Toronto cop charged after young black man allegedly beaten, blinded in 1 eye


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
Another disgusting Canadian police officer, all he needed was "better training"...

Takes a pipe to a kids face, the guy has to have his eye removed now, and the cop still went back to work! Insanity.

As is stated about Canadian police; especially those plain clothed, "they like them young, and they like them poor" "First to join the police, last to join the military"

Toronto cop charged after young black man allegedly beaten, blinded in 1 eye

A 19-year-old man allegedly beaten by an off-duty Toronto police officer is traumatized and awaiting surgery to remove his eye, according to his mother in a joint CBC Toronto/Toronto Star exclusive.

Dafonte Miller was blinded in one eye and suffered multiple broken bones after he was allegedly hit repeatedly with a steel pipe just before 3 a.m. on December 28, 2016.

According to his lawyer, Miller and two friends were walking down Erickson Drive in Whitby, headed to the home of another friend, when two men tried to confront them and began chasing them with a pipe. Miller's friends managed to escape the assailants but he was not so fortunate.

His family says Miller's left eye was so damaged that it will have to be surgically removed. He also suffered a broken nose, jaw and wrist.

Ontario's Special Investigations Unit said in a news release on Tuesday that Const. Michael Theriault has been charged with aggravated assault, assault with a weapon and public mischief.

According to the SIU, Theriault was arrested by the SIU on Tuesday, subsequently released and is required to appear before the Ontario Court of Justice in Oshawa on Aug. 10.

Miller's mother, Leisa Lewis, feels the severity of his injuries warrants an even more serious charge.

"To me, it's like attempted murder," Lewis said, fighting back tears.

One horrific thought keeps running through her mind.

"Two, three more blows, my son could have been dead," she explained. "I can't get that thought out of my head."
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An update on the case against this animal who takes a pipe to a teenagers face. This is why there are many in Canada who want police unions done away with, this sob not only was still working after the brutal assault, but when his pals in the police came, they actually arrested the teen. The guy was beaten with a pipe to the point of losing his eye and he is arrested?

Notice in the story, the cop plays Gestapo and demands to know where the kids live and other questions, even as the cop is off duty. Welcome to Canada, the neo-communist state.

The Toronto Police Service, and many other police forces in Canada have become serious National Security threats. Far too many bad apples violating our laws and stealing from the taxpayer on so many levels. These stories should remind America why you DON'T want to be like Canada.

In its press release, the SIU said it was informed of the Dec. 28 incident by the alleged victim’s lawyer four months after it took place. Falconer said the fact that it was his office who had to contact the SIU — as opposed to Durham or Toronto police — raises questions about police accountability.

Under Ontario’s Police Services Act, which regulates law enforcement in the province, a chief of police must “notify the SIU immediately of an incident involving one or more of his or her police officers that may reasonably be considered to fall within the investigative mandate of the SIU.”

The SIU says it “will not normally investigate off-duty police officers acting in the course of their private lives,” but an investigation will be conducted if an off-duty officer identifies themselves as a member of the police during the incident, or if police equipment or property is involved.

Alleged victim’s family speaks out after Toronto cop charged with assault | Toronto Star

Falconer said Theriault identified himself as a police officer and asked the young men where they lived and what they were doing in the neighbourhood. When Miller and his friends continued walking, Theriault chased them, Falconer said. Miller’s friends ran away, but Miller was punched, kicked, and struck in the face repeatedly with a metal pipe, according to Falconer.

Falconer said that Miller called 911 during the alleged beating, but that when the operator answered, Theriault took the phone and said he was a police officer who had made an arrest.

Theriault later told Durham police that Miller had been beating him with a metal pipe, Falconer said.

When Durham police arrived at the scene, according to the SIU press release, they arrested a 19-year-old, who was later taken to hospital and “diagnosed with serious injuries.”

Falconer said Miller suffered a broken nose, broken orbital bone, fractured right wrist and an eye so badly damaged that it will have to be removed.

Photos taken by Miller’s family, and provided to the Star by Falconer, show Miller in a hospital bed, his left eye swollen after surgery.

Miller was charged on Dec. 28 with possession of a weapon, two counts of assault with a weapon, theft under $5,000 and possession of marijuana, court officials in Durham told the Star.

The charges indicate that the weapon in question was a “pole,” court officials said.

Court records show that all charges against Miller were dropped in May, without a trial, at the request of the Crown attorney.

“Dafonte wasn’t doing anything wrong,” said Falconer. “There was no basis for this individual to be in any way confronted by the off-duty officer.”

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