Boy Scout Name Change

If a married man goes after a boy he is gay (or bisexual).
But as long as he's a Scout leader, a priest, or a coach it's all

pregnancy is "just human nature?" so is parental supervision. and several fathers were were with us on ever hike and camp out.

My experience was I was the only father ... I'm sorry, I've spent far too much time sitting in Child Support Enforcement Court to believe you ... fraternal supervision is not natural ... men aren't even held responsible for abortions ... and certainly not financial support ... spend the day in Child Support Enforcement Court and you'll see what I mean ...

Maybe it was just me them mothers were happy to put out for ...
Most the cases in scouting involve pederasts, not pedophiles.
Gee, thanks for making me look that word up. I wish I hadn't. It is just as bad and revolting to think of.
My father and grandfather were Boy Scouts.
Gee, thanks for making me look that word up. I wish I hadn't. It is just as bad and revolting to think of.

Most true pedophiles are not gender specific.

Most of your people in power actually prey on a specific gender, and are into pubescent or post pubescent youths.

Sorry to make you look it up, but words mean things, and using pedophile to describe them all is wrong and lazy.
It's such an ironic story that the mainstream gay media won't touch. The BSA won a monumental Supreme Court decision that shocked the liberal world. All of a sudden a mainstream organization with a mission to educate American boys with moral values had the legal right to discriminate against hiring overt homosexuals. The democrats hated the decision and so did the media. The BSA was attacked and vilified and everyone forgot the that the problem was was homosexual predators and not the BSA.

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