Agenda 21


Gold Member
Oct 28, 2023
Are you worried about Agenda 21? You should be. When you have a global initiative that has decided that too many humans are shitting on the planet a serious problem arises. This global cabal will take it upon themselves to reduce the human population in order to "save the planet". Are you among those that will be spared? You don't have to be a genius to see that Covid was just a trial balloon. It was a success because the propensity of human populations to just fall into line and obey was realized.

Are you worried about Agenda 21? You should be. When you have a global initiative that has decided that too many humans are shitting on the planet a serious problem arises. This global cabal will take it upon themselves to reduce the human population in order to "save the planet". Are you among those that will be spared? You don't have to be a genius to see that Covid was just a trial balloon. It was a success because the propensity of human populations to just fall into line and obey was realized.

Dear USMB Management,

You've done an excellent job with the chemtrails-obsessed. Here's another challenge for you.

Yours truly

Crick, advocate for basic rationality
Dear USMB Management,

You've done an excellent job with the chemtrails-obsessed. Here's another challenge for you.

Yours truly

Crick, advocate for basic rationality
Shut down argument. Go to the management and complain. Are these the kind of people we want to celebrate?
Shut down argument. Go to the management and complain. Are these the kind of people we want to celebrate?

Don't worry about old Crack pot .
He takes himself seriously which is a good job because nobody else does.

Yes, most of the chem trails are tipped coal fly ash , as shown by chemical analysis , and it is a fact that this budget mysteriously disappeared from the accounts once the project was expanded . Several billion dollars .

Check out Agenda 2030 . Far worse .
Are you worried about Agenda 21? You should be. When you have a global initiative that has decided that too many humans are shitting on the planet a serious problem arises. This global cabal will take it upon themselves to reduce the human population in order to "save the planet". Are you among those that will be spared? You don't have to be a genius to see that Covid was just a trial balloon. It was a success because the propensity of human populations to just fall into line and obey was realized.

i'd like to see global population at a sustainable 1/2 billion. this can be achieved with birth control . but can't be having that can we?
Don't worry about old Crack pot .
He takes himself seriously which is a good job because nobody else does.

Yes, most of the chem trails are tipped coal fly ash , as shown by chemical analysis , and it is a fact that this budget mysteriously disappeared from the accounts once the project was expanded . Several billion dollars .

Check out Agenda 2030 . Far worse .
Dear USMB Management

See what I mean?

Crick, advocate for basic rationality
Are you worried about Agenda 21? You should be. When you have a global initiative that has decided that too many humans are shitting on the planet a serious problem arises. This global cabal will take it upon themselves to reduce the human population in order to "save the planet". Are you among those that will be spared? You don't have to be a genius to see that Covid was just a trial balloon. It was a success because the propensity of human populations to just fall into line and obey was realized.

That’s right little sheeple, don’t question anything and keep getting your boosters.
Curious re your explanation as to why the COVID infection and fatality rates were so dramatically higher among the unvaccinated - everywhere on the planet.
Agenda 21 isn't to get rid of people, but only to take their money ... see how we've snapped up all the housing and rent it back to you at triple the price? ...

Get your lazy commoner ass back to work and pay our fair share of the taxes ... that's all you're good for ...
Are you worried about Agenda 21? You should be. When you have a global initiative that has decided that too many humans are shitting on the planet a serious problem arises. This global cabal will take it upon themselves to reduce the human population in order to "save the planet". Are you among those that will be spared? You don't have to be a genius to see that Covid was just a trial balloon. It was a success because the propensity of human populations to just fall into line and obey was realized.


it's quite dark and perverse.

our world is being manipulated by mass murdering psychotics.
Are you worried about Agenda 21? You should be. When you have a global initiative that has decided that too many humans are shitting on the planet a serious problem arises. This global cabal will take it upon themselves to reduce the human population in order to "save the planet". Are you among those that will be spared? You don't have to be a genius to see that Covid was just a trial balloon. It was a success because the propensity of human populations to just fall into line and obey was realized.

Soylent Green is peepol it's...peee-polllll!
Curious re your explanation as to why the COVID infection and fatality rates were so dramatically higher among the unvaccinated - everywhere on the planet.
Fatality rates weren’t any higher. The vast majority of those that got Coof got over it just fine. The average age of Coof deaths was 78 years old, which is higher than the average life span of Americans.

The biggest factor in determining mortality risk was diabetes and being overweight.

Even if the WuFlu was “dangerous” to a certain demographic (old, overweight, diabetic), it doesn’t mean the vax was “safe” for anyone.

Instead they lied to everyone, making it sound like healthy young people were dying to the Coof, then forced everyone regardless of actual risk to get an experimental shot that was in fact dangerous, and also not even effective. Nearly everyone I know who got the shot still got the Coof. Many of them have also developed health problems. I know more people that nearly died from the Vax and no one that came close to dying from the Coof.
Fatality rates weren’t any higher.
Overall, age-standardized case RRs (unvaccinated persons compared with monovalent-only vaccine recipients) declined from 4.0 during the Delta period to 2.6 during the Omicron BA.1 and 1.8 during the Omicron BA.2 periods, before increasing to 2.7 in the early BA.4/BA.5 period. Overall case RRs (unvaccinated persons compared with bivalent booster recipients) were slightly higher (2.8) than were those for monovalent-only vaccine recipients (2.5) during the late BA.4/BA.5 period. Average, age-standardized mortality RRs in monovalent-only vaccine recipients decreased from the Delta (16.2) to BA.1 (11.5) period, then stabilized during the BA.2 (5.3), early BA.4/BA.5 (5.3), and late BA.4/BA.5 (5.4) periods. Overall mortality rates among unvaccinated persons were 14.1 times the rates among bivalent vaccine recipients; mortality rates among monovalent-only vaccine recipients were 2.6 times the rates among bivalent vaccine recipients during the late BA.4/BA.5 period. Compared with unvaccinated persons, protection among bivalent booster recipients aged 65–79 years (RR = 23.7), and ≥80 years (10.3) was significantly higher than was protection among monovalent booster recipients aged 65–79 years (8.3) and ≥80 years (4.2).

The vast majority of those that got Coof got over it just fine. The average age of Coof deaths was 78 years old, which is higher than the average life span of Americans.
Fatality rates for any disease are high among the elderly.
The biggest factor in determining mortality risk was diabetes and being overweight.
Two very common conditions in the US.
Even if the WuFlu was “dangerous” to a certain demographic (old, overweight, diabetic), it doesn’t mean the vax was “safe” for anyone.
The COVID-19 vaccinations have been exceptionally safe.
Instead they lied to everyone, making it sound like healthy young people were dying to the Coof, then forced everyone regardless of actual risk to get an experimental shot that was in fact dangerous, and also not even effective.
Every thing you've just said is demonstrably false.
Nearly everyone I know who got the shot still got the Coof. Many of them have also developed health problems. I know more people that nearly died from the Vax and no one that came close to dying from the Coof.
I bet you do not know ANYONE that "nearly died from the Vax". And among the general population, the odds of getting COVID and dying from COVID are many times greater among the unvaccinated.
I bet you do not know ANYONE that "nearly died from the Vax". And among the general population, the odds of getting COVID and dying from COVID are many times greater among the unvaccinated.
Wrong asshole.

One friend of mine developed ITP after getting the Moderna shot. He would had died if he didn’t get to an ER and have his blood checked, which showed his blood platelet levels near zero. The doctors said it was a reaction from the Vax.

Another friend of mine was forced to get the shot from Biden’s illegal mandate. She immediately got a Bell’s Palsy attack, which is a well known side effect of the shots. Took her 3 months to recover from that and then she still got COVID.

Another family member got blood clots in her lungs and legs. She was lucky to not die.

Another family member had a “minor stroke”.

Another family member, a young healthy child, developed issues with their spleen and had to have it removed after getting the Vax.

So even if unvaccinated are at a risk of “dying”, it doesn’t make the vaccines “safe”. There was ZERO long term studies done so there is NO science to prove it’s safe. You muppet heads repeating that it’s “safe” doesn’t mean it is. I believe in science, not Big Pharma propaganda.

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