Biden Gambles That 'We the People' Still Exist

Right... the side that told the rest of us if we didn't wear a useless face diaper & take a clot shot it made us horrible people & maybe attempted murderers & then demands we ignore obvious massive voting fraud is suddenly concerned about "We the People".
That's just precious progbot!
Your programming pumps out enough irony to forge a sword.

I'd be concerned too if I was constantly poking the quiet strong types that just want to be left alone to raise our families & live our lives

The poking is about to yield a response
This is the reason there is no compromise with these people. Both the DNC & the RINO establishment will never stop lying, cheating & attacking until they are forcefully stopped.
I'm tired of waiting & hoping they regain some measure of sanity & decency.
Compromising with evil is always a non-starter, so where does that leave us?
A showdown is coming & it's most likely going to be violent

If Trump is arrested, worker's strikes. Immediately, nationwide.

A nationwide trucker's strike alone would grind this nation to a halt. But we have to strike also in solidarity. But not just work: no commerce. No shopping. Shut it down, our way.

But make clear it's not about Trump the Man. It's about the DC bureaucracy running the entire show, the entrenched, unelected bureaucracy.

That is really the last stand before secession and violence.
If Trump is arrested, worker's strikes. Immediately, nationwide.

A nationwide trucker's strike alone would grind this nation to a halt. But we have to strike also in solidarity. But not just work: no commerce. No shopping. Shut it down, our way.

But make clear it's not about Trump the Man. It's about the DC bureaucracy running the entire show, the entrenched, unelected bureaucracy.

That is really the last stand before secession and violence.
Damn, you blurting that again. Won't be long before you start howling civil war.
Damn, you blurting that again. Won't be long before you start howling civil war.

What would you losers do, huh? Make people drive their trucks? Make us go to work? Fire us all, the people who make this nation work?

Keep poking the bear, losers
Damn, you blurting that again. Won't be long before you start howling civil war.
No, we are not like you insurrectionists. We're going to vote you out. That is if you don't steal the election again but, there are lots of eyes watching you this time.
Yeah, simple shit for simpletons like you. Dumbbell.
Your username is a true definition of a lowly basic 3 letter 3 numbered losername. Another one that starts with an "L"

‘MAGA Republicans are rather a threat because their leader does not accept the outcome of elections when he loses them; because he does not believe that the rule of law applies to him; because he does not adhere to the culture of restraint, tolerance, and moderation; and because he is now seeking to help elect other politicians who feel the same way. In their drive to change the political system, and to ensure that they can retain power even if they lose, Trump’s followers have verbally and sometimes physically attacked Capitol police officers, election workers, the FBI, the Department of Justice, and civil servants. He and his acolytes use violent language, and they inspire violence in return. As Biden put it last night, they “tried everything last time to nullify the votes of 81 million people. This time, they’re determined to succeed in thwarting the will of the people.”.....

But clearly Biden does care. And so he has taken the risky and genuinely brave decision to use emotional language in defense of our rules-based political system. The speech he gave last night at Independence Hall in Philadelphia, the place where a lot of those rules were written, was indeed lit and orchestrated to evoke drama. It was also meant to evoke strong feelings of patriotism, unity, and connection. Biden referenced American history—”We, the people, have burning inside of each of us the flame of liberty that was lit here at Independence Hall”—as well as American pride. He contrasted Trump’s dark, apocalyptic worldview with his own: “I see a different America, an America with an unlimited future, an America that’s about to take off.” The United States, he said, “is still the beacon to the world, an ideal to be realized, a promise to be kept. There’s nothing more important. Nothing more sacred.”.....’

President Biden is correct.
The only thing that Biden is "gambling" on is that his rants about MAGA people will distract the voters from the truly AWFUL job that Democrats have done since using the Covid crisis to seize power!
Biden SUCKS as a President! His policies are awful. The people he's surrounded himself with are complete morons! They need to go before they make an even bigger mess than the one they've already made!
The left is trying desperately to goad conservatives into violence because they need to change the discussion from their own failed policies to something else! Don't fall for it! Stay calm. Simply point out how bad their agenda has been for America in general and ask them what their SOLUTIONS are! They don't have any and that question will drive them crazy!
The left is trying desperately to goad conservatives into violence because they need to change the discussion from their own failed policies to something else! Don't fall for it! Stay calm. Simply point out how bad their agenda has been for America in general and ask them what their SOLUTIONS are! They don't have any and that question will drive them crazy!
They try to blame others for what they themselves are.
They try to blame others for what they themselves are.
Let's be honest here, Leo. They're trying to start a brawl because they know that their agenda isn't popular with the American people! Don't give them what they want. Concentrate on the issues. I know it's infuriating some of the crap they're pulling at the moment but don't take the bait. Biden is "pounding the table" because he has no case to make for electing liberals again!

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