Climate Change is Become a Joke ???

I choose to look first ... it's not bullshit that Hanford is contaminated with plutonium ... whereas it is bullshit DDT is harmful in household applications ... only the lazy paint with that broad of a paint brush ...

Doesn't mean we can't make funny jokes about it ... just means we shouldn't open wooden boxes shipped from Montana ... "Between 1978 and 1995, Kaczynski murdered three individuals and injured 23 others in a nationwide mail bombing campaign against people he believed to be advancing modern technology and the destruction of the natural environment."

Kids today don't know greenies ... either cave to the temper tantrums ... or get killed ... greenies can and will do both ...
I will credit greenies with doing some good over the years

Clean air and water are a good thing and ours is very good today thanks to the lefties

But success went to your head by declaring Co2 a pollutant and using it as a hammer to control every aspect of our lives

Damn you for that
I will credit greenies with doing some good over the years

Clean air and water are a good thing and ours is very good today thanks to the lefties

But success went to your head by declaring Co2 a pollutant and using it as a hammer to control every aspect of our lives

Damn you for that

Please find the post where I said such a thing ... I'm a carpenter by trade ... why would I want to protect the environment? ... can you imagine the number of trees slaughtered and dismembered by my hand? ... I'm the guy on the paver machine paving paradise, parking is $5 a day ... and its $50 is see the trees in the Tree Museum ... [ka'ching] ...

I support hydro-power ... and hydro-power is worse for the environment than all other energy sources put together (except illegal dumping of radioactive fuel rods) ... my money is green, what color is yours? ...
With AOC leading the charge, this movement is headed for the garbage dump.

It's a shame. There was a real opportunity to educate people as to ways to be more environmentally friendly.

However, turning this into a crusade has killed it's credibility.

Kind of a bummer.

I do not believe we need to be panicked....but even if there were no consequences of our actions, I still believe we should work to be good stewards of the planet we live on.
With AOC leading the charge, this movement is headed for the garbage dump.

It's a shame. There was a real opportunity to educate people as to ways to be more environmentally friendly.

However, turning this into a crusade has killed it's credibility.

Kind of a bummer.

I do not believe we need to be panicked....but even if there were no consequences of our actions, I still believe we should work to be good stewards of the planet we live on.

I hope not ... part of the New Green Deal was cleaning up Oakridge and Hanford ... haven't you noticed the decline in both Country and Western music ... that's plutonium in Tennessee's water supply ... see how bad Portland, Oregon is already ...
With AOC leading the charge, this movement is headed for the garbage dump.
Where did you ever get the idea that AOC was "leading the charge"?
It's a shame. There was a real opportunity to educate people as to ways to be more environmentally friendly.
There has been no loss of such opportunity.
However, turning this into a crusade has killed it's credibility.
It's credibility has done nothing but increase over time.
Kind of a bummer.
I'm afraid it is you and yours that are the "bummer".
I do not believe we need to be panicked.
Oh, thank goodness.
...but even if there were no consequences of our actions, I still believe we should work to be good stewards of the planet we live on.
I agree. And since there most assuredly are consequences, we should try even harder.

In what universe is Taylor Swift a "climate change activist"? And, for that matter, what IS a climate change activist? What has she done to attain that characterization? Anything? Wait, let me guess. She made a comment at some point that she believes humans are causing global warming. Where does she get the cojones, right?

VANCOUVER, British Columbia — Do you suffer from climate anxiety? A new survey suggests that you might find yourself increasingly alone. Apparently, the constant fear-mongering isn’t working too well anymore.

When 2,230 American adults last month were given a list of issues and asked to judge their importance, “climate change” scored near the bottom, with only 45 percent considering it “very important”, alongside “issues of race and diversity” at 40 percent.


If you read the article it talks about how Canda and Eruope have carbon taxes.

China and India must be rolled up in little balls on the floor laughing their asses. off.
Vancouver ? Wow.
And our deficit last year was well over a trillion dollars.

It't tough to think Joe Biden and Co believe this actually means anything.
Considering it was in the most part the result of tax reductions for the rich under Trump which HAVE NOT expired, wtf are you still blaming Biden. Conservative incompetence is long lasting.

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