Trump fails on abortion issue


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012

Trump is now pushing for a 16 week ban on abortion, after having Roe vs. Wade pass the buck to the states.

What is he thinking? He claims he can broker a deal with the right and Left on the issue, a position that is delusional.

Why did Trump come up with the arbitrary number 16 weeks? Who the hell knows. It's a nice round number. Yay.

Trump has no interest in assessing when human like begins and could really care less. But Trump has no idea what he has unleashed with the Left after turning it over to the states. What he has unleashed are democrats passing Constitutional amendments all around the country that don't give time limits to abortion, making abortion more liberal than before Roe vs. Wade. In fact, since Roe vs. Wade has been overturned, there have been more abortions performed.

The Left has zero interest in negotiating with anyone about anything, especially the abortion issue which defines them and their morals.

Trump is a moron.

Trump is now pushing for a 16 week ban on abortion, after having Roe vs. Wade pass the buck to the states.

What is he thinking? He claims he can broker a deal with the right and Left on the issue, a position that is delusional.

Why did Trump come up with the arbitrary number 16 weeks? Who the hell knows. It's a nice round number. Yay.

Trump has no interest in assessing when human like begins and could really care less. But Trump has no idea what he has unleashed with the Left after turning it over to the states. What he has unleashed are democrats passing Constitutional amendments all around the country that don't give time limits to abortion, making abortion more liberal than before Roe vs. Wade. In fact, since Roe vs. Wade has been overturned, there have been more abortions performed.

The Left has zero interest in negotiating with anyone about anything, especially the abortion issue which defines them and their morals.

Trump is a moron.
I kind of wonder how the left would feel about abortions being a right to women at less than 16 weeks but you don't have a right to one after sixteen weeks. Most of Europe, who the left absolutely love to emulate, actually has abortion bans after X number of weeks.
I kind of wonder how the left would feel about abortions being a right to women at less than 16 weeks but you don't have a right to one after sixteen weeks. Most of Europe, who the left absolutely love to emulate, actually has abortion bans after X number of weeks.
Mark my words, the DNC will make sure there are ZERO limitations on abortions, no matter how barbaric it may be.

They truly are evil.

Ironically, overturning Roe vs. Wade was a dream come true for them because they could never have convinced Americans to vote for no restrictions on abortion. Instead, they snuck vague language on abortion into state constitutions around the country that just leaves it up to the doctor and woman.

The icing on the cake is they can generate support now from people upset about the Dobbs decision.

As I said, there are now more abortions after Roe than before.
SCOTUS could have went with the 15 week MS Compromise instead of subjecting the country to all this BS.

Fuckin' assholes.
The issue is when a human life becomes a human life.

And yes, it is no different than SCOTUS dropping the ball calling blacks human beings and not glorified apes during the 1800's as well. But democrats exploited slaves for profit, much like they are doing with the unborn today.
Most people agree with a 16 week stop gap unless the mother or baby's health and life are at risk....
Mark my words, the DNC will make sure there are ZERO limitations on abortions, no matter how barbaric it may be.

They truly are evil.

Ironically, overturning Roe vs. Wade was a dream come true for them because they could never have convinced Americans to vote for no restrictions on abortion. Instead, they snuck vague language on abortion into state constitutions around the country that just leaves it up to the doctor and woman.

The icing on the cake is they can generate support now from people upset about the Dobbs decision.

As I said, there are now more abortions after Roe than before.
The between a woman and her doctor thing has always been a farce for two reasons:

1. If it truly is between a woman and her doctor, that actually means women don't have the right to choose by themselves because a doctor could theoretically veto the abortion so she doesn't have the right to choose without doctor approval.

2. A woman would make sure that she finds a doctor who would agree with her on having an abortion.
Most people agree with a 16 week stop gap unless the mother or baby's health and life are at risk....
Again, the Left has no interest in any restrictions on abortion.

They have far to much power to have to negotiate with anyone on anything.

Understand, there is no real opposition to them on this or any other issue.

They run the Federal government.

Trump is just a punching bag for them to gain support.
Does Trump not understand that EVERYONE, and I mean everyone, in the DNC hates him for overturning Roe vs. Wade. They literally want him dead. There is no fixing this. This is cult like TDS that would take a team of deprogrammers for years to try and fix, which is more than likely futile

But now he is poking the bear with conservatives by suggesting abortion is Ok prior to 16 weeks.

Trump is apparently not smart enough to see the flaw in his reasoning.

Roe vs. Wade going bye bye was perhaps his biggest achievement, but now he is just pissing on it..
Again, the Left has no interest in any restrictions on abortion.
They have far to much power to have to negotiate with anyone on anything.
Understand, there is no real opposition to them on this or any other issue.
They run the Federal government.
Trump is just a punching bag for them to gain support.
Most EU countries have a 16-week ban.

I consider myself pro-choice, the fewer democrat larvae that hatches the better.

But 16 weeks seems like a civilized limit.

Also true that the dems will demagogue the 16-week limit to scare women voters, so Trump was dumb to propose ANY limit.
Viability is the limit in most states where abortion is legal.

Pro-choicers are fine with that, which shows pro-lifers are all lying-for-TheParty when they claim pro-choicers demand abortion-up-until-birth.

The pro-choice side is moderate, reasonable and willing to compromise, the pro-life side is composed of wild-eyed fanatics.
Most EU countries have a 16-week ban.

I consider myself pro-choice, the fewer democrat larvae that hatches the better.

But 16 weeks seems like a civilized limit.

Also true that the dems will demagogue the 16-week limit to scare women voters, so Trump was dumb to propose ANY limit.
This issue will not make you vote Trump

That is my point.

The Left in the US is so insane, Europe is now conservative in comparison whom you are devoted to in voting for.
Viability is the limit in most states where abortion is legal.

Pro-choicers are fine with that, which shows pro-lifers are all lying-for-TheParty when they claim pro-choicers demand abortion-up-until-birth.

The pro-choice side is moderate, reasonable and willing to compromise, the pro-life side is composed of wild-eyed fanatics.
Ohio just passed a Constitutional amendment to the state that puts zero age restrictions on abortion.

They cleverly use the term viable, but then backtrack, saying it also depends on the welfare of the mother.

So, if the mother is depressed and suicidal at 24 weeks because she does not want a baby, the baby gets snipped out and thrown into the garbage can with zero government oversight.

Deny it all you want but the Left lies more than it breaths.
Ohio just passed a Constitutional amendment to the state that puts zero age restrictions on abortion.
Why tell such a stupid lie, given it will destroy your credibility?

Oh, that's right. Your credibility is already zeroed-out, so you have nothing to lose.

They cleverly use the term viable, but then backtrack, saying it also depends on the welfare of the mother.
Got it. Words don't mean what they actually mean, they mean what you imagine they mean.

How's that playing outside of your loser's cult?
This just goes to show the hypocrisy of the right. The argument against Roe v. Wade was that abortion was a state rights issue. But now we know that was all B.S.

The right wants to use the power of the state to impose its morality on others. Abortion is just the beginning. The Texas law that encourages spying on your neighbors was just a start. The right believes in intrusive and big government. Big Brother has nothing on what the right plans for this nation if they had their way.
Why tell such a stupid lie, given it will destroy your credibility?

Oh, that's right. Your credibility is already zeroed-out, so you have nothing to lose.

Got it. Words don't mean what they actually mean, they mean what you imagine they mean.

How's that playing outside of your loser's cult?
Why would you be opposed to putting an age limit on the unborn if you are adamant there is one?

That speaks volumes.

If there was an explicit 16 week ban or 20 week ban, the Left would lose their minds and go into rage as they frothed at the mouth.

Meanwhile, they swear up and down they would never harm a viable infant..
This just goes to show the hypocrisy of the right. The argument against Roe v. Wade was that abortion was a state rights issue. But now we know that was all B.S.

The right wants to use the power of the state to impose its morality on others. Abortion is just the beginning. The Texas law that encourages spying on your neighbors was just a start. The right believes in intrusive and big government. Big Brother has nothing on what the right plans for this nation if they had their way.
Which is another reason the Trump stance makes zero sense.

The dude will bring himself down over this.

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