Do you think Trump is a martyr?

Trump, a martyr? Are you kidding?

In someone died in the pursuit of holding Trump accountable for his crimes, that person would be a martyr. But Trump? No way.

Was Trump, the 'martyr', concerned for Melania's suffering and humiliation she experienced when her husband was found out that he fornicated with a playboy playmate while Melania was pregnant and then he fornicated again with a porn star just after Melania, as a newlywed, gave birth four months prior?

Was Trump, the 'martyr', concerned about suffering of the 8000 in the class action lawsuit who were scammed out of millions in the fake Trump 'university'?

Was Trump, the 'martyr', concerned about the suffering of the lighting contractor for Trump Taj Mahal Casino, who was forced into bankruptcy when Trump decided not to pay the $1,000,000 he owed him for the lighting he provided, not to mention not returning the lighting?

Was Trump, the 'martyr', concerned for the suffering of the parents of Trump's toddler grand-nephew who had cerebral palsy, the suffering they experienced whom he kicked the toddler off the family health plan just because he had a legal dispute with his deceased brother's estate, mainly his niece, Mary Trump?

Was Trump, the 'martyr', concerned about the suffering of estate of Fred Trump's son, who died, and Donald Trump tricked his father, Fred, while he was on his deathbed, into signing a new will which cut Trump's deceased brother's estate out of the will, which also excluded Mary, his niece, so that, instead of 1/5th of his father's inheritance, he got 1/4th?

Was Trump, the 'martyr', concerned about the suffering he caused a widow who Trump tried to use eminent domain to force her from her home so that he could build a limo garage?

Was Trump, the 'martyr', concerned about suffering and humiliation 5 black and latino boys experience who were charged with rape, but who were found innocent, but despite that exoneration, Trump bought full page ads in NYPost and other local publications in NY that called for their execution?

Was Trump, the 'martyr', concerned about the good elderly citizens of Aberdeen Scotland, whose access to water was cut of because of the Golf Course Trump built there?

When a man like Trump who lacks any shred of human decency, humility or caring, is morally bankrupt, breathtakingly dishonest, lethally incompetent, and stunningly ignorant of virtually anything related to governing, history, geography, human events or world affairs, when a man like Trump who is a traitor and a malignancy in our nation and who represents a clear and present danger to our democracy and the rule of law, excuse me if I am unable conceive of Trump, ever, as a 'martyr'.
If Trump lands in jail for violating a gag order then I will consider him to be a martyr.
seriously folks? what has the man done to you? My electric bill was 50 bucks less- my property taxes- 600 bucks less- my gas tank filled up for way less- and i could afford a dam hot dog. bad man orange? laugh
I got weirdos living in a card board box- up the road in my rural town? bad bad orange man. :)
No shit Sherlock, but that's the point of being skeptical. When an official story doesn't add up, you don't need absolute proof to disbelieve it. I'm not claiming that I know for certain who killed Epstein or even if it was a murder, but I have good reason to call bullshit on the simplistic assumption that he just committed suicide under the most suspicious circumstances while having powerful enemies that found his death convenient.
Alive he could have told a LOT of True tales on not just his buddy Trump, but plenty of both Repub and Dems.
We will most likely never know.
seriously folks? what has the man done to you? My electric bill was 50 bucks less- my property taxes- 600 bucks less- my gas tank filled up for way less- and i could afford a dam hot dog. bad man orange? laugh
I got weirdos living in a card board box- up the road in my rural town? bad bad orange man. :)
And by magic you think that all happened in the last 3 years???
I didn't know that angels fucked porn stars and Playmates. .....
That's not the only thing you don't know about life and the people in it. I've read the rest of your post and it is clear that you know almost nothing at all. But that fact doesn't keep you from shooting your filthy mouth off ..... yes, I told you I read the rest of your post. :omg:
Cutting and pasting internet tabloids, "you lying sack of shit".

Such an angry little boy.
As usual, you wont accept any source provided. Actually embedded in that article is a link to trump saying he cheated on his wives. But whatever. You'll never accept any source provided and are evidently the last person on Earth not to know trump cheated on his wives.

So where is your evidence lol that Biden showered with his daughter?
seriously folks? what has the man done to you? My electric bill was 50 bucks less- my property taxes- 600 bucks less- my gas tank filled up for way less- and i could afford a dam hot dog. bad man orange? laugh
I got weirdos living in a card board box- up the road in my rural town? bad bad orange man. :)
That has nothing to do with who is President you dumb sack of shit.
As usual, you wont accept any source provided. Actually embedded in that article is a link to trump saying he cheated on his wives. But whatever. You'll never accept any source provided and are evidently the last person on Earth not to know trump cheated on his wives.

So where is your evidence lol that Biden showered with his daughter?

As usual, you cut and paste from internet tabloids screeching about your TDS. Your cut and paste was a lot of nonsense.

You can find the same reports I found about Biden showering with his daughter.
I don't believe that President Trump is and will never be a martyr. I think that when the American majority re-elects him, he will be the man who brings world peace to mankind. The good book references an age of peace on earth that will last a thousand years. President Trump is just the guy who could kick start it. My bet is God loves President Trump more than any one else to do the task of making peace happen because he's made lot of influential and beloved people his friend. And that's what I think.
DID God say in the bible that (no gods or idols before me)
And I WAS TAUGHT that JESUS loved all of us.
Not because of what political party you belong to?
As usual, you cut and paste from internet tabloids screeching about your TDS. Your cut and paste was a lot of nonsense.

You can find the same reports I found about Biden showering with his daughter.
Link them, coward.
I wouldn't go so far to say Trump is a martyr but he wouldn't be having to spend all his time in a freezing courtroom if he wasn't a former president running for reelection.

Your posts are evidence of you being delusional. There is not one report out there saying all 3 of trumps wives cheated on him and that is why donald cheated on them. Not one. But here we are with you claiming it with no evidence.
No that's not how it works idiot. You made the statement you back it up. Otherwise we'll just assume you're a liar.

The way it works you idiot is you need to deal with your TDS. Otherwise, we’ll just assume you’re another internet buffoon.

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