Ashkenazi Jews are not Semites and have no roots in Palestine . End Of .


Diamond Member
Apr 3, 2022
I suggest that this is a subject of Historical substance but it bothers me not a jot where the Topic is placed .
Naturally , it will trigger Normies and the Sheeple who are fully entrained to the consensus narratives .
But it also bothered them when they were told the world was "round" and when it was claimed our planet went round the Sun and not vice versa , and so on and so on .

  • Jews Are Not a Race But Jewish Identity is Racist!
    by Gilad Atzmon(Jew), Gilad Atzmon Ideas & music
    We have been informed that the four major female founders of the Ashkenazis show roots in Europe 10,000 to 20,000 years ago. So do most of the minor founders, the study found.
  • Only 8% of the mitochondrial DNA shows signs of being from the Near East.

    Gil Atzmon, of the Albert Einstein College of Medicine in New York, who led the research, argued that there had been some evidence of mass conversions, especially of women, to Judaism throughout the Mediterranean in the past. That resulted in about 6 million citizens, or a tenth of the Roman population, who were Jewish.

    The practical meaning of this information is simple and far from being new.
  • Ashkenazi Jews are not Semitic and have no roots in Palestine.
  • So if Jews are neither a race nor Semitic what is it that bonds them together?
  • The answer is an extreme form of tribal ethnocentrism , AKA, racism.

  • In short, Jews are not a race but Jewish secular culture is racist to the bone.

And a consequence ( one of many) is that Israel is well aware of this but will do almost anything to prevent it being widely known and accepted .
Although after this recent False Flag it is possible that they will resort to anything .
The extreme end of Israel politics seems barbaric and doubtless rooted in Khazarian beliefs( that is, their birth place ) so the current False Flag will be of no consequence to those that are Khazarian Mafia ( Nutty Yahoo and Cronies ? ) and kicking out Palestinians from Gaza to get hold of the Oil and Gas will be quite pragmatic .

So remember the central Khazar belief -- for understandable historic reasons -- lie at all times , kill the enemy and be killed for breaking those commandments .Still hold today .
Hey dumbass, Judaism is a RELIGION, not a race at all.

The idea of Jews being a race comes from the antisemitic hero, Hitler.
You may think that .
I know that.
But most have no realisation .
So cut out childish rudeness before pausing to think .
I suggest that this is a subject of Historical substance but it bothers me not a jot where the Topic is placed .
Naturally , it will trigger Normies and the Sheeple who are fully entrained to the consensus narratives .
But it also bothered them when they were told the world was "round" and when it was claimed our planet went round the Sun and not vice versa , and so on and so on .

  • Jews Are Not a Race But Jewish Identity is Racist!
    by Gilad Atzmon(Jew), Gilad Atzmon Ideas & music
    We have been informed that the four major female founders of the Ashkenazis show roots in Europe 10,000 to 20,000 years ago. So do most of the minor founders, the study found.
  • Only 8% of the mitochondrial DNA shows signs of being from the Near East.

    Gil Atzmon, of the Albert Einstein College of Medicine in New York, who led the research, argued that there had been some evidence of mass conversions, especially of women, to Judaism throughout the Mediterranean in the past. That resulted in about 6 million citizens, or a tenth of the Roman population, who were Jewish.

    The practical meaning of this information is simple and far from being new.
  • Ashkenazi Jews are not Semitic and have no roots in Palestine.
  • So if Jews are neither a race nor Semitic what is it that bonds them together?
  • The answer is an extreme form of tribal ethnocentrism , AKA, racism.

  • In short, Jews are not a race but Jewish secular culture is racist to the bone.

And a consequence ( one of many) is that Israel is well aware of this but will do almost anything to prevent it being widely known and accepted .
Although after this recent False Flag it is possible that they will resort to anything .
The extreme end of Israel politics seems barbaric and doubtless rooted in Khazarian beliefs( that is, their birth place ) so the current False Flag will be of no consequence to those that are Khazarian Mafia ( Nutty Yahoo and Cronies ? ) and kicking out Palestinians from Gaza to get hold of the Oil and Gas will be quite pragmatic .

So remember the central Khazar belief -- for understandable historic reasons -- lie at all times , kill the enemy and be killed for breaking those commandments .Still hold today .
No one cares about any of that. How do the Palestinians propose to take the land from Israel? I mean, I can claim that all of North America belongs to me, but if i dont have the power to take it, what difference does it make?

Land belongs to whomever can control it. That has always been the case and always will be.
Neither race nor ethnicity is detectable in the human genome. Humans do have genetic variations, some of which were once associated with ancestry from different parts of the world. But those variations cannot be tracked to distinct biological categories.....DNA tests can’t tell you your "race".

"Race", thus racism and anti-semitism are just social constructs......From a nuts and bolts standpoint NOBODY is "special", just a member of the human race.

We just choose to attach value, importance, or disapproval to certain segments of the human race.
I suggest that this is a subject of Historical substance but it bothers me not a jot where the Topic is placed .
Naturally , it will trigger Normies and the Sheeple who are fully entrained to the consensus narratives .
But it also bothered them when they were told the world was "round" and when it was claimed our planet went round the Sun and not vice versa , and so on and so on .

  • Jews Are Not a Race But Jewish Identity is Racist!
    by Gilad Atzmon(Jew), Gilad Atzmon Ideas & music
    We have been informed that the four major female founders of the Ashkenazis show roots in Europe 10,000 to 20,000 years ago. So do most of the minor founders, the study found.
  • Only 8% of the mitochondrial DNA shows signs of being from the Near East.

    Gil Atzmon, of the Albert Einstein College of Medicine in New York, who led the research, argued that there had been some evidence of mass conversions, especially of women, to Judaism throughout the Mediterranean in the past. That resulted in about 6 million citizens, or a tenth of the Roman population, who were Jewish.

    The practical meaning of this information is simple and far from being new.
  • Ashkenazi Jews are not Semitic and have no roots in Palestine.
  • So if Jews are neither a race nor Semitic what is it that bonds them together?
  • The answer is an extreme form of tribal ethnocentrism , AKA, racism.

  • In short, Jews are not a race but Jewish secular culture is racist to the bone.

And a consequence ( one of many) is that Israel is well aware of this but will do almost anything to prevent it being widely known and accepted .
Although after this recent False Flag it is possible that they will resort to anything .
The extreme end of Israel politics seems barbaric and doubtless rooted in Khazarian beliefs( that is, their birth place ) so the current False Flag will be of no consequence to those that are Khazarian Mafia ( Nutty Yahoo and Cronies ? ) and kicking out Palestinians from Gaza to get hold of the Oil and Gas will be quite pragmatic .

So remember the central Khazar belief -- for understandable historic reasons -- lie at all times , kill the enemy and be killed for breaking those commandments .Still hold today .

Well after the globalists destroy Ukraine they can send all the Jews there.
I suggest that this is a subject of Historical substance but it bothers me not a jot where the Topic is placed .
Naturally , it will trigger Normies and the Sheeple who are fully entrained to the consensus narratives .
But it also bothered them when they were told the world was "round" and when it was claimed our planet went round the Sun and not vice versa , and so on and so on .

  • Jews Are Not a Race But Jewish Identity is Racist!
    by Gilad Atzmon(Jew), Gilad Atzmon Ideas & music
    We have been informed that the four major female founders of the Ashkenazis show roots in Europe 10,000 to 20,000 years ago. So do most of the minor founders, the study found.
  • Only 8% of the mitochondrial DNA shows signs of being from the Near East.

    Gil Atzmon, of the Albert Einstein College of Medicine in New York, who led the research, argued that there had been some evidence of mass conversions, especially of women, to Judaism throughout the Mediterranean in the past. That resulted in about 6 million citizens, or a tenth of the Roman population, who were Jewish.

    The practical meaning of this information is simple and far from being new.
  • Ashkenazi Jews are not Semitic and have no roots in Palestine.
  • So if Jews are neither a race nor Semitic what is it that bonds them together?
  • The answer is an extreme form of tribal ethnocentrism , AKA, racism.

  • In short, Jews are not a race but Jewish secular culture is racist to the bone.

And a consequence ( one of many) is that Israel is well aware of this but will do almost anything to prevent it being widely known and accepted .
Although after this recent False Flag it is possible that they will resort to anything .
The extreme end of Israel politics seems barbaric and doubtless rooted in Khazarian beliefs( that is, their birth place ) so the current False Flag will be of no consequence to those that are Khazarian Mafia ( Nutty Yahoo and Cronies ? ) and kicking out Palestinians from Gaza to get hold of the Oil and Gas will be quite pragmatic .

So remember the central Khazar belief -- for understandable historic reasons -- lie at all times , kill the enemy and be killed for breaking those commandments .Still hold today .
All this proves is that Israelites, including the Jews, were different ethnically from others living in the middle east before the diasporas. This is supported by the biblical history of Israel.
The key to resolving the ongoing conflict between the Pals and the Jews is to establish a homeland for the Pals to go to. How about in Germany or Sweden? A lot of Arabic speaking muslims already have moved to those areas, and both countries have very low birth rates, so they could use the population.
Ashkenazis don't have levant DNA, they are not semitic.

"Semitic" means descendants of Shem, which the Jews most certainly are.

"Shem’s name is the origin of the word Semitic; Shem’s great-grandson Eber was the father of those who were eventually called “Hebrews,” including Abram and the Jews."

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All this proves is that Israelites, including the Jews, were different ethnically from others living in the middle east before the diasporas. This is supported by the biblical history of Israel.

Nope. The Jews are descended from Canaanites just like the Warsaw and Phoenicians.

Hey dumbass, Judaism is a RELIGION, not a race at all.

The idea of Jews being a race comes from the antisemitic hero, Hitler.

Actually it comes from Babylonian Jews and Ezra. Most ultra-orthodox and chasedi consider Jews to be a 'Master Race' and in fact go Nazis one better and claim Jews are the ONLY humans, period. Goyim are merely animals God uses to punish or reward 'Real Jews'. Many orthodox also believe that as well.

Not that matters re Israel; Arabs basically tried to exterminate a people that were invited to settle there from 1869 onward, then they lost all their wars of extermination, and also there is the fact that no Arabs are indigenous to that region either. It's a spiritual homeland for rabbinical and cultural Jews and also the Christian Jewish sect, all of whom are merely reclaiming territory stolen by Arabs and Muslims. It was Jewish and Christian for many centuries before some Arab bandit hordes raided the place. The Christians re-conquered it for a time in self-defense wars, then lost it again, now they're helping Jews keep it, as they should.

Maybe if Poland didn't murder Jews who tried to leave the camps and return to their homes in the east there there wouldn't have been a need for Israel. Poland should be paying reparations for all the property they stole at least.
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In short, Jews are not a race but Jewish secular culture is racist to the bone.

You should probably have your meds checked. Psst... they will NEVER be totally removed from their land again. Not ever. The Palestinian Arabs, OTH, will be utterly uprooted and cast on the ash heap of history...
You don't need any genetic tests to know that sorry bunch of Russians, Ukrainians and Polacks are about as semitic as Mao Tse Tung.

A pair of functional eyes and neurons are more than enough.
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You don't need any genetic tests to know that sorry bunch of Russians, Ukrainians and Polacks are about as semitic as Mao Tse Tung.

A pair of funtional eyes and neurons are more than enough.
Russians (white Russians) and Ukrainians are semitic, not sure about the Poles.
  • Anything about Gilad Atzmon I can look up ADL abot this loser.

  • Most Israelis are not Ashkenazi.

  • Converts (even if Khazar were to be true) have the same rights to Israel because it's not about "race " or racism.

  • Poster Luiza posted against ALL Jews so this doesn't matter.
Nope. The Jews are descended from Canaanites just like the Warsaw and Phoenicians.

The Israelites lived in Canaan but that doesn't make them descendants of Canaan (Canaan was the son of Ham, not Shem).

Jesus revealed as much when he visited Canaan and met with "a woman of Canaan", who he deemed to be an Israelite.
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Well after the globalists destroy Ukraine they can send all the Jews there.
Now there is an interesting thought .
Because that is where most if not nearly all have their roots --- the Khazars .
And Israel is where the faux Jews now are -- or their descendants , and where they were allowed to settle and upset those lovely Palestinian peace loving people .
Now there is an interesting thought .
Because that is where most if not nearly all have their roots --- the Khazars .
And Israel is where the faux Jews now are -- or their descendants , and where they were allowed to settle and upset those lovely Palestinian peace loving people .
I’m pretty sure the entire reason this war is happening is to kill all the Christians there, then the Fake Jews will move in. If Israel falls to the Muslims, they will need to flee somewhere.

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