Chip Roy raises ‘strong concerns’ Sharia law will be ‘forced upon the American people’

American culture is a mixture of world cultures. So if a family wants to abide by sharia law in their homes, they are free to.
Up to a point, maybe. But otherwise, as usual, you’re wrong, IQ2.

In the privacy of your own home you can’t use any law at all to assault your own daughter, for example. If you try, your reliance on some religious law won’t avail you a fucking thing.
Meanwhile we need to stop these right wingers from establishing their own version of Amercan style sharia.
No. We need to stop you left wing fucksticks from doing it to the rest of America.
American culture is a mixture of world cultures. So if a family wants to abide by sharia law in their homes, they are free to. Meanwhile we need to stop these right wingers from establishing their own version of Amercan style sharia.
Too late
and chip roy is one of the sane repubs?
The Federal Reserve Act. The 16th amendment. The 17th amendment. The 19th amendment. The movement to get rid of the Electoral College. The Progs wanting to get rid of the filibuster. Foreign entanglement dominating our politics with the same foreigners dominating our domestic agendas with the willing help of many Americans. These things come with a price. And Progs have their stock answers like you Republicans and small government. There will never be small government again. That died a century ago. Keeping it under control is something that we need though. And there are extreme views on the private side and the public side of dominance.
No, Sharia Law is not going to be forced upon the American people. This is precisely why we have a Constitution and a Bill of Rights. If people want to argue the merit of preventing immigration of certain people based on cultural beliefs or difficulties with assimilation to American society a healthy debate can be had, but stuff like this is just pure xenophobic nonsense and it's hard to take these people seriously when they make these types of assertions.

In the remarks, Roy referenced a “massive Muslim takeover of the United Kingdom” and said he had “pretty strong concerns about people who wanna see Israel’s destruction, who were happy about Oct. 7, who were elected in the United Kingdom.”

“Some might say that we’ve seen that here in the United States,” Roy continued, echoing criticism of pro-Palestinian protesters on college campuses. “What are we gonna do about that?”

This is the best assessment I've ever seen. A friend sent this to me in an email.

They're not happy in Gaza ..
They're not happy in Egypt ..
They're not happy in Libya ..
They're not happy in Morocco ..
They're not happy in Iran ..
They're not happy in Iraq ..
They're not happy in Yemen ...
They're not happy in Afghanistan ...
They're not happy in Pakistan ..
They're not happy in Syria ..
They're not happy in Lebanon ...


They're happy in Australia ..
They're happy in Canada ..
They're happy in England ..
They're happy in France ..
They're happy in Italy ..
They're happy in Germany ..
They're happy in Sweden ..
They're happy in the USA ..
They're happy in Norway ..
They're happy in Holland ..
They're happy in Denmark ..

Basically, they're happy in every country that is not Muslim and unhappy in every country that is!


Not Islam.
Not their leadership.
Not themselves


AND THEN- They want to change those countries to be like, THE COUNTRY THEY CAME FROM WHERE THEY WERE UNHAPPY!
Excuse me, but I can't help wondering...
How frigging dumb can you get?
Everyone seems to be wondering why Muslim Terrorists are so quick to commit suicide.

Lets have a look at the evidence:
  • No Christmas
  • No television
  • No nude women
  • No football
  • No pork chops
  • No hot dogs
  • No burgers
  • No beer
  • No bacon
  • Rags for clothes
  • Towels for hats
  • Constant wailing from some bloke in a tower
  • More than one wife
  • More than one mother-in-law
  • You can't shave
  • Your wife can't shave
  • You can't wash off the smell of donkeys
  • You cook over burning camel shit
  • Your wife is picked by someone else for you
  • and your wife smells worse than your donkey
  • Then they tell them that "when they die, it all gets better"???

Well No Shit Sherlock!....
It's not like it could get much worse!

We have a president afraid to support Israel against terrorists because he may lose their votes. Are you seriously so dumb you don’t think he’d allow sharia law for those votes?
you are mischaracterizing the president, and the protestors, and our policy.

many jews, supporters of israel, and people who hate terrorism as much as you do think that maybe it is time to negotiate in good faith.
No, Sharia Law is not going to be forced upon the American people. This is precisely why we have a Constitution and a Bill of Rights. If people want to argue the merit of preventing immigration of certain people based on cultural beliefs or difficulties with assimilation to American society a healthy debate can be had, but stuff like this is just pure xenophobic nonsense and it's hard to take these people seriously when they make these types of assertions.

In the remarks, Roy referenced a “massive Muslim takeover of the United Kingdom” and said he had “pretty strong concerns about people who wanna see Israel’s destruction, who were happy about Oct. 7, who were elected in the United Kingdom.”

“Some might say that we’ve seen that here in the United States,” Roy continued, echoing criticism of pro-Palestinian protesters on college campuses. “What are we gonna do about that?”

Right now, Islam is not the religion that seems poised to be forced on the American people. I wonder if Roy is trying a smokescreen here.

Islam is in desperate need of a Reformation. But we have more pressing problems, which would also be unconstitutional, here with another religion.
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The Federal Reserve Act. The 16th amendment. The 17th amendment. The 19th amendment. The movement to get rid of the Electoral College. The Progs wanting to get rid of the filibuster. Foreign entanglement dominating our politics with the same foreigners dominating our domestic agendas with the willing help of many Americans. These things come with a price. And Progs have their stock answers like you Republicans and small government. There will never be small government again. That died a century ago. Keeping it under control is something that we need though. And there are extreme views on the private side and the public side of dominance.
thank you 22. it is always great satisfaction to hear of the great accomplishments of the progressive movement.

i totally agree that we people need to keep tight , democratic (small d)_control on any tool powerful enough to tax, but disagree that "dominance" is a better result than "balance."
With America clearly at the top of the World's Terrorist Nations and apparently in full internal breakdown, it would be nice to impose Sharia Law for a two year period , say , to look for improvement and to hope that the natural propensity for violence with this breed is reduced .
After two years ,two elections . Internal and external .

Fantasy of course .
But if you do not get your House in better order you are going to have make radical changes or pay some cost and suffer consequences .
At the moment you are a Rogue Nation and with Nazi Israel have formed an axis of Evil .
The Bully is now well and truly on trial .
No, Sharia Law is not going to be forced upon the American people. This is precisely why we have a Constitution and a Bill of Rights. If people want to argue the merit of preventing immigration of certain people based on cultural beliefs or difficulties with assimilation to American society a healthy debate can be had, but stuff like this is just pure xenophobic nonsense and it's hard to take these people seriously when they make these types of assertions.

In the remarks, Roy referenced a “massive Muslim takeover of the United Kingdom” and said he had “pretty strong concerns about people who wanna see Israel’s destruction, who were happy about Oct. 7, who were elected in the United Kingdom.”

“Some might say that we’ve seen that here in the United States,” Roy continued, echoing criticism of pro-Palestinian protesters on college campuses. “What are we gonna do about that?”

To many non muzz in the fusa
Western Europe on the other hand
Many times, yep. We should teach Con Law in high school. I think we used to as part of Civics. Do they still teach Civics?

It's really a mistake to allow sharia law ANYPLACE. No we can't permit a family to practice sharia in their own homes. That's where we get honor killings from. We can't have teen age girls stoned in the alley. We can't have hands struck off with a sword for suspicion of theft. Nor can we allow female genital mutiliation on the kitchen table. What is WRONG with you thinking we can allow sharia law anyplace. They need to go back where they came from.
Because Isreal is not killing terrorists.
They are… but they are killing civilians , aid workers, reporters and even HOSTAGES along with them

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