Simplified Analysis of the "Occupied Territories" Lie


Diamond Member
Apr 12, 2012
The region that Christians call, "The Holy Land," and others refer to a "Palestine" was in recent history nothing more than an unincorporated region of the Ottoman Empire. With the defeat of the Ottomans in WWI, the region was divided up into "Mandates" with a few European powers having jurisdiction, though not sovereignty over the Mandates. The Mandates were followed after WWII by the carving up of the former Ottoman Empire and adjacent areas into made-up countries and kingdoms, to wit Trans-Jordan, Iraq, Egypt, and so on.

One small part of the British Mandate was claimed by two separate peoples (the indigenous Arabs and Jews), whereupon the ROW (rest of the world) in effect offered the two peoples their own portions of the contested area, albeit in a barely-workable jigsaw puzzle of divided areas. The Jews more or less said, "OK," but the indigenous Arabs declared themselves to be "Palestinians," and claimed a RIGHT to the entire parcel of land, with the resulting right and obligation to EXPELL and/or KILL any Jews with the temerity to remain.

This claimed right is bullshit, as the history of that region indicates, and the status of the land has been, since 1948, if you can take it, it's yours. There is no "occupation" of land that the so-called Palestinians rejected in the first instance. It was offered, they declined, and now they have no right to say that it is theirs even though they rejected it.

Now, it is up to the victorious Zionists and the ROW to do what they will with the indigenous Arabs, and those unworthies have no say in it. They have proven themselves to be ungovernable and uncivilized. Granting them any sort of sovereignty would be like granting self-rule to the residents in an insane asylum.

At least that's the way I see it. Good thing I'm not Master of the Universe.
The region that Christians call, "The Holy Land," and others refer to a "Palestine" was in recent history nothing more than an unincorporated region of the Ottoman Empire. With the defeat of the Ottomans in WWI, the region was divided up into "Mandates" with a few European powers having jurisdiction, though not sovereignty over the Mandates. The Mandates were followed after WWII by the carving up of the former Ottoman Empire and adjacent areas into made-up countries and kingdoms, to wit Trans-Jordan, Iraq, Egypt, and so on.

One small part of the British Mandate was claimed by two separate peoples (the indigenous Arabs and Jews), whereupon the ROW (rest of the world) in effect offered the two peoples their own portions of the contested area, albeit in a barely-workable jigsaw puzzle of divided areas. The Jews more or less said, "OK," but the indigenous Arabs declared themselves to be "Palestinians," and claimed a RIGHT to the entire parcel of land, with the resulting right and obligation to EXPELL and/or KILL any Jews with the temerity to remain.

This claimed right is bullshit, as the history of that region indicates, and the status of the land has been, since 1948, if you can take it, it's yours. There is no "occupation" of land that the so-called Palestinians rejected in the first instance. It was offered, they declined, and now they have no right to say that it is theirs even though they rejected it.

Now, it is up to the victorious Zionists and the ROW to do what they will with the indigenous Arabs, and those unworthies have no say in it. They have proven themselves to be ungovernable and uncivilized. Granting them any sort of sovereignty would be like granting self-rule to the residents in an insane asylum.

At least that's the way I see it. Good thing I'm not Master of the Universe.

The population of Palestine doubled in 15 years with European immigrants. Jews had been in the minority since the 2nd century.

The Arab Jews, Christians and Muslims were not happy with the immigrants who considered them inferior and didn't speak Arabic.
The region that Christians call, "The Holy Land," and others refer to a "Palestine" was in recent history nothing more than an unincorporated region of the Ottoman Empire. With the defeat of the Ottomans in WWI, the region was divided up into "Mandates" with a few European powers having jurisdiction, though not sovereignty over the Mandates. The Mandates were followed after WWII by the carving up of the former Ottoman Empire and adjacent areas into made-up countries and kingdoms, to wit Trans-Jordan, Iraq, Egypt, and so on.

One small part of the British Mandate was claimed by two separate peoples (the indigenous Arabs and Jews), whereupon the ROW (rest of the world) in effect offered the two peoples their own portions of the contested area, albeit in a barely-workable jigsaw puzzle of divided areas. The Jews more or less said, "OK," but the indigenous Arabs declared themselves to be "Palestinians," and claimed a RIGHT to the entire parcel of land, with the resulting right and obligation to EXPELL and/or KILL any Jews with the temerity to remain.

This claimed right is bullshit, as the history of that region indicates, and the status of the land has been, since 1948, if you can take it, it's yours. There is no "occupation" of land that the so-called Palestinians rejected in the first instance. It was offered, they declined, and now they have no right to say that it is theirs even though they rejected it.

Now, it is up to the victorious Zionists and the ROW to do what they will with the indigenous Arabs, and those unworthies have no say in it. They have proven themselves to be ungovernable and uncivilized. Granting them any sort of sovereignty would be like granting self-rule to the residents in an insane asylum.

At least that's the way I see it. Good thing I'm not Master of the Universe.
The land is the same as it's always been. A place where religious madness leads lunatics to murder each other because they think a magical being gave them ownership.
Nobody is murdering anyone but the Muslim "Palestinians." EVERY SINGLE conflict since 1948 has been started by the "Palestinians." They when they get their asses kicked, they complain that they are oppressed.

Fuck 'em.
1948? I have news for you bro; people have been murdering each other over that cursed land for millenia.
The region that Christians call, "The Holy Land," and others refer to a "Palestine" was in recent history nothing more than an unincorporated region of the Ottoman Empire. With the defeat of the Ottomans in WWI, the region was divided up into "Mandates" with a few European powers having jurisdiction, though not sovereignty over the Mandates. The Mandates were followed after WWII by the carving up of the former Ottoman Empire and adjacent areas into made-up countries and kingdoms, to wit Trans-Jordan, Iraq, Egypt, and so on.

One small part of the British Mandate was claimed by two separate peoples (the indigenous Arabs and Jews), whereupon the ROW (rest of the world) in effect offered the two peoples their own portions of the contested area, albeit in a barely-workable jigsaw puzzle of divided areas. The Jews more or less said, "OK," but the indigenous Arabs declared themselves to be "Palestinians," and claimed a RIGHT to the entire parcel of land, with the resulting right and obligation to EXPELL and/or KILL any Jews with the temerity to remain.

This claimed right is bullshit, as the history of that region indicates, and the status of the land has been, since 1948, if you can take it, it's yours. There is no "occupation" of land that the so-called Palestinians rejected in the first instance. It was offered, they declined, and now they have no right to say that it is theirs even though they rejected it.

Now, it is up to the victorious Zionists and the ROW to do what they will with the indigenous Arabs, and those unworthies have no say in it. They have proven themselves to be ungovernable and uncivilized. Granting them any sort of sovereignty would be like granting self-rule to the residents in an insane asylum.

At least that's the way I see it. Good thing I'm not Master of the Universe.
There is no "occupation" of land that the so-called Palestinians rejected in the first instance. It was offered, they declined, and now they have no right to say that it is theirs even though they rejected it.
The Palestinians never rejected "the land." That land was ceded to them by the Treaty of Lausanne. They only rejected the partition that gave half of their land to colonial settlers.
Nobody is murdering anyone but the Muslim "Palestinians." EVERY SINGLE conflict since 1948 has been started by the "Palestinians." They when they get their asses kicked, they complain that they are oppressed.

Fuck 'em.

Nope. Israel started the 6 Day War. Egyptian troops were deployed in Yemen.

The Jews didn't like the Roman occupation, remember?
1948? I have news for you bro; people have been murdering each other over that cursed land for millenia.

Palestine was a sleepy, apolitical backwater during the Ottoman empire. The different groups basically governed themselves. Then the European Zionists showed up.
Palestine was a sleepy, apolitical backwater during the Ottoman empire. The different groups basically governed themselves. Then the European Zionists showed up.
Indeed, each location was governed by the people who lived there with little interference by the Ottomans. They had local distribution of goods and foreign trade. It was a fully functional society and a class A mandate.

Then the British/Zionists came along and fucked everything up. It is still one of the most fucked up place on Earth.

Clearly, Netanyahu had it right as the official German record shows, and only a few years later, after the whole world knew about the extent of the Holocaust, the Arabs again proposed a genocide of the Jews.

War of Extermination​

An October 11, 1947 report on the pan-Arab summit in the Lebanese town of Aley,[9] by Akhbar al-Yom's editor Mustafa Amin, contained an interview he held with Arab League secretary-general Azzam. Titled, "A War of Extermination," the interview read as follows (translated by Efraim Karsh; all ellipses are in the original text):

Abdul Rahman Azzam Pasha spoke to me about the horrific war that was in the offing… saying:

"I personally wish that the Jews do not drive us to this war, as this will be a war of extermination and momentous massacre which will be spoken of like the Tartar massacre[10] or the Crusader wars. I believe that the number of volunteers from outside Palestine will be larger than Palestine's Arab population, for I know that volunteers will be arriving to us from [as far as] India, Afghanistan, and China to win the honor of martyrdom for the sake of Palestine … You might be surprised to learn that hundreds of Englishmen expressed their wish to volunteer in the Arab armies to fight the Jews.

"This war will be distinguished by three serious matters. First—faith: as each fighter deems his death on behalf of Palestine as the shortest road to paradise; second, [the war] will be an opportunity for vast plunder. Third, it will be impossible to contain the zealous volunteers arriving from all corners of the world to avenge the martyrdom of the Palestine Arabs, and viewing the war as dignifying every Arab and every Muslim throughout the world …


Clearly, Netanyahu had it right as the official German record shows, and only a few years later, after the whole world knew about the extent of the Holocaust, the Arabs again proposed a genocide of the Jews.

War of Extermination​

An October 11, 1947 report on the pan-Arab summit in the Lebanese town of Aley,[9] by Akhbar al-Yom's editor Mustafa Amin, contained an interview he held with Arab League secretary-general Azzam. Titled, "A War of Extermination," the interview read as follows (translated by Efraim Karsh; all ellipses are in the original text):

They are justifying what they have done. It's become fashionable to blame the Palestinians instead of Nazi Germany.
They are justifying what they have done. It's become fashionable to blame the Palestinians instead of Nazi Germany.
Both are to blame. The difference is the Germans have held accountable for their savagery, but the world continues to hold the Palestinians to a lower standard than it does civilized human beings.
Both are to blame. The difference is the Germans have held accountable for their savagery, but the world continues to hold the Palestinians to a lower standard than it does civilized human beings.

The Zionists began abusing the Palestinians in 1920. What are you talking about? Peasant farm families and shopkeepers had no arms.
The Palestinians never rejected "the land." That land was ceded to them by the Treaty of Lausanne. They only rejected the partition that gave half of their land to colonial settlers.
Read the Treaty, I just did. It had nothing to do with Palestine, Trans-Jordan Saudi-Arabia or, other than renouncing some economic claims in Syria any other middle eastern country. All it did was to settle the borders of the modern state of Turkey.
The Zionists began abusing the Palestinians in 1920. What are you talking about? Peasant farm families and shopkeepers had no arms.
You have never yet put up a single honest post. The Arabs were well armed, partly by the British to help them revolt against the Turks in 1916, but the Jewish immigrants were unarmed and and depended on the British to defend them against the fiercely antisemitic Arabs until it became apparent the British would not defend them.

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