‘Charges Of A Rigged Election Could Explode’: Wisconsin Can’t Count Late Ballots, US Supreme Court Rules


Diamond Member
Mar 22, 2015
Looks like the SCOTUS is stepping into the fray...

The U.S. Supreme Court upheld a lower court ruling Monday night in a 5-3 vote, prohibiting the State of Wisconsin from counting mail-in ballots that arrive days after the election.

Voting rights groups, state and national Democratic parties and the League of Women voters sought to extend ballot counting in Wisconsin, according to NBC News. They argued that the coronavirus pandemic presents challenges to voters who wish to vote by mail, but the Supreme Court ruled that citizens have plenty of options if they wish to vote.

“Particularly in a Presidential election, counting all the votes quickly can help the State promptly resolve any disputes, address any need for recounts, and begin the process of canvassing and certifying the election results in an expeditious manner,” Justice Brett Kavanaugh said in the opinion.

Kavanaugh also quoted Richard Pildes, a New York University School of Law professor, who wrote in June that counting late votes could cause panic and allegations of a “rigged election.”

“If the apparent winner the morning after the election ends up losing due to late-arriving ballots, charges of a rigged election could explode,” Pildes wrote in The University of Chicago Law Review. “[The] longer after Election Day any significant changes in vote totals take place, the greater the risk that the losing side will cry that the election has been stolen.”

U.S. District Judge William Conley ruled in favor of the plaintiffs and ordered the state to accept ballots up to six days after the election, according to NBC News. However, the 7th Circuit Court of Appeals blocked the order.

“A last-minute event may require a last-minute reaction. But it is not possible to describe COVID-19 as a last-minute event,” the appeals court said, NBC News reported.

Republicans had argued that Wisconsin provides citizens more opportunities to vote than most states including weeks of in-person early voting, according to NBC News.

Justices John Roberts, Samuel Alito, Neil Gorsuch and Clarence Thomas concurred while Justices Elena Kagan, Sonia Sotomayer and Stephen Breyer dissented.
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Mail in voting should be a vetted process.........and only for people who can't be there to vote in person.

We all know the left pushes this for ballot harvesting......and why they have to be sued to force updating voter rolls............

The post office said they couldn't guarantee timely delivery when millions of votes are cast ......massive amount of more volume than normal.

So the left screams foul when they purposely set up a system guaranteed to CAUSE CHAOS.
Looks like the SCOTUS is stepping into the fray...

The U.S. Supreme Court upheld a lower court ruling Monday night in a 5-3 vote, prohibiting the State of Wisconsin from counting mail-in ballots that arrive days after the election.

Voting rights groups, state and national Democratic parties and the League of Women voters sought to extend ballot counting in Wisconsin, according to NBC News. They argued that the coronavirus pandemic presents challenges to voters who wish to vote by mail, but the Supreme Court ruled that citizens have plenty of options if they wish to vote.

“Particularly in a Presidential election, counting all the votes quickly can help the State promptly resolve any disputes, address any need for recounts, and begin the process of canvassing and certifying the election results in an expeditious manner,” Justice Brett Kavanaugh said in the opinion.

Kavanaugh also quoted Richard Pildes, a New York University School of Law professor, who wrote in June that counting late votes could cause panic and allegations of a “rigged election.”

“If the apparent winner the morning after the election ends up losing due to late-arriving ballots, charges of a rigged election could explode,” Pildes wrote in The University of Chicago Law Review. “[The] longer after Election Day any significant changes in vote totals take place, the greater the risk that the losing side will cry that the election has been stolen.”

U.S. District Judge William Conley ruled in favor of the plaintiffs and ordered the state to accept ballots up to six days after the election, according to NBC News. However, the 7th Circuit Court of Appeals blocked the order.

“A last-minute event may require a last-minute reaction. But it is not possible to describe COVID-19 as a last-minute event,” the appeals court said, NBC News reported.

Republicans had argued that Wisconsin provides citizens more opportunities to vote than most states including weeks of in-person early voting, according to NBC News.

Justices John Roberts, Samuel Alito, Neil Gorsuch and Clarence Thomas concurred while Justices Elena Kagan, Sonia Sotomayer and Stephen Breyer dissented.

If the ballot is not in on November 3rd then it should not be counted!

Everyone of voting age know November 3rd is the final day of voting and anything that come in after that date should not be accepted!!

If you fail to mail in your vote already and fail to vote in person on November 3rd or before ( if you did not mail your vote in ) then there is no one to blame but yourself!

I was thinking why can’t we change the election from Election Day to election week starting in 2022 and just have people vote from the first Tuesday of November until the second Tuesday of November which will give every voter a chance to vote in person?
I think this tells us something about the Democrats' internal polling. They want to delay the vote count because they think Trump is going to win in Wisconsin again.

I have Trump winning Wisconsin and I have Biden winning the Electoral College...

Many will disagree with me and come Tuesday I will either be correct in my prediction or will lose two bets but in the end it matter not for me because with either candidate my life keep on moving forward...
In Alabama the rules applying are the same as before Covid BS...........Absentee ballots are ok and are for certain cercumstances........vetted.

Rest...........if you want to vote ........you WILL DO IT IN PERSON and YOU WILL SHOW AN ID.

Which is how it is supposed to be..........those states using this Mail in Virus to be lazy asses and refusing to vote in person.

Well........if you cry about it .........I don't care......get off your lazy asses and go vote.......I guarantee you have no problem shopping for food in crowds.....so voting in crowds shouldn't be a problem.

Oh well........we all know this an attempt to defraud the election by the left.
I think this tells us something about the Democrats' internal polling. They want to delay the vote count because they think Trump is going to win in Wisconsin again.

I have Trump winning Wisconsin and I have Biden winning the Electoral College...

Many will disagree with me and come Tuesday I will either be correct in my prediction or will lose two bets but in the end it matter not for me because with either candidate my life keep on moving forward...
I may be mistaken, but IIRC, you also predicted that Biden will win Ohio. I'm from Ohio and I just don't see that happening. There is a lot of voter enthusiasm for Trump here, like I've never seen for any political candidate in my life. And I'm not from one of the rural areas, I'm from Toledo, which is traditionally a Democratic party stronghold.

The Democrats don't have the ground game here that they used to have. There hasn't been a single Democrat operative knock on my door to get out the vote this year, when usually they would canvass the area over and over again.

And the tsunami of chartered busses full of non-residents from out of state stopping by early voting sites is down to just a trickle this year. I may be wrong, but I'm thinking that their usual voter fraud antics in Ohio have been significantly mitigated by C-19.

Would you still have Biden winning the EC without Ohio?
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I think this tells us something about the Democrats' internal polling. They want to delay the vote count because they think Trump is going to win in Wisconsin again.

I have Trump winning Wisconsin and I have Biden winning the Electoral College...

Many will disagree with me and come Tuesday I will either be correct in my prediction or will lose two bets but in the end it matter not for me because with either candidate my life keep on moving forward...
I may be mistaken, but IIRC, you also predicted that Biden will win Ohio. I'm from Ohio and I just don't see that happening. There is a lot of voter enthusiasm for Trump here, like I've never seen for any political candidate in my life. And I'm not from one of the rural areas, I'm from Toledo, which is traditionally a Democratic party stronghold.

The Democrats don't have the ground game here that they used to have. There hasn't been a single Democrat operative knock on my door to get out the vote this year, when usually they would canvass the area over and over again.

And the tsunami of chartered busses full of non-residents from out of state stopping by early voting sites is down to just a trickle this year. I may be wrong, but I'm thinking that their usual voter fraud antics in Ohio have been significantly mitigated by C-19.
Trump is going to win Ohio by about 5% points.
It is up the the states to decide this.

That is how voting works.

Personally If the vote was submitted before the election day it should be counted, even Gore versus Bush did not dispute that concept, it simply held there is a safe harbour date for counting to end.

In December.

But if the Supreme court is going to backtrack on previous ruling then it is simply begging for it to packed by the Democrats.
I think this tells us something about the Democrats' internal polling. They want to delay the vote count because they think Trump is going to win in Wisconsin again.

I have Trump winning Wisconsin and I have Biden winning the Electoral College...

Many will disagree with me and come Tuesday I will either be correct in my prediction or will lose two bets but in the end it matter not for me because with either candidate my life keep on moving forward...
I may be mistaken, but IIRC, you also predicted that Biden will win Ohio. I'm from Ohio and I just don't see that happening. There is a lot of voter enthusiasm for Trump here, like I've never seen for any political candidate in my life. And I'm not from one of the rural areas, I'm from Toledo, which is traditionally a Democratic party stronghold.

The Democrats don't have the ground game here that they used to have. There hasn't been a single Democrat operative knock on my door to get out the vote this year, when usually they would canvass the area over and over again.

And the tsunami of chartered busses full of non-residents from out of state stopping by early voting sites is down to just a trickle this year. I may be wrong, but I'm thinking that their usual voter fraud antics in Ohio have been significantly mitigated by C-19.

We will see but remember if Biden does win Ohio it mean no path for Trump to win and I have Biden winning Ohio, Pennsylvania, Michigan and Arizona while winning all the States Clinton won in 2016.

I believe Trump will win Georgia and Florida while also holding onto Texas and Wisconsin...

So let the see on November 4th or 5th who won if we even know by then...
I think this tells us something about the Democrats' internal polling. They want to delay the vote count because they think Trump is going to win in Wisconsin again.

I have Trump winning Wisconsin and I have Biden winning the Electoral College...

Many will disagree with me and come Tuesday I will either be correct in my prediction or will lose two bets but in the end it matter not for me because with either candidate my life keep on moving forward...
I may be mistaken, but IIRC, you also predicted that Biden will win Ohio. I'm from Ohio and I just don't see that happening. There is a lot of voter enthusiasm for Trump here, like I've never seen for any political candidate in my life. And I'm not from one of the rural areas, I'm from Toledo, which is traditionally a Democratic party stronghold.

The Democrats don't have the ground game here that they used to have. There hasn't been a single Democrat operative knock on my door to get out the vote this year, when usually they would canvass the area over and over again.

And the tsunami of chartered busses full of non-residents from out of state stopping by early voting sites is down to just a trickle this year. I may be wrong, but I'm thinking that their usual voter fraud antics in Ohio have been significantly mitigated by C-19.
Trump is going to win Ohio by about 5% points.
Double digits wouldn't surprise me.
I think this tells us something about the Democrats' internal polling. They want to delay the vote count because they think Trump is going to win in Wisconsin again.

No, they are just legitimately worried Trump is trying to sabotage mail in ballots with slow mail service.

How about just counting all the votes?
Looks like the SCOTUS is stepping into the fray...

The U.S. Supreme Court upheld a lower court ruling Monday night in a 5-3 vote, prohibiting the State of Wisconsin from counting mail-in ballots that arrive days after the election.

Voting rights groups, state and national Democratic parties and the League of Women voters sought to extend ballot counting in Wisconsin, according to NBC News. They argued that the coronavirus pandemic presents challenges to voters who wish to vote by mail, but the Supreme Court ruled that citizens have plenty of options if they wish to vote.

“Particularly in a Presidential election, counting all the votes quickly can help the State promptly resolve any disputes, address any need for recounts, and begin the process of canvassing and certifying the election results in an expeditious manner,” Justice Brett Kavanaugh said in the opinion.

Kavanaugh also quoted Richard Pildes, a New York University School of Law professor, who wrote in June that counting late votes could cause panic and allegations of a “rigged election.”

“If the apparent winner the morning after the election ends up losing due to late-arriving ballots, charges of a rigged election could explode,” Pildes wrote in The University of Chicago Law Review. “[The] longer after Election Day any significant changes in vote totals take place, the greater the risk that the losing side will cry that the election has been stolen.”

U.S. District Judge William Conley ruled in favor of the plaintiffs and ordered the state to accept ballots up to six days after the election, according to NBC News. However, the 7th Circuit Court of Appeals blocked the order.

“A last-minute event may require a last-minute reaction. But it is not possible to describe COVID-19 as a last-minute event,” the appeals court said, NBC News reported.

Republicans had argued that Wisconsin provides citizens more opportunities to vote than most states including weeks of in-person early voting, according to NBC News.

Justices John Roberts, Samuel Alito, Neil Gorsuch and Clarence Thomas concurred while Justices Elena Kagan, Sonia Sotomayer and Stephen Breyer dissented.

If the ballot is not in on November 3rd then it should not be counted!

Everyone of voting age know November 3rd is the final day of voting and anything that come in after that date should not be accepted!!

If you fail to mail in your vote already and fail to vote in person on November 3rd or before ( if you did not mail your vote in ) then there is no one to blame but yourself!

I was thinking why can’t we change the election from Election Day to election week starting in 2022 and just have people vote from the first Tuesday of November until the second Tuesday of November which will give every voter a chance to vote in person?

I agree if the votes aren't counted by the end of the day on Nov 3rd they shouldn't count. Folks have plenty of time to vote. Vote early. That's the way to go.

If they want to change things for 2022 its something to consider.
I think this tells us something about the Democrats' internal polling. They want to delay the vote count because they think Trump is going to win in Wisconsin again.

No, they are just legitimately worried Trump is trying to sabotage mail in ballots with slow mail service.

How about just counting all the votes?
How about they get the votes in on time?
There is no excuse for late ballots.
I think this tells us something about the Democrats' internal polling. They want to delay the vote count because they think Trump is going to win in Wisconsin again.

No, they are just legitimately worried Trump is trying to sabotage mail in ballots with slow mail service.

How about just counting all the votes?
So you're saying that, as usual, the Democrats fucked up and came up with a scheme that couldn't get the votes in on time???
Looks like the SCOTUS is stepping into the fray...

The U.S. Supreme Court upheld a lower court ruling Monday night in a 5-3 vote, prohibiting the State of Wisconsin from counting mail-in ballots that arrive days after the election.

Voting rights groups, state and national Democratic parties and the League of Women voters sought to extend ballot counting in Wisconsin, according to NBC News. They argued that the coronavirus pandemic presents challenges to voters who wish to vote by mail, but the Supreme Court ruled that citizens have plenty of options if they wish to vote.

“Particularly in a Presidential election, counting all the votes quickly can help the State promptly resolve any disputes, address any need for recounts, and begin the process of canvassing and certifying the election results in an expeditious manner,” Justice Brett Kavanaugh said in the opinion.

Kavanaugh also quoted Richard Pildes, a New York University School of Law professor, who wrote in June that counting late votes could cause panic and allegations of a “rigged election.”

“If the apparent winner the morning after the election ends up losing due to late-arriving ballots, charges of a rigged election could explode,” Pildes wrote in The University of Chicago Law Review. “[The] longer after Election Day any significant changes in vote totals take place, the greater the risk that the losing side will cry that the election has been stolen.”

U.S. District Judge William Conley ruled in favor of the plaintiffs and ordered the state to accept ballots up to six days after the election, according to NBC News. However, the 7th Circuit Court of Appeals blocked the order.

“A last-minute event may require a last-minute reaction. But it is not possible to describe COVID-19 as a last-minute event,” the appeals court said, NBC News reported.

Republicans had argued that Wisconsin provides citizens more opportunities to vote than most states including weeks of in-person early voting, according to NBC News.

Justices John Roberts, Samuel Alito, Neil Gorsuch and Clarence Thomas concurred while Justices Elena Kagan, Sonia Sotomayer and Stephen Breyer dissented.

Democrats want to use the 8 days after the election to see how far Joe is behind and manufacture that and more to steal the election.
-- There is a reason lmost the rest of the entire world has outlawed Mail-In Ballot voting.

Joe Biden voted himself IN PERSON - no problem with COVID.

There are specific deadlines when votes must be turned in, counted, certified, and given to the Electoral College voters. These deadlines have been used 'forever'. Democrats should know...but after Hillary demonstrated she did not know the Presidency depends on the Electoral College and NOT the popular vote, who the hell knows how intelligent Democrat voters are.
I agree if the votes aren't counted by the end of the day on Nov 3rd they shouldn't count. Folks have plenty of time to vote. Vote early. That's the way to go.
If they want to change things for 2022 its something to consider.
Then Democrat held areas would count Democrat areas first and slow walk the GOP areas like molasses on a cold winter morning.

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