all be hung.
:thankusmile: :yes_text12: You nailed it,he is incorruptible because he is not part of the corrupt two party system thst is why there have been over forty assassination attempts on his life at least,yiu just never hear about it from the corporate controlled media,they failed to assassinate him,they failed to impeach him twice so now they are trying to frame him but they will fail as they always do,the deep state is running scared,they are terrified of trump returning.
I think the OP is off only in terms of timing. I suspect that for purely political reasons, they will refrain from getting an indictment prior to the midterms. But once they see if they can get away with it (that is; will there be a majority of Republicans in the House and in the Senate that might hurt them if they dare try anything), they might go for it after the midterms.

They will want the legal process (and of course the daily dishonest media cacophony) to drag on for a long time before bringing the accused to trial.

Again, it has exactly and precisely NOTHING to do with “justice.” This will be entirely a politically motivated show designed to influence the voters. It is designed to be, and they will try to make it, if they can, a coup.

Benjamin Franklin gave us the hint long ago. We have a republic IF WE CAN KEEP IT.
I think the OP is off only in terms of timing. I suspect that for purely political reasons, they will refrain from getting an indictment prior to the midterms. But once they see if they can get away with it (that is; will there be a majority of Republicans in the House and in the Senate that might hurt them if they dare try anything), they might go for it after the midterms.

They will want the legal process (and of course the daily dishonest media cacophony) to drag on for a long time before bringing the accused to trial.

Again, it has exactly and precisely NOTHING to do with “justice.” This will be entirely a politically motivated show designed to influence the voters. It is designed to be, and they will try to make it, if they can, a coup.

Benjamin Franklin gave us the hint long ago. We have a republic IF WE CAN KEEP IT.
IDK. Biden just did a pitch perfect Hitler impersonation, and substituted Republicans for Jews.

He's throwing more kindling on the pile than anyone could imagine.
If the democrats get creamed this November there will be no indictment because they will all be tied up in investigations. If the democrats win there will get no indictment because enemy democrats will not allow Trump to put on a defense. Not with 2024 looming.

What they are hoping for is to find some way to disqualify him or at least persuade voters not to vote for him.
You sound delusional. There won't be any civil war. You need to have your meds adjusted.
A year ago I'd have said the same. What I couldn't understand then was the absolutely open, balls to the wall tactics they'd begin to employ as a means of pushing their enemies into reckless action. IF they arrest him for a crime they have no way of proving and they do it prior to the midterms it will EXPLODE in their Fascist Faces. Not with a violent uprising. It will come in the form of an overwhelming defeat at the polls. People are SICK OF THEIR SHIT. They've had enough and November 8 is going to deliver that message quite well.

As for their arrest, they'd better carefully consider the optics of anything that resembles a perp walk. They try the same kind of Schutzstaffel bullshit against him at his home and they're apt to get into a firefight with the Secret Service.

His representatives should begin making the public case of just how biased ANY DC JURY would be and begin to demand a change of venue as soon as the indictment hits. It's a foregone conclusion that this is their endgame. They plan to keep pushing and keep stirring hate and doing whatever it takes to stop him. That isn't the way a person treats someone they mock as feckless, is it?
What they are hoping for is to find some way to disqualify him or at least persuade voters not to vote for him.
They've failed to damage his support with an endless budget and 5 years of trying. They're looking for a disqualifying crime and their choice of his "mishandling" classified records, even if he was convicted, won't disqualify him. They're depending on a federal statute that is not applicable to a sitting Chief Executive. They'll likely get their rigged conviction but SCOTUS will overturn it.
Have not actually read Atlas Shrugged, but have done some reading of Leonard Peikoff on Objectivist Philosophy and the nature of reality, had to listen to the Fordham Forum tapes, etc. Maybe you should take up Objectivist philosophy. After all, reality is real, whether you like it or not.
C'mon man, which of the other mods clued you in to what I was referencing?

We all know that you're not literate and don't grasp allusions to literature...
I think the OP is off only in terms of timing. I suspect that for purely political reasons, they will refrain from getting an indictment prior to the midterms. But once they see if they can get away with it (that is; will there be a majority of Republicans in the House and in the Senate that might hurt them if they dare try anything), they might go for it after the midterms.

They will want the legal process (and of course the daily dishonest media cacophony) to drag on for a long time before bringing the accused to trial.

Again, it has exactly and precisely NOTHING to do with “justice.” This will be entirely a politically motivated show designed to influence the voters. It is designed to be, and they will try to make it, if they can, a coup.

Benjamin Franklin gave us the hint long ago. We have a republic IF WE CAN KEEP IT.
I have hope.

I've watched the sheer stupidity of evil over the last week. From empty folders to Adolf Biden's sinister calls for violence.

We are imperiled by grave evil, yet the forces of evil step on a rake - each and every time.
Yeah, many times have we heard this now?
You lefties know you cant beat Trump so your only option is to set him up like you've been doing for years.
Most Americans see this for what it is. Another gotcha attack by immoral dems.
Lock her up is the GOP's fav immorality moment.
IDK. Biden just did a pitch perfect Hitler impersonation, and substituted Republicans for Jews.

He's throwing more kindling on the pile than anyone could imagine.

And yet, because evil is stupid - he hurt rather than helped his cause.

Do you have links to that information, or is that something you saw on your TEE VEE?

haven't you learned by now - i can ALWAYS back up what i say?

Text message trove shows Oath Keepers discussing security details for Trump associates​

Roger Stone and Michael Flynn were among them.

04/18/2022 09:43 PM EDT
Updated: 04/18/2022 11:10 PM EDT

Top members of the Oath Keepers now facing seditious conspiracy charges chatted for days about providing security for some of the highest-profile figures associated with Donald Trump’s effort to overturn the election, according to a newly released trove of text messages.

Oath Keepers founder Stewart Rhodes and top allies like Florida Oath Keeper Kelly Meggs discussed plans to provide security for figures like Roger Stone, Alex Jones, Ali Alexander and Michael Flynn on Jan. 5 and Jan. 6, describing potential partnerships with other groups and security details...
Text message trove shows Oath Keepers discussing security details for Trump associates

haven't you learned by now - i can ALWAYS back up what i say?

Text message trove shows Oath Keepers discussing security details for Trump associates​

Roger Stone and Michael Flynn were among them.

04/18/2022 09:43 PM EDT
Updated: 04/18/2022 11:10 PM EDT

Top members of the Oath Keepers now facing seditious conspiracy charges chatted for days about providing security for some of the highest-profile figures associated with Donald Trump’s effort to overturn the election, according to a newly released trove of text messages.

Oath Keepers founder Stewart Rhodes and top allies like Florida Oath Keeper Kelly Meggs discussed plans to provide security for figures like Roger Stone, Alex Jones, Ali Alexander and Michael Flynn on Jan. 5 and Jan. 6, describing potential partnerships with other groups and security details...
Text message trove shows Oath Keepers discussing security details for Trump associates


Irrelevant question, stupid digression and fallacious reasoning.

It would have never happened.

What do you think would have happened if the South had won the civil war, or if demons had possessed your soul?



so them thar MAGATs who actually carried in weapons as they trespassed & vandalized & literally threw their shit on the walls - wouldn't have done anything as they were hunting down members of congress?

you are a full tilt trump humper.
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