Biden is trumping around with tariffs


Nov 14, 2012
I can remember the negative reactions of the media when Trump started his America first policy. Now, while Biden continues this policy the hateful media is silent.
However, the PC Gamer is angry about the new tariffs on semiconductor products from China. They will double to 50%. While the article is probably right about the increasing costs for the US costumer, it didn´t mention that the tariffs might help to create American jobs.

"The big ticket items like Intel, AMD and Nvidia chips won't be affected, but a motherboard from a PC, laptop or phone includes dozens of other controllers and components, many of which are manufactured by Chinese companies. If the prices of these components rises, the cost will be passed onto the consumer.

The proposed tariffs are not just set to impact the market for Chinese chips, they will be applied to steel and aluminum, electric vehicles and batteries, solar cells and medical products.

If there's one thing that's sure to happen, it's that the Chinese government will respond in kind. That's the nature of a trade war. And consumers as a whole will end up bearing the cost."


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