Zone1 Did Moses go to Heaven?

Israel has created this problem. Now you're blaming Biden, Iran, Germany... Anyone except yourselves.
Israel hasn’t created any problems. You Nazis created this problem and the world did the right thing under God’s prophecy and direction. This is why you hang on to your lies about no prophecy, seers and revelations. Israel has only defended itself. It’s never been the aggressor.
Israel hasn’t created any problems. You Nazis created this problem and the world did the right thing under God’s prophecy and direction. This is why you hang on to your lies about no prophecy, seers and revelations. Israel has only defended itself. It’s never been the aggressor.

They sought sanctuary in Palestine because no one else would have them, so they immediately began abusing the natives.
They sought sanctuary in Palestine because no one else would have them, so they immediately began abusing the natives.
Who sought sanctuary? The government of England controlled that area and gave it to them along with the League of Nations. Perfect beginning to the end of days when Jesus will part the Mount of Olives, stand in the midst after stopping the unrighteous Muslims from exterminating the Jews, showing the wounds of the cross that he received in the house of his friends. The Jews were given the land by the world. In return we gave Russia East Germany.

their desert dysfunction is only surpassed by the liar cougarbear ... false commandments, heredity idolatry. beware the sinner.
You are putting yourself in with the anti-Semites. No one is doing it but you.
So Israel has never, ever done the right thing.
You want to rephrase? Israel always does the right thing. Israel does what the US says to do. Sad but true. You corner an animal and they will attack. It’s on you and your Palestinian Hamas people. Decades of hearing hate the Jews has turned Palestinians into war mongering Jew hating animals. If you aren’t one of them, then be the voice of reason and start teaching them to love their neighbors.
Who sought sanctuary? The government of England controlled that area and gave it to them along with the League of Nations. Perfect beginning to the end of days when Jesus will part the Mount of Olives, stand in the midst after stopping the unrighteous Muslims from exterminating the Jews, showing the wounds of the cross that he received in the house of his friends. The Jews were given the land by the world. In return we gave Russia East Germany.

You gave the world East Germany?

The British gave the European refugees land that didn't belong to them.

When did Mormons buy into Christian Zionism and Darby's futurism?
You want to rephrase? Israel always does the right thing. Israel does what the US says to do. Sad but true. You corner an animal and they will attack. It’s on you and your Palestinian Hamas people. Decades of hearing hate the Jews has turned Palestinians into war mongering Jew hating animals. If you aren’t one of them, then be the voice of reason and start teaching them to love their neighbors.

That's exactly what the Zionists have done to the Palestinians.. taking more land and human rights.

Consider what the Nazis took from the Jews and penned them up in the Warsaw Ghetto.

This is the “Rapture” in Latter-day Saint belief, that the righteous living will be caught up, and the graves of the righteous opened at the moment of Christ’s Second Coming. Therefore, there will have been no “Rapture” before then.

Adam Ondi Ahman Mormonism
Adam-ondi-Ahman in modern Missouri
This event is not the same as the Lord’s appearance on the Mt. of Olives wherein He saves the more righteous Jews from slaughter at the conclusion of the War of Armageddon. The Armageddon experience will precede the Second Coming. Also preceding the Second Coming will be at least two other appearances of Christ — the coming of Christ to His temple, and His conference at Adam-ondi-Ahman in Missouri (the site of the original Garden of Eden), where the prophets will turn the keys of their dispensations over to Adam, who will then give all the keys to Christ for His millennial reign on the earth.

There are two kinds of premillennialists: Those "Date setters" and "Date Teasers". "Date setters", set specific dates which are in fact a countdown clock to the extinction of their own ministries. (William Miller, Charles Russell, Ronald Weinland, Harold Camping, etc.) "Date teasers", share the same rhetoric of urgency that the "end is very soon", but refuse to lock into a specific date. (Jack Van Impe, Hal Lindsay, Tim LaHaye, Pentecostals, Baptists, Grant Jefferies, Christadelphians.)

8. Most of the TV preachers who promote rapture and/or "date set" all wrongly believe they are a prophet of God with special illumination. Pentecostals believe they are inspired directly from the Holy Spirit as modern day prophets. Baptists believe they are illuminated with guidance from the Holy Spirit through the Calvinist doctrine of Irresistible grace.
You gave the world East Germany?

The British gave the European refugees land that didn't belong to them.

When did Mormons buy into Christian Zionism and Darby's futurism?
Here's what you don't understand. Through war and treaties, land changes ownership. During and after WW1, Britain gained ownership of the land you call Palestine. Losers of war call the land occupied. So, Israel did belong to the British. You are a loser so you will continue t claim occupation.

The foundation of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is the "Restoration" of the Lord's Church in these the Latter-days. The Restoration included at the beginning the literal gathering of Israel in the Promised Land of Israel. Orson Hyde, a member of the Quorum of the 12 Apostles had received an earlier blessing in 1832 by Joseph Smith to go to Jerusalem and be a watchman unto the house of Israel and eventually greatly facilitate the gathering together of that people (the Jews). In 1841, Orson Hyde went to Jerusalem and dedicated the Holy Land for the return of the Jews. There were 5 other times the Brethren went and re-dedicated it as well. Each time, another mass of Jews moved to the land of Israel. 1933 being the final as the leadup to the holocaust and WW2 would usher in the return of the Jews to Israel. There is no connection with Schofield or Darby with the Church.
That's exactly what the Zionists have done to the Palestinians.. taking more land and human rights.

Consider what the Nazis took from the Jews and penned them up in the Warsaw Ghetto.
The only reason for taking more land is because they were attacked. To prevent more wars, Israel stretched forth its boundaries as prophesied. What's pathetic about you Muslims in the middle east is that you refuse to take care of your own Muslims, the Palestinians. Why are they in Israel and not Egypt or some other Islamic country? Israel is there to stay until the coming of the Lord. Yet, it's Israel that gives them land to live in. They get to also work in Israel as well. But, they cannot in other countries of Islam. Seems like the Palestinians should be working with Israel peacefully instead of violently with Hamas leading the way and Iran leading Hamas. Also, Gaza has the same human rights that Jews have in Israel. The same as Christians do as well.
Here's what you don't understand. Through war and treaties, land changes ownership. During and after WW1, Britain gained ownership of the land you call Palestine. Losers of war call the land occupied. So, Israel did belong to the British. You are a loser so you will continue t claim occupation.

The foundation of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is the "Restoration" of the Lord's Church in these the Latter-days. The Restoration included at the beginning the literal gathering of Israel in the Promised Land of Israel. Orson Hyde, a member of the Quorum of the 12 Apostles had received an earlier blessing in 1832 by Joseph Smith to go to Jerusalem and be a watchman unto the house of Israel and eventually greatly facilitate the gathering together of that people (the Jews). In 1841, Orson Hyde went to Jerusalem and dedicated the Holy Land for the return of the Jews. There were 5 other times the Brethren went and re-dedicated it as well. Each time, another mass of Jews moved to the land of Israel. 1933 being the final as the leadup to the holocaust and WW2 would usher in the return of the Jews to Israel. There is no connection with Schofield or Darby with the Church.
The British only administered Palestine. They never owned. You're not Jewish. You're too ignorant.
Why would i want to go into a satan place?
Why would I want to go into your Satanic church? You are such an idiot. I've been in many churches and synagogues. Learning about other's beliefs can be a positive because you then understand where they are coming from. You don't have to participate in their ordinances and rituals. I taught 16 years at a Catholic High School and went to many Masses. I would stand politely when they stood. If I felt inclined to kneel I would. But, I did not partake of their eucharists and other things they would do. But, I came to understand their faith and dedication to their faith and the ability to be friends with them. I am plenty confident in my testimony that The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is the only Church sanctioned and led by Jesus Christ through his prophets, apostles and priesthood to be able to love my neighbors and respect them. Jesus Christ himself went into the house of ill-repute with the sinners and attempted to teach them. Instead of following Christ's examples and teachings to love one another, you shun others who believe differently. You are secluded from the world as Satan would have you be with no free moral agency to choose for thyself.

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