uss liberty

The Israeli state was behind 911. Mountains of facts and evidence show that, but you're ignorant of all those things, as intended by your masters. A dual citizen Jewish Rabbi was comptroller at the Pentagon on 911, but you'd rather not acknowledge that.

Check out Dov Zakheim. Check out who became the head of the newly created DHS, Chertoff.
Go away!
If this were any other Nation, most everyone in America would be calling for blood.
In the unlikely event that you read the first hand account in Erasing The Liberty, you would discover that the Israeli state vessels that attacked the Liberty were protected by POTUS Johnson and Admiral McCain. Traitors in the service of Israel have been in high positions in the federal government at least since that time. Zakheim was but one.
Phil Tourney served aboard the USS Liberty as a US Navy Petty Officer on June 8th 1967, when the Liberty was attacked by Israeli planes and torpedo boats. He is President of The USS Liberty Veterans Association, which was established to provide support for survivors of the attack. The efforts of the LVA are also focused on ensuring the US government finally conducts the public investigation of the attack on the USS Liberty.

I can't explain the carnage that went on, but that ship— all of us came together. All the spies, all the ship’s company we all came together…we saved that ship, to tell the truth—and we were ordered by Admiral Isaac Kidd never to say anything about it. He boarded our ship and told us to shut up or we’d end up in prison, fined, or worse— we all knew worse meant death. That's what they told us. To shut up. They took away our First Amendment rights and Congress has not done a darn thing in 57 years. The line is, “It was a case of mistaken identity, that's where they left it."
"Brand new ship." Try out the transcript button and scroll down to 38:15:
A U.S. spy ship strayed into a war zone and was hit. Why does that come as a shock? Israel apologized. Lost in the mostly anti-Israel rhetoric is the fact that another U.S. spy ship, the Pueblo, was captured by North Korea and is still being held.

The Liberty wasn't in a war zone.
The Liberty wasn't in a war zone.
It was, actually. Wasn't a war ship though.
We were in Africa at the time, in Abidjan, Africa. We got emergency orders to go to the eastern Mediterranean. We didn't know what was going on until we got underway and got to the Rockets and Brawls. found out the war had already been started a little early.
We got there on, I believe, the third or fourth day of the war. And the Israeli Defense Forces had taken out all of the Jordanian, Egyptian airplanes, and they'd captured land. I mean, the war was essentially over when we got there on June the 8th.
Actually, we got there on the 7th, but on the 8th is when we got attacked. And the Israelis expanded their territory. As a result, they took control of the West Bank and Gaza and East Jerusalem and the Golan Heights in Syria. And as you say, they had essentially won the war.
And the USS Liberty was a communications ship. It was not geared for the naval battles. And it went into that area off the coast. How many miles were you off the coast, and was your skipper in touch with the Israelis at the time before the attack? We were approximately 12.5 miles off the Sinai Peninsula in international waters,
our flag flying, beautiful, beautiful day, holiday colors. I mean, everything was beautiful, everything going on the shore. I mean, we were 12 miles off, so you could see the bombs dropping and everything. But as far as I know, no, the captain had no communication with the Israelis or the Egyptians at all.
And suddenly you started getting bombed by relays of Israeli fighter planes. These were U.S.-provided fighter planes. And describe the onset of the attack and what the reaction was by people on the ship. Oh, absolutely. First, if I might say, the Israelis reconned our ship over and over and over for hours.
They identified our ship as American and friendly even before they did the attack. In fact, the airplanes got so close to us, reconned airplanes, we would wave at the pilots and they'd wave back at us. They'd dip their wings like everything was fine. And we felt perfect about that because our Israeli friends were there.
I mean, they were our allies. We had stars of David all over the ship. Of course, I'm not Jewish, but there were star Davids. We wanted them to win. You know, they're our allies, we thought. But the attack started around 2 o'clock in the afternoon on June the 8th.
We were attacked by steer and mirage jets, unmarked jets. We didn't know who was attacking. This went on for about 20, 25 minutes, the air attack. And again, our flag was always flying. They knew who we were. They identified us as American attackers anyway.
But I do want to add, we were sent there by LBJ to be sunk by the IDF and blame it on the Arabs. That was the whole plan for us to go to the bottom. But we didn't go to the bottom, messed up everything for them. By the grace of God, we stayed alive. Well,
the result was that the Israeli military killed 34 soldiers, injured over 170, and pretty much wrecked the ship. And the ship had no anti-aircraft capability. Is that correct? No, Ralph, they did not. We had 450 caliber machine guns. We had two forward, that's on the folks, the forward part of the ship, one port, one starboard, then midships.
one port one starboard 50 caliber machine gun mounts they were all taken out on the first pass within three seconds we lost all of our communications they took out the four gun mounts we've dispensed of course a 50 caliber machine gun against a jet aircraft is absolutely I mean, it doesn't mean anything anyway.
The only thing those guns were for were for repairable orders in case somebody tried to board a ship, and that was it, not to fight a war. We were a noncombatant ship, the most efficient case of spy ship in the world. And how long was this attack, and what was going on during the attack?
I mean, you must have been totally— vulnerable and wondering what was happening and asking for help from the U.S. Navy and Air Force. Tell us, how long was the attack? I understand it involved torpedo boats, is that right? Yes, it is. The attack lasted approximately two hours, as long as the attack on Pearl Harbor.
... Long story short, LBJ and the MIC wanted Nasser gone. They thought having the Israelis blow up our own ship then blaming it on Nasser would do the trick. Almost worked.
It was, actually. Wasn't a war ship though.

... Long story short, LBJ and the MIC wanted Nasser gone. They thought having the Israelis blow up our own ship then blaming it on Nasser would do the trick. Almost worked.
Exactly! But as I suggested, that's what Zionists do. They would consider a few dead Americans worth it.

Let it go, the dead of all countries are equally dead.

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