Toronto police report multiple dog attacks, woman hospitalized


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
Anyone who is in the know, and I don't want a "I will just pull out my .38 I have with me and take them down" response.

Assume you are alone, maybe groceries in your hands. Unarmed. You are attacked in an open street by two terriers or pitbulls. How would you defend yourself?

For me, first thought is to take my jacket or shirt off and wrap it around my arm for defense. Then I use anything I can find and go hard for the eyes. Yell loudly, ferociously in the most menacing and deep voice you can.

Eliminate one at a time as best you can. Kick if you have the balance and strength, do NOT fall though. That's all I have at the moment.

A woman was hospitalized after being attacked by two dogs in Rexdale this week, Toronto police say, and now investigators are trying to track down the dogs involved, as well as their owner.

In a news release issued Friday, police said officers were first called about a dog attack in the Martin Grove Road and John Garland Boulevard area at 8:39 p.m. on Wednesday.

A woman was waiting at a bus stop at that time, investigators say, when two dogs that weren't on leashes approached her and attacked.
With tongue only partly in cheek, the operative legal principle in most of the U.S. is that a dog gets "one free bite," before it's owner is liable for damages for a dog attack. Putting it another way, the Owner of the dog must be aware of the violent tendencies of the dog, usually because it attacked someone else BEFORE. If not...if it's the dog's first bite...the Owner is not usually held liable.

There are other ways that the Owner could be presumed to be aware of the dog's dangerous tendencies but that would be getting more into weeds than I want to.

Who is the Owner? Does the Owner have personal liability insurance, or possibly homeowner's insurance that might cover this sort of liability? One might suppose that only a dirtbag would have two dangerous dogs off leash, but that is pure speculation.

Is a concerted attack by two dogs "multiple dog attacks"? I think not. This is not a Thing; it is merely one more example of the phenomenon that, "Shit happens."
I have travelled to Canada for hiking and camping purposes, but know nothing about their laws regarding dogs. Do they have leash laws as does the United States?
If so, then they need to hold the owners criminally accountable.
As for protection against dog attacks, carry pepper spray. Many women carry pepper spray in their purses. No reason a male couldn't have a small pepper spray for dog defense. Personally, I am always armed when out in public, so my defense is more than adequate.
I have travelled to Canada for hiking and camping purposes, but know nothing about their laws regarding dogs. Do they have leash laws as does the United States?
If so, then they need to hold the owners criminally accountable.
As for protection against dog attacks, carry pepper spray. Many women carry pepper spray in their purses. No reason a male couldn't have a small pepper spray for dog defense. Personally, I am always armed when out in public, so my defense is more than adequate.
Yes, we have strict leash laws. Those laws won't protect someone if you are attacked by two and your life is at risk.

I am giving the owner the benefit of the doubt and presume that somehow they got away from him.

We cannot carry pepper spray or even a butter knife here. We are a police state which means only police are licensed to defend themselves (or murder you) in public. The police would tell her "you should have called us to save you while they attacked!".
Yes, we have strict leash laws. Those laws won't protect someone if you are attacked by two and your life is at risk.

I am giving the owner the benefit of the doubt and presume that somehow they got away from him.

We cannot carry pepper spray or even a butter knife here. We are a police state which means only police are licensed to defend themselves (or murder you) in public. The police would tell her "you should have called us to save you while they attacked!".
Get rid of the WEF Globalist leaders and elect politicians that believe some common sense laws of self defense should be allowed (i.e., pepper spray).
Get rid of the WEF Globalist leaders and elect politicians that believe some common sense laws of self defense should be allowed (i.e., pepper spray).
These are Ontario laws. I told you, the police state is coast to coast like butter and toast. Every leader, every jurisdiction and Party, every police agency. They all want you disarmed, vulnerable and submissive. When the creepy ones call, many are willing to help them out, no questions asked (other than, "what plush job will you set me up with"?).

Your police help ours. In time, they will operate in the precise same manner. Our East Germany to your West Germany won't exist anymore. Two, East German-like states.

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