Debate Now Transgenderism is Just A Figment Of The Imagination

Road Runner

Take Back America In 2024 Vote Trump!
Jun 16, 2021
I'm not very good with setting up rules as most of you probably already know by now as the only one I can think of is to stay on topic. Anyways, if you guys want proof that Transgenderism does not exist then go ahead and watch this video. For these people don't have an argument for when it comes to being Transgender and then when it comes to being Transracial.

If it's perfectly acceptable to be Transgender even though it goes against biology, then how isn't it perfectly acceptable to be Transracial when it goes against biology as well? I'll tell you why,.. because it allows cheaters on sport's teams and rapists in the restrooms when you identify as Transgender. Being Transracial doesn't have these benefits. I'm curious if anybody has any further arguments though.

Transgenderism is a recent word to make the actual word more palatable. "Gender Dysphoria".
Which is very real, but also exceedingly rare. Essentially a person is born completely feeling like they are the opposite gender of what they are. And carry all of the characteristics and mannerisms of the gender they feel like rather than biological gender.
Today... the vast-vast majority of people claiming to be "transgender" are simply effeminate gay men who dress and live like women because it is now socially acceptable for them to do so. Also the vast majority of them have no desire to chop off their dicks and have a surgical vagina placed. Because they like their dick and want to keep it.
The second largest population of "transgenders" are simply cross dressers. Heterosexual or bisexual men who are sexually aroused by wearing women's clothes.
And finally - ACTUAL - transgenders who have been fully replaced by the above and many don't support the "trans movement".
I'm not very good with setting up rules as most of you probably already know by now as the only one I can think of is to stay on topic. Anyways, if you guys want proof that Transgenderism does not exist then go ahead and watch this video. For these people don't have an argument for when it comes to being Transgender and then when it comes to being Transracial.

If it's perfectly acceptable to be Transgender even though it goes against biology, then how isn't it perfectly acceptable to be Transracial when it goes against biology as well? I'll tell you why,.. because it allows cheaters on sport's teams and rapists in the restrooms when you identify as Transgender. Being Transracial doesn't have these benefits. I'm curious if anybody has any further arguments though.

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Transgenderism is a recent word to make the actual word more palatable. "Gender Dysphoria".
Which is very real, but also exceedingly rare. Essentially a person is born completely feeling like they are the opposite gender of what they are. And carry all of the characteristics and mannerisms of the gender they feel like rather than biological gender.
Today... the vast-vast majority of people claiming to be "transgender" are simply effeminate gay men who dress and live like women because it is now socially acceptable for them to do so. Also the vast majority of them have no desire to chop off their dicks and have a surgical vagina placed. Because they like their dick and want to keep it.
The second largest population of "transgenders" are simply cross dressers. Heterosexual or bisexual men who are sexually aroused by wearing women's clothes.
And finally - ACTUAL - transgenders who have been fully replaced by the above and many don't support the "trans movement".
Do you have any sources, or anything?
"Transgenderism" is another new term that means whatever is necessary to the person using it in whatever context he finds himself.
"Transgenderism" is another new term that means whatever is necessary to the person using it in whatever context he finds himself.
Pretty much.
I liked how Michael Knowles put it - 'I identify as correct on this argument, and I would appreciate your respect by agreeing with what I say"
This is the absolute center of how the left argue. Basically, "I am right, now you need to say I am, if not, you are an immoral domestic terrorist"
Yeah... I don't buy the pseudo-science that tries to convince me that sex is not biological or physical.
That is no less foolish than trying to convince someone that plants don't really survive off of photosynthesis.
There are no sources referenced in your diatribe.

Are you asserting that you are consistent with Siunz?

TransPlanetary = A person born on earth but believes they were born on Saturn or Mars,
TransSpecies = A person born human but believes they're an earwig.
TransRacial = A person born Kenyan but believes he's an Apache.
TransHuman = A person who was born human but thinks she's a Honda Accord.
TransGender = Just another psychopath like the ones mentioned above.

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