A secure voting system is a Voting Right


Diamond Member
Aug 11, 2017

Based on current population data from the Census Bureau and voting data from previous elections, Just Facts has conducted a study to estimate the number of votes illegally cast by non-citizens in the battleground states of the 2020 election. The results—documented in this spreadsheet—show that such fraudulent activities netted Joe Biden the following extra votes in these tightly contested states:

  • Arizona: 51,081 ± 17,689
  • Georgia: 54,950 ± 19,025
  • Michigan: 22,585 ± 7,842
  • Nevada: 22,021 ± 7,717
  • North Carolina: 46,218 ± 16,001
  • Pennsylvania: 32,706 ± 11,332
  • Wisconsin: 5,010 ± 1,774
If the lower end of these illegal vote estimates were removed from the vote tallies as of November 8, 2020, 2:00 AM EST, Donald Trump would be leading in states that have a total of 259 electoral votes, or 11 shy of the 270 needed to win the presidency. If the upper end of the illegal vote estimates were removed, Trump would be leading in states that have 285 electoral votes, or 15 more than needed to win the presidency.

These estimates account for just one type of election fraud, and they tend to understate it because they depend on Census surveys, which are known to undercount non-citizens.

We should have new legislation that protects Voting Rights
When someone votes twice, they takeaway another person's Right to Vote.
When a noncitizen votes in our elections, they takeaway another person's Right to Vote.
A secure voting system is a Voting Right.
People need to be confident that their vote is not being erased by people who are committing voter fraud.
But of course, the Corrupt Democrats will scream "voter suppression" if we make it harder for them to violated everyone's Right to Vote.
When they get actual hard evidence of illegals voting in a federal election let us know, until then it is mere speculative attacks.
They believe in vast conspiracy theories and best part of a conspiracy theory is not having to have proof, and unwillingness to accept proof.
They believe in vast conspiracy theories and best part of a conspiracy theory is not having to have proof, and unwillingness to accept proof.
I have noticed how posters on USMB that support Trump use no links or citations to back their statements and assertions.
I must know the actual formula they used to determine their so-called evidence.

Did they complete the cube formula?

ax3 +bx2 + cx + d

I used it to figure out how many beans were in a jar to win a prize.
I must know the actual formula they used to determine their so-called evidence.

Did they complete the cube formula?

ax3 +bx2 + cx + d

I used it to figure out how many beans were in a jar to win a prize.
The thing that people need to understand about the Crazy Democrat Cult is that no amount of evidence and proof can open their eyes to reality.
They are just like the OJ jury.
This is what makes the Democrat Party such a crazy cult.
The thing that people need to understand about the Crazy Democrat Cult is that no amount of evidence and proof can open their eyes to reality.
They are just like the OJ jury.
This is what makes the Democrat Party such a crazy cult.
I don't care for either party I do however care about logic, now, your thread lacks truth it is only opinion. I can use math to prove what I want in a generalistic half-assed form of half-truths if I want but I don't.
Point two, what variables did they use in their formulas?
More evidence of illegal aliens voting.
But the Crazy Democrat Cult will scream "debunked" and "fact checked".
The Democrats lie about everything all of the time.

In 2005, the U.S. Government Accountability Office found that up to 3 percent of the 30,000 individuals called for jury duty from voter registration rolls over a two-year period in just one U.S. district court were not U.S. citizens.[1] While that may not seem like many, just 3 percent of registered voters would have been more than enough to provide the winning presidential vote margin in Florida in 2000. Indeed, the Census Bureau estimates that there are over a million illegal aliens in Florida,[2] and the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) has prosecuted more non-citizen voting cases in Florida than in any other state.[3]

Florida is not unique. Thousands of non-citizens are registered to vote in some states, and tens if not hundreds of thousands in total may be present on the voter rolls nationwide. These numbers are significant: Local elections are often decided by only a handful of votes, and even national elections have likely been within the margin of the number of non-citizens illegally registered to vote.

Yet there is no reliable method to determine the number of non-citizens registered or actually voting because most laws to ensure that only citizens vote are ignored, are inadequate, or are systematically undermined by government officials. Those who ignore the implications of non-citizen registration and voting either are willfully blind to the problem or may actually favor this form of illegal voting.

Based on current population data from the Census Bureau and voting data from previous elections, Just Facts has conducted a study to estimate the number of votes illegally cast by non-citizens in the battleground states of the 2020 election. The results—documented in this spreadsheet—show that such fraudulent activities netted Joe Biden the following extra votes in these tightly contested states:

  • Arizona: 51,081 ± 17,689
  • Georgia: 54,950 ± 19,025
  • Michigan: 22,585 ± 7,842
  • Nevada: 22,021 ± 7,717
  • North Carolina: 46,218 ± 16,001
  • Pennsylvania: 32,706 ± 11,332
  • Wisconsin: 5,010 ± 1,774
If the lower end of these illegal vote estimates were removed from the vote tallies as of November 8, 2020, 2:00 AM EST, Donald Trump would be leading in states that have a total of 259 electoral votes, or 11 shy of the 270 needed to win the presidency. If the upper end of the illegal vote estimates were removed, Trump would be leading in states that have 285 electoral votes, or 15 more than needed to win the presidency.

These estimates account for just one type of election fraud, and they tend to understate it because they depend on Census surveys, which are known to undercount non-citizens.

We should have new legislation that protects Voting Rights
When someone votes twice, they takeaway another person's Right to Vote.
When a noncitizen votes in our elections, they takeaway another person's Right to Vote.
A secure voting system is a Voting Right.
People need to be confident that their vote is not being erased by people who are committing voter fraud.
But of course, the Corrupt Democrats will scream "voter suppression" if we make it harder for them to violated everyone's Right to Vote.
And a non-secure voting system is a hallmark of a corrupt government.

Based on current population data from the Census Bureau and voting data from previous elections, Just Facts has conducted a study to estimate the number of votes illegally cast by non-citizens in the battleground states of the 2020 election. The results—documented in this spreadsheet—show that such fraudulent activities netted Joe Biden the following extra votes in these tightly contested states:

  • Arizona: 51,081 ± 17,689
  • Georgia: 54,950 ± 19,025
  • Michigan: 22,585 ± 7,842
  • Nevada: 22,021 ± 7,717
  • North Carolina: 46,218 ± 16,001
  • Pennsylvania: 32,706 ± 11,332
  • Wisconsin: 5,010 ± 1,774
If the lower end of these illegal vote estimates were removed from the vote tallies as of November 8, 2020, 2:00 AM EST, Donald Trump would be leading in states that have a total of 259 electoral votes, or 11 shy of the 270 needed to win the presidency. If the upper end of the illegal vote estimates were removed, Trump would be leading in states that have 285 electoral votes, or 15 more than needed to win the presidency.

These estimates account for just one type of election fraud, and they tend to understate it because they depend on Census surveys, which are known to undercount non-citizens.

We should have new legislation that protects Voting Rights
When someone votes twice, they takeaway another person's Right to Vote.
When a noncitizen votes in our elections, they takeaway another person's Right to Vote.
A secure voting system is a Voting Right.
People need to be confident that their vote is not being erased by people who are committing voter fraud.
But of course, the Corrupt Democrats will scream "voter suppression" if we make it harder for them to violated everyone's Right to Vote.
Dude, that's somebody hopes and dreams. there's no evidence that any of that is true.
The party that likes to fuck kids lied about:

Russian collusion
piss tapes
Covid cures
the 2016 election stolen from their murderous shit beast
the fednapping
the fedsurrection
the "pipe bomber"
mostly peaceful riots
Election interference
The laptop from hell
the secure border
their brain-dead leader that grew up in black churches as a truck driver, turned constitutional law professor

BUT, on this one issue - the 2020 election - they're telling the truth.

They swear on the lives of the children they rape.

big lie.jpg

Based on current population data from the Census Bureau and voting data from previous elections, Just Facts has conducted a study to estimate the number of votes illegally cast by non-citizens in the battleground states of the 2020 election. The results—documented in this spreadsheet—show that such fraudulent activities netted Joe Biden the following extra votes in these tightly contested states:

  • Arizona: 51,081 ± 17,689
  • Georgia: 54,950 ± 19,025
  • Michigan: 22,585 ± 7,842
  • Nevada: 22,021 ± 7,717
  • North Carolina: 46,218 ± 16,001
  • Pennsylvania: 32,706 ± 11,332
  • Wisconsin: 5,010 ± 1,774
If the lower end of these illegal vote estimates were removed from the vote tallies as of November 8, 2020, 2:00 AM EST, Donald Trump would be leading in states that have a total of 259 electoral votes, or 11 shy of the 270 needed to win the presidency. If the upper end of the illegal vote estimates were removed, Trump would be leading in states that have 285 electoral votes, or 15 more than needed to win the presidency.

These estimates account for just one type of election fraud, and they tend to understate it because they depend on Census surveys, which are known to undercount non-citizens.

We should have new legislation that protects Voting Rights
When someone votes twice, they takeaway another person's Right to Vote.
When a noncitizen votes in our elections, they takeaway another person's Right to Vote.
A secure voting system is a Voting Right.
People need to be confident that their vote is not being erased by people who are committing voter fraud.
But of course, the Corrupt Democrats will scream "voter suppression" if we make it harder for them to violated everyone's Right to Vote.
It is secure. No illegals voted. Nor any dead people. Or unicorns. He lost. Get the fuck over it.
What is the truth is that the illegals will be counted and the number of congressional reps will increase.....Like we need more of them.
You are 100% correct on that. I do not believe they should be counted for purposes of numbers of representatives, much less voting. Should not even be voting in local elections, for that matter, but I have heard some cities allow it on local voting.

Based on current population data from the Census Bureau and voting data from previous elections, Just Facts has conducted a study to estimate the number of votes illegally cast by non-citizens in the battleground states of the 2020 election. The results—documented in this spreadsheet—show that such fraudulent activities netted Joe Biden the following extra votes in these tightly contested states:

  • Arizona: 51,081 ± 17,689
  • Georgia: 54,950 ± 19,025
  • Michigan: 22,585 ± 7,842
  • Nevada: 22,021 ± 7,717
  • North Carolina: 46,218 ± 16,001
  • Pennsylvania: 32,706 ± 11,332
  • Wisconsin: 5,010 ± 1,774
If the lower end of these illegal vote estimates were removed from the vote tallies as of November 8, 2020, 2:00 AM EST, Donald Trump would be leading in states that have a total of 259 electoral votes, or 11 shy of the 270 needed to win the presidency. If the upper end of the illegal vote estimates were removed, Trump would be leading in states that have 285 electoral votes, or 15 more than needed to win the presidency.

These estimates account for just one type of election fraud, and they tend to understate it because they depend on Census surveys, which are known to undercount non-citizens.

We should have new legislation that protects Voting Rights
When someone votes twice, they takeaway another person's Right to Vote.
When a noncitizen votes in our elections, they takeaway another person's Right to Vote.
A secure voting system is a Voting Right.
People need to be confident that their vote is not being erased by people who are committing voter fraud.
But of course, the Corrupt Democrats will scream "voter suppression" if we make it harder for them to violated everyone's Right to Vote.

Can you explain how, with all of the alleged cheating by democrats in 2020 and 2022, the GOP gained seats in the US House of Representatives?
When they get actual hard evidence of illegals voting in a federal election let us know, until then it is mere speculative attacks.
You miss the point, which is that the party in power is the only one who CAN investigate and produce the "hard evidence", and they refused.
They believe in vast conspiracy theories and best part of a conspiracy theory is not having to have proof, and unwillingness to accept proof.
The reality is that proof is not accessible to the one who just lost the election.
Only the one who won the election can conduct an investigation.
The reality is that proof is not accessible to the one who just lost the election.
Only the one who won the election can conduct an investigation.
Not according to Trump's DOJ, Trump's Department of Homeland Defense, Trump's FBI, virtually every Trump department head that reported on it from a departmental standpoint. You need to make peace with the fact, you guys simply lost, your lawyer were not even effective in front of Trump appointed judges, nor in the Supreme Court with trump appointing 1/3 the members to a decidedly conservative court, primarily appointed by Republican Presidents. Your lawyers had their 63 cases in courts across the country and lost 63 of them. Get a clue.

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