Zone1 Young people now among the most antisemitic

That is the fault of weak politicians who fail in a time of faction.

Wasnt needed, and the blame isnt on the foteign group but our politicians who have long ago forgotten the intent of the founders.

I agree for the most part, but they're still on the same team. They're operating in synergy. That must be acknowledged. Because there's a lot of very timely, conniving shit going on right now that nobody's even talking about.

You're soon going to be met with tougher thought restrictions here.

And all as an intended conequence of what we just witnessed with that foreign established, non-legislative body in the form of some ''International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance'' defining and dictating to the US government the terms in our laws as well the enforcement thereof by way of that so-called Antisemitism Awareness Act.

As one of the maudes was saying the other day. They have to play by the rules of the big kids on the block. I think she referenced Google, and accurately so, given the framework of the flow of dialogue and information.

AyeCantSeeYou, I think that was you who mentioned that. Right?

There was already a study being undertaken to analyze certain popular web sites to scan them for certain ''updated'' key words pertaining to the language of that bill and , in my own view, for the intended purpose of eventually (much sooner than later, btw) being made applicable infrastructurally to restrict what you can think and say on said platforms regarding the terms of controversy of this live operation as well as the intentions of its participants. Btw, the Biden maladministrations's recent, very timely action regarding net neutrality will come into play. That action wasn't taken for nothing.

I was gonna start a thread on it. But than I thought to myself, meh.

Pro Tip: An observant person would do well to pay attention to the sources of the invocation of certain relevant key words the most. This is strategic and with intyent. They'll be the ones feeding the bot that's doing all of the sweeping. And that's where you'll find your web operatives. They know their role in all of this, too, because they partake in the operation by choice. There's really only a couple (in my personal view). On here anyway. Across the www in whole, on similar platforms as this, is where the broader operation is occuring.
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But it's hard to get a Gen Z upset about something that happened 60 years before he was born, when he's seeing fresh carnage on his TV every night being inflicted by Jews on people of color.
How are Jews inflicting carnage on Negroes?
I agree, but that's not why I said that. I just want the public to wake up. My point was that HOPEFULLY as they see what comes out of these types of events (erosion of American sovereignty and civil liberties) they'll realize they've been played... and they'll FINALLY turn off their damn TV.

The truth always comes out in the end. Always.

Reason being is that ultimately the electorate will be forced to acknowledge the consequence of their apathy, again collectively speaking, once the consequences are successful in being made binding and they are therefore affected (restricted) by them.

This is a 1776 kind of moment, in all honesty.

And the purveyors of the operation know that fully well, too.

Which is why I've mentioned around the board that they'll be using these same methods and narrative to further justify more nails in your Second Amendment next. Express a traditionaly pro-America opinion and you'll be red flagged.

Watch and see.

It's a process of continous assault on the fabric of our Republic.

The primary purveyors of the operation know what they're doing.
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The truth always comes out in the end. Always.

Reason being is that ultimately the electorate will be forced to acknowledge the consequence of the apathy once the consequences are successful in being made binding and they are therefore affected by them.

This is a 1776 kind of moment, in all honesty.

And the purveyors of the operation know that fully well, too.

Which is why I've mentioned around the board that they'll be using these same methods and narrative to further justify more nails in your Second Amendment next. Express a traditionaly pro-America opinion and you'll be red flagged.

Watch and see.

It's a process of continous assault on the fabric of our Republic.

The primary purveyors of the operation know what they're doing.

The saddest part of this whole shitshow is to see "conservatives" tricked into literally cheering for more government, more destruction of civil liberties, more jackbooted thug tactics. "Go police state!!!!1" :rolleyes:

I feel like I've said this a thousand times, but again; Problem-Reaction-Solution.

But yes. I agree with everything you just posted.
The saddest part of this whole shitshow is to see "conservatives" tricked into literally cheering for more government, more destruction of civil liberties, more jackbooted thug tactics. "Go police state!!!!1" :rolleyes:

I feel like I've said this a thousand times, but again; Problem-Reaction-Solution.

But yes. I agree with everything you just posted.

Well you know the drill by now. It's been that way for a long time...
USMB Mission Statement (1).jpg
Ah well. I'm kind of tired of Daving about this.

If it weren't raining, I'd be outside doing something.

I don't even really care about their quarrels, whether real or manufactured for the cameras. That's none of my busness.i

They've been at this shit for thousands of years anyway.

They should just keep it over there and not try to mimmick/project it over here with all of this astroturfing and exhibitionism being funded by these NGOs (on both so-called ''sides''. That way my own government can't claim an arbitrary justification for using it as some illusion of justification for telling me what I can and can't think and say at the barrel of its gun.

They'll probably still be digging in my pockets, though to keep it all going over there. It's quite a monopoly they have going on, really.
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Young generation are taught by mainly liberal teachers, and watch leftist rag news.

They are not properly taught the history of WWII, and what happened.

Too many are brain washed to Israel is Evil.

Leftist know tell a lie enough it becomes truth
If anyone is behaving llike Hitler in this situation, it's Netayahu.
Young people are not anywhere near the mot anstisemitic.

Young people today, collectively speaking, are not intellectually competent to understand the level of coercion in which they're participating.

It's just true. You know that. Come on, man...
Young people today, collectively speaking, are not intellectually competent to understand the level of coercion in which they're participating.

It's just true. You know that. Come on, man...
Don't fool yourself. These guys aren't being coerced. But plenty of old folks are.
The saddest part of this whole shitshow is to see "conservatives" tricked into literally cheering for more government, more destruction of civil liberties, more jackbooted thug tactics. "Go police state!!!!1" :rolleyes:

I feel like I've said this a thousand times, but again; Problem-Reaction-Solution.

But yes. I agree with everything you just posted.
When leftist antisemites bully, assault, block entry, or yell Hitler slogans at Jews….yes, I want the police to stop them.

Why do you think Jew-haters should get free rein to harass and terrorize Jews, and keep the, from going to the classes they paid for, and government should stay out of it? You libs would be screaming bloody murder if this were happening to blacks or Muslims.
Young people are not anywhere near the mot anstisemitic. Its tired reading the endless claims of antisemitism from a white supremacist. Opposing Netanyahu and Likkud is not anti semitism. So we are just supposed to agree with Netanyahu telling Palestinians to move to safe zones then watch him bomb those safe zones because if we don't let him kill as many Palestinians as he wants then were are anti semites.

Fuck that.
What does Netanyahu have to do with this? That’s about Israel.

I am talking about ANTISEMITISM, and antisemitic attitudes. The polling shows they are highest among young people.

You liberals have insisted that despising Israel has nothing to do with antisemitism for years, and now every topic on antisemitism, libs bring up Israel.
Young people today, collectively speaking, are not intellectually competent to understand the level of coercion in which they're participating.

It's just true. You know that. Come on, man...
They don’t even know what they’re protesting about….that’s now ignorant they are. No wonder the liberal universities and professors have brainwashed them.
When leftist antisemites bully, assault, block entry, or yell Hitler slogans at Jews….yes, I want the police to stop them.

Why do you think Jew-haters should get free rein to harass and terrorize Jews, and keep the, from going to the classes they paid for, and government should stay out of it? You libs would be screaming bloody murder if this were happening to blacks or Muslims.

I'm not a "lib" and you missed the point entirely. Also, I never said that ANYONE should have free rein to terrorize anyone else. I was talking about what's going on in the bigger picture. I was talking about where all of this is leading to....not because it's an organic thing, but because there are corrupt powers who orchestrate and instigate this sort of thing, to drive an outcome. But if this all needs to be explained again, then I'm not even going to bother right now. If some here don't get it by now, I doubt they ever will. Until it's too late.
I'm not a "lib" and you missed the point entirely. Also, I never said that ANYONE should have free rein to terrorize anyone else. I was talking about what's going on in the bigger picture. I was talking about where all of this is leading to....not because it's an organic thing, but because there are corrupt powers who orchestrate and instigate this sort of thing, to drive an outcome. But if this all needs to be explained again, then I'm not even going to bother right now. If some here don't get it by now, I doubt they ever will. Until it's too late.
yes, I agree… is being organized by Soros to destroy Israel and promote antisemitism against Jews. This is too synchronized for it to just have sprung up - dozens of colleges screaming lies about Israel, and half the disrupters aren’t even students.
yes, I agree… is being organized by Soros to destroy Israel and promote antisemitism against Jews.

That's not what I was saying. What I've said many times on different threads is that there are powers above both 'sides' who play both sides against each other, and use age-old tactics like 'Order out of Chaos.' There's much more to be said, but I'm not going to try to convince anyone of this right now. I've already said what I wanted to say, and if people don't believe it, then we'll have to agree to disagree. As NC said, people will have to watch and see.
They don’t even know what they’re protesting about….that’s now ignorant they are.


It's why they're so easily coerced by those who do know what they're doing...

Relevant reading...

''Therefore, to diminish antisemitism, the defenders of the Israeli government would be wise to discard their strategy of conflating the Israeli state and the Jewish faith as a way to suppress dissent against the Israeli state. They should instead be emphasizing that the Israeli state and the Jewish religion are two separate and distinct things and that the policies and practices of the Israeli state are not necessarily the tenets of the Jewish religion. In that way, students and others would feel free to criticize the Israeli state while, at the same time, support and embrace the Jewish religion.''

Continued - Defenders of the Israeli Government Encourage Antisemitism

It's why they're so easily coerced by those who do know what they're doing...

Relevant reading...

''Therefore, to diminish antisemitism, the defenders of the Israeli government would be wise to discard their strategy of conflating the Israeli state and the Jewish faith as a way to suppress dissent against the Israeli state. They should instead be emphasizing that the Israeli state and the Jewish religion are two separate and distinct things and that the policies and practices of the Israeli state are not necessarily the tenets of the Jewish religion. In that way, students and others would feel free to criticize the Israeli state while, at the same time, support and embrace the Jewish religion.''

Continued - Defenders of the Israeli Government Encourage Antisemitism
Whoever wrote that is an idiot. There was antisemitism - and HORRIFIC antisemitism - long before 1948.

And as far as conflating the israeli government and the Jewish faith, who do you think is doing that?! The liberals in the universities. Why else would they be bullying Jews, spitting on them, assaulting them, yelling Hitler sentiments at then?

It is the LIBERALS who are advancing Jew-hate by deliberately conflating it with Israel. And they are using the antisemitic Arab money and Soros money to do it.

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