Where are new-age Leftist / Democrat policies working?

You can't prove anything to an online zealot. Period. I gave up on that here a year or two ago.

Hey, at least they're predictable!

Empirical Data vs Ideological Dogma

Disinterested objectivity vs self-deluded subjectivity.

Knowledge, compiled and analyzed by credentialed experts is routinely rejected - quite vehemently in some cases - by those who have no such expertise, but strong beliefs and ideological predispositions.

Spewing personal vituperations is a frequent accompaniment to that irrationality.

The true-believers live in a faith-based echo chamber pot, antagonistic to fact-based information that does not comport with their credo.

Do they have alternative, comparable, reputable sources for their aberrations?

No. They merely rage against expertise whenever the data-directed consensus challenges their politically-correct orthodoxy.

They will wallow in denial over a democratic election - even after multiple recounts, audits, and dozens of court challenges have upheld the result - if they don’t like it.

This dogmatic submission is not limited to political fanaticism, but extends to matters of science such as public health and climatology.

Paranoia is their panacea. (Take as needed -megadoses if required.)

There is no reasoning with such folk, because their determinative criteria are not reasonable.

They believe!
Empirical Data vs Ideological Dogma

Disinterested objectivity vs self-deluded subjectivity.

Knowledge, compiled and analyzed by credentialed experts is routinely rejected - quite vehemently in some cases - by those who have no such expertise, but strong beliefs and ideological predispositions.

Spewing personal vituperations is a frequent accompaniment to that irrationality.

The true-believers live in a faith-based echo chamber pot, antagonistic to fact-based information that does not comport with their credo.

Do they have alternative, comparable, reputable sources for their aberrations?

No. They merely rage against expertise whenever the data-directed consensus challenges their politically-correct orthodoxy.

They will wallow in denial over a democratic election - even after multiple recounts, audits, and dozens of court challenges have upheld the result - if they don’t like it.

This dogmatic submission is not limited to political fanaticism, but extends to matters of science such as public health and climatology.

Paranoia is their panacea. (Take as needed -megadoses if required.)

There is no reasoning with such folk, because their determinative criteria are not reasonable.

They believe!
It doesn't matter what anyone outside their world says. Nothing can penetrate an ideology when it combines with cultism. All you can do is wait for enough people to finally wake up and peel off.

This has to ultimately shrink enough to fit back on the fringe. I don't see that happening for quite a while.
My daughter and I were struggling to understand this…How do Leftists / Democrats stay so committed to their ideologies, policies and platforms?
Which Dem-like run communities, cities, states or nations seem to be on the right path / trajectory? Where is quality of life on the up and up and improving for the whole?
(Please don’t point us to all white communities, cities, states or nations for proof…you make yourself look real bad when doing so.)
None of that matters. You cannot name one trump policy that personally affected you.
MAGA. Leave that fat trump in Florida.
My daughter and I were struggling to understand this…How do Leftists / Democrats stay so committed to their ideologies, policies and platforms?
Which Dem-like run communities, cities, states or nations seem to be on the right path / trajectory? Where is quality of life on the up and up and improving for the whole?
(Please don’t point us to all white communities, cities, states or nations for proof…you make yourself look real bad when doing so.)
Whenever their ideas don't work they believe it is because they didn't do enough of what didn't work so they want to do more. It's like having a gambling problem. You bet, you lose. So, the solution is to double your bet. If you lose again, no problem, all you have to do is double your bet yet again.
Facts make you pissy.

You have nothing to offer that contradicts the data that I have provided to you regarding the superiority of states and nations that have achieved progressive governance, so I'll just ask you again to identify your ideal rightist nation and/or state.

No airy-fairy notions please. We're not in the realm of Ayn Rand fiction.

Empirical Data vs Ideological Dogma

Disinterested objectivity vs self-deluded subjectivity.

Knowledge, compiled and analyzed by credentialed experts is routinely rejected - quite vehemently in some cases - by those who have no such expertise, but strong beliefs and ideological predispositions.

Spewing personal vituperations is a frequent accompaniment to that irrationality.

The true-believers live in a faith-based echo chamber pot, antagonistic to fact-based information that does not comport with their credo.

Do they have alternative, comparable, reputable sources for their aberrations?

No. They merely rage against expertise whenever the data-directed consensus challenges their politically-correct orthodoxy.

They will wallow in denial over a democratic election - even after multiple recounts, audits, and dozens of court challenges have upheld the result - if they don’t like it.

This dogmatic submission is not limited to political fanaticism, but extends to matters of science such as public health and climatology.

Paranoia is their panacea. (Take as needed -megadoses if required.)

There is no reasoning with such folk, because their determinative criteria are not reasonable.

They believe!

It doesn't matter what anyone outside their world says. Nothing can penetrate an ideology when it combines with cultism. All you can do is wait for enough people to finally wake up and peel off.

This has to ultimately shrink enough to fit back on the fringe. I don't see that happening for quite a while.

Hahaha….your “empirical data” manufactured by a leftist editor only proves that all white likeminded nations can thrive and prosper within a socialist state. That’s not what you have in America….you have 20-40 million illiterate illegal wetbacks and a shit-ton of black folks whom are happy breathing oxygen, surviving and smoking weed.
Try harder tard….beg harder for free shit.
Hahaha….your “empirical data” manufactured by a leftist editor only proves that all white likeminded nations can thrive and prosper within a socialist state. That’s not what you have in America….you have 20-40 million illiterate illegal wetbacks and a shit-ton of black folks whom are happy breathing oxygen, surviving and smoking weed.
Try harder tard….beg harder for free shit.

You can't accept the demonstrable relative success of progressive states and democratic nations because it contradicts your ideological dogma, but you seem incapable of citing your ideal rightist regime that has achieved comparable success.

As a pragmatic matter, your flailing your pom poms for some airy-fairy model of governance while being impotent in offering a single real one has been exposed.
You can't accept the demonstrable relative success of progressive states and democratic nations because it contradicts your ideological dogma, but you seem incapable of citing your ideal rightist regime that has achieved comparable success.

As a pragmatic matter, your flailing your pom poms for some airy-fairy model of governance while being impotent in offering a single real one has been exposed.
Again, you have only demonstrated the opinion of a Leftist author…you have not linked to any legitimate source.
Look, America, the greatest nation the world has even known was built in a very short 150 years….Built by high quality human beings and pillared by individualism and capitalism.
It’s no secret, the darker we become the louder the cries become for socialism and collectivism.
The point, we are no longer comprised of high quality human beings like North Western European countries are. Socialism never works in dark nations, it can’t work when the bottom feeders far outnumber the producers. This is simple shit for third graders…simple arithmetic.
Again, you have only demonstrated the opinion of a Leftist author…you have not linked to any legitimate source.
Look, America, the greatest nation the world has even known was built in a very short 150 years….Built by high quality human beings and pillared by individualism and capitalism.
It’s no secret, the darker we become the louder the cries become for socialism and collectivism.
The point, we are no longer comprised of high quality human beings like North Western European countries are. Socialism never works in dark nations, it can’t work when the bottom feeders far outnumber the producers. This is simple shit for third graders…simple arithmetic.
The relative success of progressive policies is not only evident in first-world nations all having adopted a balance of regulated capitalism and social welfare, and rightist ideologues being unable to cite a single rightist regime that rivals any of them.

In the U.S. where programs such as Social Security and Medicare are now nearly universally embraced after having been vehemently opposed by rightists, we have the opportunity to compare the relative achievement of disparate ideological philosophies of state governance as a pragmatic matter.

Rightists are welcome to cite any empirical data that contradicts any of the follow metrics:

1. Maryland
2. Massachusetts
3. New Jersey
4. Hawaii
5. California
6. Connecticut
7. Washington
8. New Hampshire
9. Colorado
10. Virginia

The 10 states with the lowest household income:
  1. Mississippi
  2. West Virginia
  3. Arkansas
  4. New Mexico
  5. Alabama
  6. Kentucky
  7. Louisiana
  8. Oklahoma
  9. South Carolina
  10. Idaho


The 10 Safest States in the U.S.:

  1. Maine
  2. New Hampshire
  3. Idaho
  4. New Jersey
  5. Connecticut
  6. Vermont
  7. Massachusetts
  8. Rhode Island
  9. Wyoming
  10. Virginia
  • Tennessee
  • Missouri
  • Florida
  • Alabama
  • Montana
  • Oklahoma
  • Arkansas
  • Texas
  • Mississippi
  • Louisiana
1. California
2. New Jersey
3. New York
4. Massachusetts
5. Connecticut
6. Hawaii
7. Colorado
8. Minnesota
9. Washington
10. Rhode Island

  1. Mississippi
  2. Louisiana
  3. Arkansas
  4. Alabama
  5. West Virginia
  6. Tennessee
  7. South Carolina
  8. Oklahoma
  9. Kentucky
  10. Georgia
Last edited:
The United States was envisioned by white European men. Your ilk seeks to destroy their vision every day.
Is the ideological fealty on the part of rightist blowhards purely faith-based with no actual data to support that dogmatic credo, or do they have anything of substance they can simply cite without the obligatory rage?

My "ilk" - for the benefit of divisive folks who resent the nation's diversity - is that of a patriotic white male who embraces the Founding Fathers' noble aspiration to self-governance, idealists who dedicated themselves to the proposition that all men are created equal, an essential tenet of the European Enlightenment philosophy they embraced.

I'm patiently waiting for rightists to identify - via comparative, objective, empirical data - those states they extol as being ideologically-correct.

Rightists are welcome to cite any empirical data that contradicts any of the follow metrics:

1. Maryland
2. Massachusetts
3. New Jersey
4. Hawaii
5. California
6. Connecticut
7. Washington
8. New Hampshire
9. Colorado
10. Virginia

  1. Mississippi
  2. West Virginia
  3. Arkansas
  4. New Mexico
  5. Alabama
  6. Kentucky
  7. Louisiana
  8. Oklahoma
  9. South Carolina
  10. Idaho

1. New Jersey
2. Massachusetts
3. Connecticut
4. Minnesota
5. Wisconsin
6. Virginia
7. Maryland
8. Illinois
9. New York
10. Utah
The Worst Stats for Education
41. Nevada
42. Wyoming
43. West Virginia
44. Alaska
45. Oregon
46. Idaho
47. Louisiana
48. South Carolina
49. Mississippi
50. New Mexico

  1. Maine
  2. New Hampshire
  3. Idaho
  4. New Jersey
  5. Connecticut
  6. Vermont
  7. Massachusetts
  8. Rhode Island
  9. Wyoming
  10. Virginia
  • Tennessee
  • Missouri
  • Florida
  • Alabama
  • Montana
  • Oklahoma
  • Arkansas
  • Texas
  • Mississippi
  • Louisiana
1. California
2. New Jersey
3. New York
4. Massachusetts
5. Connecticut
6. Hawaii
7. Colorado
8. Minnesota
9. Washington
10. Rhode Island

  1. Mississippi
  2. Louisiana
  3. Arkansas
  4. Alabama
  5. West Virginia
  6. Tennessee
  7. South Carolina
  8. Oklahoma
  9. Kentucky
  10. Georgia
1. Hawaii
2. Minnesota
3. Connecticut
4. California
5. Massachusetts
6. New York
7. Vermont
8. New Hampshire
9. New Jersey
10. Utah...
41. South Carolina
42. Georgia
43. Tennessee
44. Kentucky
45. Arkansas
46. Oklahoma
47. Louisiana
48. Alabama
49. West Virginia
50. Mississippi
Is the ideological fealty on the part of rightist blowhards purely faith-based with no actual data to support that dogmatic credo, or do they have anything of substance they can simply cite without the obligatory rage?

My "ilk" - for the benefit of divisive folks who resent the nation's diversity - is that of a patriotic white male who embraces the Founding Fathers' noble aspiration to self-governance, idealists who dedicated themselves to the proposition that all men are created equal, an essential tenet of the European Enlightenment philosophy they embraced.

I'm patiently waiting for rightists to identify - via comparative, objective, empirical data - those states they extol as being ideologically-correct.

Rightists are welcome to cite any empirical data that contradicts any of the follow metrics:

1. Maryland
2. Massachusetts
3. New Jersey
4. Hawaii
5. California
6. Connecticut
7. Washington
8. New Hampshire
9. Colorado
10. Virginia

  1. Mississippi
  2. West Virginia
  3. Arkansas
  4. New Mexico
  5. Alabama
  6. Kentucky
  7. Louisiana
  8. Oklahoma
  9. South Carolina
  10. Idaho

1. New Jersey
2. Massachusetts
3. Connecticut
4. Minnesota
5. Wisconsin
6. Virginia
7. Maryland
8. Illinois
9. New York
10. Utah
The Worst Stats for Education
41. Nevada
42. Wyoming
43. West Virginia
44. Alaska
45. Oregon
46. Idaho
47. Louisiana
48. South Carolina
49. Mississippi
50. New Mexico

  1. Maine
  2. New Hampshire
  3. Idaho
  4. New Jersey
  5. Connecticut
  6. Vermont
  7. Massachusetts
  8. Rhode Island
  9. Wyoming
  10. Virginia
  • Tennessee
  • Missouri
  • Florida
  • Alabama
  • Montana
  • Oklahoma
  • Arkansas
  • Texas
  • Mississippi
  • Louisiana
1. California
2. New Jersey
3. New York
4. Massachusetts
5. Connecticut
6. Hawaii
7. Colorado
8. Minnesota
9. Washington
10. Rhode Island

  1. Mississippi
  2. Louisiana
  3. Arkansas
  4. Alabama
  5. West Virginia
  6. Tennessee
  7. South Carolina
  8. Oklahoma
  9. Kentucky
  10. Georgia
1. Hawaii
2. Minnesota
3. Connecticut
4. California
5. Massachusetts
6. New York
7. Vermont
8. New Hampshire
9. New Jersey
10. Utah...
41. South Carolina
42. Georgia
43. Tennessee
44. Kentucky
45. Arkansas
46. Oklahoma
47. Louisiana
48. Alabama
49. West Virginia
50. Mississippi
This “empirical data“ you continue to lean into is nothing more than an opinion piece from a leftist rag.
Try harder.
The real empirical data can be found in the history books, in this countries accomplishments, its global stature and unity among the people before leftism and multiculturalism fucked shit up.
The real empirical data can be found in the history books, in this countries accomplishments, its global stature and unity among the people before leftism and multiculturalism fucked shit up.
History books show that:

Multiculturalism dates from diverse peoples from diverse places settling in North America.​

Screen Shot 2022-05-21 at 5.03.48 PM.png

The American revolution was a radical, leftist insurrection against conservative monarchy that postulated the unifying principle that all men are created equal.​
Screen Shot 2022-05-21 at 5.04.59 PM.png

Immigration supplied the labor needed for industrialization that replaced slavery, triggered the economic rise of the nation to global prominence.​
Screen Shot 2022-05-21 at 5.10.45 PM.png

Nativists have alway been a regressive faction. E.g.,
The Know Nothing Party
In 1849, the secret order of the Star-Spangled Banner formed in New York City, and soon lodges were founded in every major city in the United States.​
The Know Nothings were fearful of the influx of German and Irish immigrants.​
They got their name when members were asked about their nativist organizations and replied that they knew nothing.​
History books show that:
The American revolution was a radical, leftist insurrection against conservative monarchy that postulated the unifying principle that all men are created equal.​
Riiiiight. Leftists wanted to be free of tyrannical government then, so they want to establish tyranny now.

Y'all would have informed on the Founding Fathers to the Crown.
Is the ideological fealty on the part of rightist blowhards purely faith-based with no actual data to support that dogmatic credo, or do they have anything of substance they can simply cite without the obligatory rage?

My "ilk" - for the benefit of divisive folks who resent the nation's diversity - is that of a patriotic white male who embraces the Founding Fathers' noble aspiration to self-governance, idealists who dedicated themselves to the proposition that all men are created equal, an essential tenet of the European Enlightenment philosophy they embraced.

I'm patiently waiting for rightists to identify - via comparative, objective, empirical data - those states they extol as being ideologically-correct.

Rightists are welcome to cite any empirical data that contradicts any of the follow metrics:

1. Maryland
2. Massachusetts
3. New Jersey
4. Hawaii
5. California
6. Connecticut
7. Washington
8. New Hampshire
9. Colorado
10. Virginia

  1. Mississippi
  2. West Virginia
  3. Arkansas
  4. New Mexico
  5. Alabama
  6. Kentucky
  7. Louisiana
  8. Oklahoma
  9. South Carolina
  10. Idaho

1. New Jersey
2. Massachusetts
3. Connecticut
4. Minnesota
5. Wisconsin
6. Virginia
7. Maryland
8. Illinois
9. New York
10. Utah
The Worst Stats for Education
41. Nevada
42. Wyoming
43. West Virginia
44. Alaska
45. Oregon
46. Idaho
47. Louisiana
48. South Carolina
49. Mississippi
50. New Mexico

  1. Maine
  2. New Hampshire
  3. Idaho
  4. New Jersey
  5. Connecticut
  6. Vermont
  7. Massachusetts
  8. Rhode Island
  9. Wyoming
  10. Virginia
  • Tennessee
  • Missouri
  • Florida
  • Alabama
  • Montana
  • Oklahoma
  • Arkansas
  • Texas
  • Mississippi
  • Louisiana
1. California
2. New Jersey
3. New York
4. Massachusetts
5. Connecticut
6. Hawaii
7. Colorado
8. Minnesota
9. Washington
10. Rhode Island

  1. Mississippi
  2. Louisiana
  3. Arkansas
  4. Alabama
  5. West Virginia
  6. Tennessee
  7. South Carolina
  8. Oklahoma
  9. Kentucky
  10. Georgia
1. Hawaii
2. Minnesota
3. Connecticut
4. California
5. Massachusetts
6. New York
7. Vermont
8. New Hampshire
9. New Jersey
10. Utah...
41. South Carolina
42. Georgia
43. Tennessee
44. Kentucky
45. Arkansas
46. Oklahoma
47. Louisiana
48. Alabama
49. West Virginia
50. Mississippi

Forum List
