Zone1 Karaite Jews: The hardline traditionalists with liberal tendencies


Diamond Member
Dec 21, 2020

"A small center in Jerusalem’s old city opens a door to the fascinating world of Karaite Jews, a small but notable sect in Judaism, whose history goes back hundreds of years.

The Karaites believe only in the written Bible and not the additional interpretations, such as the Talmud or modern Jewish texts. This perspective brings them, for example, to practice Shabbat, a holy day for Jews, in a very extreme way. They don’t use any electronic or mechanical device and even turn off their fridge, something even the Ultra-Orthodox don’t do. They also don’t celebrate Hanukkah or Lag B'Omer, two Jewish holidays which are not mentioned in the Bible."

Jewish sect most faithful to the pre-Babylonian cult.

"A small center in Jerusalem’s old city opens a door to the fascinating world of Karaite Jews, a small but notable sect in Judaism, whose history goes back hundreds of years.

The Karaites believe only in the written Bible and not the additional interpretations, such as the Talmud or modern Jewish texts. This perspective brings them, for example, to practice Shabbat, a holy day for Jews, in a very extreme way. They don’t use any electronic or mechanical device and even turn off their fridge, something even the Ultra-Orthodox don’t do. They also don’t celebrate Hanukkah or Lag B'Omer, two Jewish holidays which are not mentioned in the Bible."

Jewish sect most faithful to the pre-Babylonian cult.
actually not. If you study up on them you will discover a couple of things, including

1. They have additional interpretations but don't follow a centralized and codified one -- each community, and even each family has its own, creating a much more fractured population. They have no rabbis, just individuals who establish local practice based on their own ideas.

2. They cannot explain the text well because it is not meant to stand on its own. So if you point out a textual lack of explanation or apparent problem, they have a much harder time reconciling it or making it make sense.

They are presenting a modern day version of the Tzedukkim who were recorded as arguing with the Prushim in the second century BCE. There is a reason the Tzedukkim ceased to exist as Jews a long time ago.
actually not. If you study up on them you will discover a couple of things, including

1. They have additional interpretations but don't follow a centralized and codified one -- each community, and even each family has its own, creating a much more fractured population. They have no rabbis, just individuals who establish local practice based on their own ideas.

2. They cannot explain the text well because it is not meant to stand on its own. So if you point out a textual lack of explanation or apparent problem, they have a much harder time reconciling it or making it make sense.

They are presenting a modern day version of the Tzedukkim who were recorded as arguing with the Prushim in the second century BCE. There is a reason the Tzedukkim ceased to exist as Jews a long time ago.

You mean as compared to the fake 'Oral Torah' that was fabricated much later than the real one? Okay.
If you are starting with an agenda, then you have no interest in learning. I'll leave you to your vitriol.

Yes, facts are an 'agenda', at least to those peddling a false narrative, as the Orthodox and ultra-Orthodox need to do.
Yes, facts are an 'agenda', at least to those peddling a false narrative, as the Orthodox and ultra-Orthodox need to do.
no, my statements come from studying Karaite Judaism. Do you have any information which will counter what I said? Ignore for a moment that you don't approve of Judaism as it exists. That has no impact on whether or not you can refute what I pointed out.

So, standing on your own and without hiding behind your hatred, can you present any information which would prove wrong what I stated about Karaite Judaism?
moment that you don't approve of Judaism as it exists.

Actually that would be a description of the so-called 'Orthodox' and ultra-Orthodox cults. You're why Jews went from 10% of a great empire to little self-isolating cults based on a fabricated lie.
so you have no actual info. Noted.

I already posted why they're real Jews and you aren't. Whether you snivel and cry about it doesn't obligate me to repeat history over and over again. Karaites still follow the real Torah, you follow the fake Oral Torah written by Babylonian cultists. It's a very simple and straight forward fact. Your silly attempt at leading off to some idiot hubris isn't a refutation.
I already posted why they're real Jews and you aren't. Whether you snivel and cry about it doesn't obligate me to repeat history over and over again. Karaites still follow the real Torah, you follow the fake Oral Torah written by Babylonian cultists. It's a very simple and straight forward fact. Your silly attempt at leading off to some idiot hubris isn't a refutation.
not only didn't you posit anything about being "real" but you also cannot counter the problems I raised with your claim of who they are. You haven't studied any of this and have no real information. You just have your personal opinion and an inability to study the actual content. You are a very sad person - it is more important for you to tell others what they aren't instead of learning about who people are.
not only didn't you posit anything about being "real" but you also cannot counter the problems I raised with your claim of who they are. You haven't studied any of this and have no real information. You just have your personal opinion and an inability to study the actual content. You are a very sad person - it is more important for you to tell others what they aren't instead of learning about who people are.

You didn't 'raise' anything, just babbled some fake claims. Your silly attempts are as lame as usual. You can't refute anything, speaking of sad.
You didn't 'raise' anything, just babbled some fake claims. Your silly attempts are as lame as usual. You can't refute anything, speaking of sad.
I did raise -- I raised 2 clear points about the theological problems with Karaite Judaism. Just because you don't understand them or understand how they cast a serious question over that version of Judaism doesn't mean that they aren't valid points. You just lack education. You cut and paste things without any actual information. Like I said, sad.
I did raise -- I raised 2 clear points about the theological problems with Karaite Judaism. Just because you don't understand them or understand how they cast a serious question over that version of Judaism doesn't mean that they aren't valid points. You just lack education. You cut and paste things without any actual information. Like I said, sad.

lol I pointed out the real fact, one which you can't refute, period. You got nothing else but gibberish and attempts at bad sophistry, as usual. You need to lie, we get it; your Muslim allies do , too.
lol I pointed out the real fact, one which you can't refute, period. You got nothing else but gibberish and attempts at bad sophistry, as usual. You need to lie, we get it; your Muslim allies do , too.
really? Show me where I lied. You made a claim and have not backed it up when confronted with counter information. This is because you have no facts. Prove me wrong.
not only didn't you posit anything about being "real" but you also cannot counter the problems I raised with your claim of who they are. You haven't studied any of this and have no real information. You just have your personal opinion and an inability to study the actual content. You are a very sad person - it is more important for you to tell others what they aren't instead of learning about who people are.

Would they be considered the bad figs who were left behind and weren't taken to Babylon?
I already posted why they're real Jews and you aren't. Whether you snivel and cry about it doesn't obligate me to repeat history over and over again. Karaites still follow the real Torah, you follow the fake Oral Torah written by Babylonian cultists. It's a very simple and straight forward fact. Your silly attempt at leading off to some idiot hubris isn't a refutation.

How do you explain Jeremiah?

One basket had very good figs, even like the figs that are first ripe: and the other basket had very naughty figs, which could not be eaten, they were so bad.

3 Then said the Lord unto me, What seest thou, Jeremiah? And I said, Figs; the good figs, very good; and the evil, very evil, that cannot be eaten, they are so evil.

4 Again the word of the Lord came unto me, saying,

5 Thus saith the Lord, the God of Israel; Like these good figs, so will I acknowledge them that are carried away captive of Judah, whom I have sent out of this place into the land of the Chaldeans for their good.
And as the evil figs, which cannot be eaten, they are so evil; surely thus saith the Lord, So will I give Zedekiah the king of Judah, and his princes, and the residue of Jerusalem, that remain in this land, and them that dwell in the land of Egypt:

9 And I will deliver them to be removed into all the kingdoms of the earth for their hurt, to be a reproach and a proverb, a taunt and a curse, in all places whither I shall drive them.

10 And I will send the sword, the famine, and the pestilence, among them, till they be consumed from off the land that I gave unto them and to their fathers.

"A small center in Jerusalem’s old city opens a door to the fascinating world of Karaite Jews, a small but notable sect in Judaism, whose history goes back hundreds of years.

The Karaites believe only in the written Bible and not the additional interpretations, such as the Talmud or modern Jewish texts. This perspective brings them, for example, to practice Shabbat, a holy day for Jews, in a very extreme way. They don’t use any electronic or mechanical device and even turn off their fridge, something even the Ultra-Orthodox don’t do. They also don’t celebrate Hanukkah or Lag B'Omer, two Jewish holidays which are not mentioned in the Bible."

Jewish sect most faithful to the pre-Babylonian cult.

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