Biden announces national address on dangers of white supremacy on Jan 6 anniversary


Diamond Member
Nov 21, 2021
Shenandoah Valley of Virginia
President Joe Biden, who has spent 37 percent of his 2023 year on vacation, will make sure to mark the coming anniversary of January 6, 2021 by stoking fears of white supremacy. He's been keeping this at the forefront of his rhetoric since he took office.

Biden and his Vice President Kamala Harris intend to make fears over white supremacy and domestic terrorism—carried out by Americans, not by any potential cells that have crossed through the collapsed US-Mexico border—a centerpiece of their re-election campaign.

That fateful day when hundreds of Trump supporters were let into the Capitol Building by Capitol Police officers and then arrested for trespassing has been used by fearmongering Democrats to stoke racial animus against white people and Trump supporters. Trump leads Biden among Hispanic voters and young people, and his 12 percent support among black voters has not declined since 2020 despite Biden's carefully constructed rhetoric.

As soon as the building was cleared, Democrats began vilifying Trump supporters and claiming that they had staged a "deadly insurrection." They mostly failed to note, however, that the only person killed that day was unarmed Trump supporter and veteran Ashli Babbitt, who was shot by Capitol Police. It was revealed months later that there was "no good reason" for shooting her.

For Biden, this is a great opportunity to remind America of his talking point that domestic terrorism and white supremacy—not border collapse, rising crime, inflation, or a $34 trillion debt—are the real threats facing America. In May, Biden promised "to stand up against the poison of white supremacy, as I did in my inaugural address — to single it out as the most dangerous terrorist threat to our homeland is white supremacy."

Over the top you might think? Hold NBC's beer.

Biden campaign casts Trump as threat to democracy ahead of speech on Jan. 6 anniversary

Do the dems really think this will improve tater's popularity?

Hell, when are they going to make it a Federal Holiday of remembrance? You know, like Juneteenth?
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It’s that time of the year again boys….

Light ‘em up:

They've already announced that their election year message will be "saving democracy!". This is just the opening act.

Millions of illegals streaming over the border? No problem.
Unbelievable amounts of deficit/deficit spending? No problem.
Rampant crime? No problem.
Wars in Europe/Middle East that we will get dragged into? No problem.

Conservative Americans? HUGE Fuckin' PROBLEM!!!

And he's doing it from Valley Forge of all places!
On January 30, 1939 Hitler gave a speech blaming Jews for all the ills of Germany. He legitimized attacks against them.

This is how Biden intends to be reelected. Whip up the already savage to a frenzy. Accuse Trump of bombing black churches. If democrats can't control the vote, make it too dangerous to vote.
The Jan 6th Anniversary .. represents the corruption/collusion of the deep state and criminal enterprise that is the Democrat Party in my opinion.
Another moronic speech by Biden is just comedy.. 😦
President Joe Biden, who has spent 37 percent of his 2023 year on vacation, will make sure to mark the coming anniversary of January 6, 2021 by stoking fears of white supremacy. He's been keeping this at the forefront of his rhetoric since he took office.

Biden and his Vice President Kamala Harris intend to make fears over white supremacy and domestic terrorism—carried out by Americans, not by any potential cells that have crossed through the collapsed US-Mexico border—a centerpiece of their re-election campaign.

That fateful day when hundreds of Trump supporters were let into the Capitol Building by Capitol Police officers and then arrested for trespassing has been used by fearmongering Democrats to stoke racial animus against white people and Trump supporters. Trump leads Biden among Hispanic voters and young people, and his 12 percent support among black voters has not declined since 2020 despite Biden's carefully constructed rhetoric.

As soon as the building was cleared, Democrats began vilifying Trump supporters and claiming that they had staged a "deadly insurrection." They mostly failed to note, however, that the only person killed that day was unarmed Trump supporter and veteran Ashli Babbitt, who was shot by Capitol Police. It was revealed months later that there was "no good reason" for shooting her.

For Biden, this is a great opportunity to remind America of his talking point that domestic terrorism and white supremacy—not border collapse, rising crime, inflation, or a $34 trillion debt—are the real threats facing America. In May, Biden promised "to stand up against the poison of white supremacy, as I did in my inaugural address — to single it out as the most dangerous terrorist threat to our homeland is white supremacy."

Over the top you might think? Hold NBC's beer.

Biden campaign casts Trump as threat to democracy ahead of speech on Jan. 6 anniversary

Do the dems really think this will improve tater's popularity?

Hell, when are they going to make it a Federal Holiday of remembrance? You know, like Juneteenth?

Another fake news, bullshit OP based completely on misinformation and whiny snowflake, fringe right-wing propaganda that never has been even remotely grounded in the truth.
President Joe Biden, who has spent 37 percent of his 2023 year on vacation, will make sure to mark the coming anniversary of January 6, 2021 by stoking fears of white supremacy. He's been keeping this at the forefront of his rhetoric since he took office.

Biden and his Vice President Kamala Harris intend to make fears over white supremacy and domestic terrorism—carried out by Americans, not by any potential cells that have crossed through the collapsed US-Mexico border—a centerpiece of their re-election campaign.
Actually neither Biden nor Harris are responsible for the fact that our top federal law enforcement agencies began targeting white supremacist groups as the #1 terrorist threat facing our nation today.
Your statement here is innacurate.
This assessment was made in 2020.
Remind me please, WHO was in office in 2020?

“This draft document seems to be consistent with earlier intelligence reports from DHS, the FBI, and other law enforcement sources: that the most significant terror-related threat facing the US today comes from violent extremists who are motivated by white supremacy and other far-right ideological causes,” he said.

Wittes, meanwhile, said the change in language on white supremacist terrorism is significant.
“It diminishes the prominence of white supremacy relative to other domestic violent extremism, and, without being inaccurate, puts it in a basket along with other violent activity that may be more palatable for the administration to acknowledge,” he said.

The threat from white supremacists

The earliest draft has the strongest language on the threat from white supremacists, in an introductory section labeled “Key Takeaways.”
“Lone offenders and small cells of individuals motivated by a diverse array of social, ideological, and personal factors will pose the primary terrorist threat to the United States,” the draft reads. “Among these groups, we assess that white supremacist extremists – who increasingly are networking with likeminded persons abroad – will pose the most persistent and lethal threat.”
The “Key Takeaways” section of the next two drafts calls “Domestic Violent Extremists” the “most persistent and lethal threat,” rather than specifically naming white supremacists.

10 of the 15 years, and were the same in 3 of the years since September 12, 2001. Of the 85 violent extremist incidents that resulted in death since September 12, 2001, far right wing violent extremist groups were responsible for 62 (73 percent) while radical Islamist violent extremists were responsible for 23 (27 percent).”.

(4) An unclassified May 2017 joint intelligence bulletin from the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the Department of Homeland Security found that “white supremacist extremism poses [a] persistent threat of lethal violence,” and that White supremacists “were responsible for 49 homicides in 26 attacks from 2000 to 2016 … more than any other domestic extremist movement”.

That fateful day when hundreds of Trump supporters were let into the Capitol Building by Capitol Police officers and then arrested for trespassing has been used by fearmongering Democrats to stoke racial animus against white people and Trump supporters.
Total bullshit!

"They're making an announcement now saying if Pence betrays us you better get your mind right because we're storming the building," Evans said on the video. "The door is cracked! … We're in, we're in! Derrick Evans is in the Capitol!" Vice President Mike Pence was in the building to preside over the Senate's certification of Democrat Joe Biden's election victory. Pence went ahead despite Trump's pleas to get Pence to block the transfer of power.

During testimony before Congress, FBI Director Christopher Wray was asked whether there was any reason to believe the insurrection was organized by "fake Trump protesters."

"We have not seen evidence of that," said Wray, who was appointed by Trump.
The House committee investigating the Jan. 6 insurrection poked another hole in the pro-Trump conspiracy theory that federal agents orchestrated the attack, confirming on Tuesday that a man at the center of the claims said he’d never been an FBI informant.
Ray Epps, an Arizona man who was filmed encouraging others to enter the U.S. Capitol, testified that he wasn’t “employed by, working with, or acting at the direction of any law enforcement agency on Jan. 5th or 6th or at any other time,” the committee tweeted on Tuesday.
The committee issued its statement after numerous Republican lawmakers highlighted the fringe theory in recent weeks, including Texas Sen. Ted Cruz in a Senate Judiciary Committee hearing on Tuesday. Pressed by Cruz, a Justice Department official said she couldn’t say whether FBI agents participated in the insurrection because she couldn’t discuss “the specifics of sources and methods” of the FBI.

Meanwhile, the evidence indicates the mob that invaded the Capitol on Jan. 6 was overwhelmingly made up of Trump supporters who wanted to help the then-president.
Here’s a closer look at the facts:

CLAIM: Ray Epps, who was filmed on Jan. 5 and 6 urging rioters toward the U.S. Capitol, is a federal agent who helped to orchestrate the insurrection.
THE FACTS: There’s no evidence to support that Epps — who has not been arrested or charged in connection with the Jan. 6 riot — was anything but a disgruntled supporter of former President Donald Trump, like thousand
s of others who descended on the Capitol that day.
The Jan. 6 committee says Epps testified that he wasn’t working for law enforcement, and at this point, no convincing evidence has been provided linking him to federal agents.

Public records show Epps appears to be a 60-year-old Queen Creek, Arizona, business owner. He also appears to have been affiliated in the past with the Oath Keepers, a national militia group, in Arizona. A YouTube video posted by the group in 2011 lists Epps as the “Oath Keepers Arizona Chapter President,” while a man resembling Epps appears in the footage.
The FBI at one point included an image of Epps on a “wanted” list seeking information about those involved in Capitol violence, then deleted the reference in July. But there are plenty of reasons the FBI might remove individuals from the site, including if it no longer needed help locating them or had already interviewed them.
The theory that Epps was an undercover FBI agent grew from a video that circulated on far-right message boards days after the insurrection. It showed Epps on the evening of Jan. 5, urging Trump supporters around him to “peacefully” enter the Capitol the next day.
That video and others of Epps talking to rioters outside the Capitol building ricocheted across social media for months until Rep. Thomas Massie, a Republican from Kentucky, shared the footage in a congressional hearing in October.
Massie asked Attorney General Merrick Garland why the man in the videos hadn’t been charged, and whether federal agents were involved in the riots. Garland said he couldn’t comment on an ongoing federal investigation, per FBI policy, causing claims about Epps to snowball.

The theory was amplified by Revolver News, a fringe news site founded by a former Trump administration speechwriter who lost his job after speaking at a 2016 conference attended by white nationalists. The site claimed that the FBI posting, then removing, an image of Epps from a “Capitol Violence Most Wanted List” showed he was a “Fed-Protected Provocateur” who “Appears To Have Led” the Jan. 6 attack.
That’s not proof the man was a federal agent — and there’s no reason right now to believe that any undercover agent galvanized a mob of Trump supporters, many of whom were vocal about their intentions, to attempt to delay the congressional certification of Joe Biden’s presidential win.
In fact, an AP review of social media posts, voter registrations, court files and other public records for more than 120 people either facing criminal charges or identified in footage from Jan. 6 showed that the mob was overwhelmingly made up of longtime Trump supporters, including GOP officials and donors, far-right militants, white supremacists, off-duty police, members of the military and conspiracy theory adherents.
Revolver News didn’t immediately respond to a request for comment.
Conservative blogs and lawmakers have insisted that Epps not being charged with a crime reveals he must be associated with the FBI. But Epps was among thousands of revelers trespassing on the Capitol grounds, many of whom have not been charged.

Republicans who have promoted the theory, including Rep. Matt Gaetz of Florida, say they’ve asked the FBI and Justice Department for more information about Epps and his involvement in Jan. 6 to no avail. That’s not surprising. Federal law enforcement officials rarely share details about ongoing investigations. Gaetz gave no indication what led him to believe that Epps was working for the FBI but said he finds the agency’s silence to be concerning.
Asked during testimony before Congress whether there was any reason to believe the insurrection was organized by “fake Trump protesters,” FBI Director Christopher Wray, who was appointed by Trump, said the agency had “not seen evidence of that.”
The House committee investigating the Jan. 6 insurrection tweeted on Tuesday that it was aware of claims Epps was an FBI informant, and had interviewed Epps directly.
“Epps informed us that he was not employed by, working with, or acting at the direction of any law enforcement agency on Jan 5th or 6th or at any other time, & that he has never been an informant for the FBI or any other law enforcement agency,” the committee wrote.
Epps told an Associated Press reporter that he’d been advised not to comment and referred questions to his lawyer, who said Tuesday evening that he was not available for comment.
Trump leads Biden among Hispanic voters and young people, and his 12 percent support among black voters has not declined since 2020 despite Biden's carefully constructed rhetoric
Then why are all you Trumptard MAGAts so hysterical all the time?
As soon as the building was cleared, Democrats began vilifying Trump supporters and claiming that they had staged a "deadly insurrection." They mostly failed to note, however, that the only person killed that day was unarmed Trump supporter and veteran Ashli Babbitt, who was shot by Capitol Police. It was revealed months later that there was "no good reason" for shooting her
Fake news.
Better re-check your information.
Or maybe you just pull these claims outta your ass as you go along.
"It was revealed months later..."
Oh really?
By whom?
Got a link?
For Biden, this is a great opportunity to remind America of his talking point that domestic terrorism and white supremacy—not border collapse, rising crime, inflation, or a $34 trillion debt—are the real threats facing America. In May, Biden promised "to stand up against the poison of white supremacy, as I did in my inaugural address — to single it out as the most dangerous terrorist threat to our homeland is white supremacy."
Again....not Biden's "talking point."
Biden campaign casts Trump as threat to democracy ahead of speech on Jan. 6 anniversary
And Biden is being truthful.

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